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“What Kind of Member of Globalized Society I Am?

As someone who had limited access to technology when I was a child, I could
say the only technology I grew up with is the television. My family didn’t allow me
and my siblings to be engaged in any social media platforms when we were children.
The television is the only company I have every morning and late in the evening. We
all love watching television. It is the only thing that connects us to a different world.
When I was a child, television was my source of entertainment and education at the
same time.

One of the things I have observed in our society today is that technology has
become our main source of everything. Making money, entertainment, educational-
related, and sharing insights have become one of them. Even children have their
own devices and most of the parents leave their child to be entertained by some
child friendly videos while they’re doing their own thing. One of the positive effects of
technology is the easy access to information. However, not all the information found
online is reliable. Misinformation is rampant these years and we must be careful.
When it comes to entertainment, we also rely on our phones. Most people are active
on their social media accounts because they are afraid to miss out on things. It is
good to be entertained but too much is unhealthy. Most teenagers these days can’t
take their eyes off their phones wherever they go. There would become a point
where people would do certain things despite the awareness that it is wrong, but
because everyone’s doing it, they don’t care.

I believe that respect is the greatest value I hold onto. Respect for others,
regardless of gender, age, or background, the beliefs they have and the culture they
believe in, is essential to practice as a member of a globalized society. Also, one
thing I practice is having courage. We must have the courage to face challenges, as
we stand up for our beliefs, and to be brave in difficult situations. Lastly, I practice
being kind to everyone. We will never know what other people have gone through
their whole life and we don’t have the right to project our internal issues onto them
and vice versa.

As a Filipino, my Lola made us practice to “mano” to elders every single day.

It is a Filipino culture that shows respect to elders. In our household, we barely eat
food that is unfamiliar to us. We always choose Filipino cuisine. My mom also
believes to superstitions, she wants us to avoid sweeping the floor at night. Also, our
family and relatives live in the same subdivision. Maybe because we couldn’t afford
to live far away from our grandmother.
I am also a Christian. We believe in Jesus Christ, and we go to church every
Sunday. We reserve that day for the Lord and for the family. We do devotions weekly,
we pray, and we don’t lose faith. We are not different from other religion. We believe
in one God, we evangelize, and we pray for other people.

We cannot deny the fact that we need technology. It has improved the quality
of life for people everywhere. The information we need for education and learning
has become more accessible. We can communicate with others worldwide and it has
broken down certain barriers. But as a man who holds strongly to his values, I have
given myself a limit to everything I do online. I make sure the information I am
accessing is reliable and true before spreading it. I think before I click. I practice
respect even talking to people online. I make sure, as I use different social media
platforms, I remember Jesus and how He loves everyone, that I should, too.

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