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Brown, C. (1999) Classical and Romantic Performing Practice 1750-1900.

Oxford: OUP.

Burton, A., ed. (2002) A Performer’s Guide to Music of the Baroque Period.

London: ABRSM.

Burton, A., ed. (2002) A Performer’s Guide to Music of the Classical Period.

London: ABRSM.

Burton, A., ed. (2002) A Performer’s Guide to Music of the Romantic Period.

London: ABRSM.

Cyr, M. (2016) Performing Baroque Music. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cyr, M. (2012) Style and Performance for Bowed String Instruments in French

Baroque Music. Farnham: Ashgate.

Damschroder, D. and Williams, D. R. (1990) Music Theory From Zarlino to

Schenker: a bibliography and guide. Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press.

Donington, R. (1973) A Performer’s Guide to Baroque Music. London: Faber.

Donington, R. (1977) String-playing in Baroque Music. London: Faber.

Donington, R. (1982) Baroque Music, Style and Performance: A Handbook.

London: Faber.
Donington, R. (1989) The Interpretation of Early Music, New Edition. London:


Guido, M. (2017) Studies in Historical Improvisation From Cantare super Librum

to Partimenti. Abingdon: Routledge.

Haynes, B. (2002) A History of Performing Pitch. Lanham: Scarecrow.

Haynes, B. (2007) The End of Early Music: A Period Performer’s History of Music

for the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: OUP

Holman, P. (2020) Before the Baton: Musical Direction in Stuart and Georgian

Britain. Boydell & Brewer: Woodbridge.

Kreitner, K., ed. (2011) Renaissance Music, The Library of Essays on Music

Performance Practice. Farnham: Ashgate.

Kuijken, B. (2013) The Notation Is Not The Music: Reflections on Early Music

Practice and Performance. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.

Lawson, C., and Stowell, R. (1999) The Historical Performance of Music.

Cambridge: CUP.

Lawson, C., ed. (2003) The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra. Cambridge:

Lawson, C. and Stowell, R. (2012) The Cambridge History of Musical

Performance. Cambridge: CUP.

Le Huray, P. (1990) Authenticity in Performance: Eighteenth-Century Case

Studies. Cambridge: CUP.

Maunder, R. (2004) The Scoring of Baroque Concertos. Woodbridge: Boydell.

Milsom, D., ed. (2011) Classical and Romantic Music: The Library of Essays on

Music Performance Practice. Farnham: Ashgate.

Neumann, F. (1993) Performance Practices of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth

Centuries. New York: Schirmer.

Peres Da Costa, N. (2012) Off The Record: Performing Practices in Romantic

Piano Playing. New York: OUP.

Philip. R. (2004) Performing Music in the Age of Recording. New Haven/London:

Yale University Press.

Potter, J. (2006) ‘Beggar at the Door’: The Rise and Fall of Portamento In

Singing. Music and Letters, 87(4), pp. 523-550.

Reichwald, S. (2009) Mendelssohn in Performance. Bloomington: University of

Indiana Press.
Sadie, S., and Brown, H. M. eds. (1989) Performance Practice after 1600, The

New Grove Handbooks in Music. London: Macmillan.

Spitzer, J., and Zaslaw, N. (2004) The Birth of the Orchestra: History of an

Institution, 1650-1815. Oxford: OUP.

Toft, R. (2013) Bel Canto: A Performer’s Guide. Oxford: OUP.

Walls, P. (2002) Historical Performance and the Modern Performer. In: J. Rink

ed. Musical Performance: A Guide to Understanding. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 17-


Walls, P., ed. (2011) Baroque Music: The Library of Essays on Music Performance

Practice. Farnham: Ashgate.

On specific instruments/voices

Coelo, V. A., ed. (2003) The Cambridge Companion to the Guitar. Cambridge:


Bowen, J., ed. (2003) The Cambridge Companion to Conducting. Cambridge:


Brun, P. (2000) A New History of the Double Bass. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Paul Brun.
Elliott, M. (2006) Singing in Style: A Guide to Vocal Performance Practices.

London: Yale University Press.

Haynes, B. (2001) The Eloquent Oboe: A History of the Hautboy from 1640-

1760. Oxford: OUP.

Herbert, T., ed. (1997) The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments.

Cambridge: CUP.

Ingham, R., ed. (1999) The Cambridge Companion to the Saxophone.

Cambridge: CUP.

Lawson, C., ed. (1995) The Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet. Cambridge:


Milsom, D. (2003) Theory and Practice in Late Nineteenth-Century Violin

Performance. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Parrott, A. (2000) The Essential Bach Choir. Woodbridge: Boydell.

Potter, J., ed. (2000) The Cambridge Companion to Singing. Cambridge: CUP.

Ritchie, S. (2012) Before the Chinrest: A Violinist’s Guide to the Mysteries of

PreChinrest Technique and Style. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Rowland, D., ed. (1998) The Cambridge Companion to the Piano. Cambridge:


Stowell, R. (1990) Violin Technique and Performance Practice in the Late

Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Cambridge: CUP.

Stowell, R., ed. (1992) The Cambridge Companion to the Violin. Cambridge:


Stowell, R., ed. (1999) The Cambridge Companion to the Cello. Cambridge:


Stowell, R., ed. (2002) The Cambridge Companion to the String Quartet.

Cambridge: CUP.

Thistlethwaite, N. and Webber, G., eds. (1998) The Cambridge Companion to

the Organ. Cambridge: CUP.

Thomson, J. and Rowland-Jones, A., eds. (1995) The Cambridge Companion to

the Recorder. Cambridge: CUP.

Woolley, A. and Kitchen, J., eds. (2013) Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music:

Sources, Contexts and Performance. Farnham: Ashgate.

Wright, L. A. and McCarrey, S., eds. (2014) Perspectives on the Performance of

French Piano Music.

On specific composers:

Musgrave, M., ed. (2002) Performing Brahms. Cambridge: CUP.

Sala, L., Macdonald, L. and Stewart, R. (2018) Muzio Clementi and British

Musical Culture: Sources, Performance Practice and Style. Abingdon: Taylor &


Stowell, R., ed. (1994) Performing Beethoven. Cambridge: CUP.

Zaslaw, N. (1989) Mozart’s Symphonies: Context, Performance Practice,

Reception. Oxford: Clarendon.

Treatises /Contemporary Sources

A useful database listing many Treatises can be found here:

In addition, useful information can be found in the following standard music

encyclopaedias (including bibliographies at the end of relevant articles):

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians: Second Edition (2001) (also

available online – see below)

The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (1983)

The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992)

The New Harvard Dictionary of Music (1986)

The New Oxford Companion to Music (1983)

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