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Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

Criteria CLO PLO Score

2 4 6 8 10
1. Completion CLO PLO2 Student Student Student submit Student Student
(10 marks) 1 failed to failed to within the submitted submitted
submit submit deadline. Word within the within the
within the within the count within the deadline. deadline. The
deadline. deadline. required Word count content have
Word Word count numbers. The within the different
count not within contents are lack required variety and
enough. required of varieties. numbers. having large
numbers. word counts.
Authenticity & CLO PLO2 Copying Writing Average sound Good sound Very good on
Observation 1 online unrelated observation but observation in sound
(10 marks) content / content on in a generic way film and observation
copying sound / on the analysis having own and giving a
other storytelling. opinion. great analysis
student's with own
project. opinion.
Total Score (20)

ASSIGNMENT 1: Essay (20%) Rubric

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