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Group 7

Dhananjay, Shay, Yash, Raj, Saishwar, Fahad, Urvi

Colin, 21, is a business student who is all business. Every day he reads The Wall Street Journal and
the business pages of The New York Times. He is dedicated to his books and invests most of his
energy in trying to construct a solid academic record so that he will get his career off on the right
foot. He represents the first generation in his family to attend college, and he is determined to do
college right. But sometimes he wonders why he bothers; he thinks of himself as one of those people
who “just can’t take tests.” He begins to shake two days before a big test. His thoughts become
jumbled when the papers are distributed. By the time the papers are on his desk, his hand is shaking
so badly that he can hardly write his name. His grades suffer.

1. Describe the main character (all the information mentioned in the passage and what you can
assume – write your answer in points)

2. What is the conflict/problems the character is facing? (Describe in detail)

3. What are the possible solutions?

4. What is the best solution for this situation and why?

5. How will the character implement the best solution? (Mention the steps/procedure to move

About Colin:

• He is a business student who avidly follows business everyday.

• He is very studious and wants to be a straight A student to get a good career.
• He is not confidant and suffers anxiety attacks about the on coming college examination.
• He is the first in his family to attend college and sometimes doubts his abilities in college
based on this fact.

His conflicts:

He faces anxiety attacks while answering his paper and ends up ruining his grades.

- This could be due to his family background of never attending college and is afraid of
not being suited for college.

Possible Solutions:
- He engages in a hobby he likes and builds his self confidence and assure himself that
he won’t end up like his family.
- He studies harder, has faith in himself and practices breathing exercises to prevent or
slow down oncoming anxiety attacks.
- He can discuss this with his parents who could help him combat his anciety and
ensure him his hardwork will pay off.
- He can take counciling to help him see his abilities and stop wanting to give up and
stop with his negative thoughts that he can’t take tests.
Group 7
Dhananjay, Shay, Yash, Raj, Saishwar, Fahad, Urvi

Best Possible Solution:

He can take counciling to clear his mind and instill self confidence while also telling his parents about
his low self esteem so that they can help him believe in himself and overcome his self doubts and get
rid of the feeling of not being able to answer tests.

How will he implement this solution:

Step 1: Research and seek recommendations for counselors or therapists specializing in test anxiety
and academic performance.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment with a chosen professional to discuss his challenges and seek

Step 3: During counseling sessions, Colin can openly share his experiences and emotions related to
test anxiety.

Step 4: Work with the counselor to develop coping strategies, such as relaxation techniques, positive
visualization, and time management skills.

Step 5: Engage in regular counseling sessions and actively implement the coping mechanisms in his
daily life, especially leading up to exams.

Step 6: Continue reading The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times business pages for
personal interest and overall knowledge enhancement but allocate appropriate time for relaxation
and stress-reducing activities.

Step 7: Join or form study groups to foster a supportive learning environment and gain confidence
through collaborative learning.

Step 8: Monitor his progress and make adjustments as needed with the counselor's guidance

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