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M: Hi girls! What are your plans for the weekend?

Y: I'm going to have some friends over and you Andrea?

ANDREA: That sounds fun, Yahaira! I'm having a barbecue at Marina's house on Saturday.

M: I'm not going to go shopping. I think I'll just relax at home.

A: That's a great plan, Mayito! I love the theater. What's the play?

Y: Any arrangements for next week?

M: I don't have any specific arrangements. Just planning to relax and maybe read a book or
watch some TV. ¿About you Andrea?

Andrea: Nice! I'm thinking of going for a hike in the morning and then maybe doing some
gardening in the afternoon.

M: Do you have any movie or TV show recommendations for a special night in?

A: For a special night in, you might consider watching "Amélie." It's a beautiful story. You'll love

Yahaira: I'm looking forward to it.

M: Good bye girls

A: See you.

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