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“It takes a community to raise a Child”, a saying that indeed is

true. Child’s life doesn’t revolved only to the four corners of

their homes but explore the entire community to learn, to gain
experience, to discover their talents, and to build relationships
to people who they can play with and they can consider as
friend, maybe best friend. Since we children are the most
vulnerable resource of the world, our community must provide
for our needs, must secure our health and safety, give
assistance for our education and everything that we need to
grow. We are now living in these modernize world, where
children became addicted to modern technologies, where
electronic gadgets and online platforms are a must. As a 17
years old student, I agree that technology made our lives more
convenient, easier, and faster. But despite the convenience it
has given to us, the modernization continuous to impact in
today’s society particularly to child’s life.

Not so long ago, I would wait for my best friend until late
afternoon for our parents to allows us to go outside and play.
Couple of hours before sunset, my best friend and I would run
around the neighborhood calling our friends. I remembered
playing “habol-habulan”, Chinese Garter, “patentero”, “piko”,
“agawan base”, “tumbang priso”, and so much more. It was so
fun to be sweaty and dirty and at the same time happy. But
now I’ll ask you, what do kids do? Children nowadays lock their
selves playing in their electronic gadgets and phones. Probably
their only break is when they go to the bathroom and when
they eat their meals. I had experience this myself, but thank
God I have a nagging mom and persistent dad who both insist
that we should have our meals together as a family. Despite
those life challenges, despite their busy schedule they never fail
to nurture and watch over us to make sure that we’re on tract
with our studies, who’s always there to protect us, to care for
us, to make sure that we’re eating nutritious food properly on
time, and to make sure that we’re having enough sleep. I wish
that all moms and dads were caring and loving like mine so that
no child in this world is unhealthy, unsafe, living in fear, lonely,
and out of school. But unfortunately, everyone is different and
not all are lucky to have wonderful parents that is why in
today’s generation, many of the youth and children today are
violated, suffering from pain, and even became addicts.

There are so many issues about these which are alarming.

Unlike before, girls are trying too hard to cover their skin as
instructed by the adults for them to be safe from any harm. But
now, I am very sad and I know you know the reason why. Now,
children prefer to play to their phones, don’t want to go
outside to break some sweat and to exercise and don’t eat
properly. The very reason why many are unwell and unhealthy
physically, emotionally and mentally. So before its too late,
adults must make a move. Please don’t turn your back to these
alarming issues. Please give the youth and children some
attention. Please give us your guidance so that we stay on tract.
Dr. Jose Rizal said that we are the future of this nation. But how
can we became the future of this nation if we are unwell,
unhealthy and unsafe? Please bare in mind that we needed you
for us to grow.

For the future of this nation, for the sake of the children, make
your move before it’s too late. Make sure to give your attention
to your kids so that every child is healthy physically and
mentally and safe. Nurture us with love and care because
according to John F. Kennedy, “children are the world’s most
valuable resource and its best hope for the future”.

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