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Wrong place to go camping

One day, around Halloween, to spice up a little bit this day and
celebrate it, Mattew decided to go camping in the forest next to his
house with his dog, Milo.
He started to pack what he would need the most: food, water,
flashlight, a tent and a lighter. He got everything and they went to the
wood during the day. When he was searching for a place to put the
tent, he noticed that there are many places where the grass is burnt in a
circle form. To him this was weird, but it doesn’t made him to leave.
After a while, he found a perfect place for the tent and the next
step was to pick up some sticks and blocks of wood for the camping
fire for the night. After him and Milo got back with a lot of wood,
something seemed off to Mattew, but the night came and it was too
late to leave.
He made the camping fire and stayed next to it to warm up with
milo. It was a very nice moment when he played with Milo, when he
burnt the marshmallows and the dog tried to eat them. It started to get
late so Mattew wanted to put out the fire. A tiny noise made Milo to
bark and run to where the noise came from. Mattew drop the flashlight
and then pick it up very fast and run after Milo. The forest, in the night
time, was very scary and strange, but he kept run after his dog.
Suddenly, he saw that Milo entered in a cabin. Mattew was
freaking out in that point and didn’t know if he would also entered in
that weird cabin. He doesn’t have another choice. Slow, he entered
and said “hello? Is someone here?”. Nobody answered. It was silent
and dark. Even the dog stop barking. Mattew called Milo and he
finally bark, but just one time. He saw Milo sitting in the middle of the
house looking at the wall. The man points the flashlight on the wall.
He started to shaking. On the wall was written “if you read this at
night. You are in danger. If you heard someone said your name 3
times RUN”.
The door closed by itself and in the same time Mattew vague
heard his name. His heart beat increased. The dog was standing like a
statue. He heard again his name, this time more loudly. “that was the
2nd”. He started to walk towards the door involuntary. He couldn’t
stop. His body was numb to him but it moved uncontrollably. He
doesn’t know what was going on and wished that all will have a finish
soon and he will still be alive. “mattew why are you not answering?”
he heard for the 3rd time. At that point he wished that all was only just
a bad dream, but even he knew that wasn’t.
The door open unacceptable. His body was released. When he
looked in front of him he saw some girls, but they were not like other
girls. He started to look more and then he started shaking again. They
were ielele. They were waiting for him to showed up. In that second,
he started running for his life, but that was meaningless. He just
scream “help”.
Nobody knew what happened to him after that.

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