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1. Social Connection is one of the benefits that senior citizens get from learning new technology.

media keeps seniors in touch with long-distance loved ones. Just like Lola Techie said that the availability
of "Skype" breaks the barrier of distance in talking face-to-face with her children and grandchildren
while Facebook and other social networking services like Twitter, Plurk, and Multiply keep her
connected with the digital world.
Furthermore, teaching the elderly how to operate gadgets brings them simple joys as they are delighted
to tinker with the equipment they had not seen or used during their time.

2. Through the elders who are techie savvy, the new generation will learn that no matter what your age
and no matter what generation you are from, it is not too late to learn new things. Learning has no limits
and no boundaries. Never stop the flow of education and knowledge, no matter how young or old you

3. Modern communication gadgets have been a big help to bridge the generation gaps within the family.
Because of modern communication gadgets, no one in the family will be left behind even the senior
citizen. It serves to connect people with a shared purpose, no matter what their age.


1. Yes, "This Is Me" is a song that promotes social inclusion. It is a message for the
ages. It’s a message for all of us. It’s a message for the world. Just because people
are different, it doesn’t mean they need to be abused, marginalized, or crushed
under our heels. They are who they are and we need to accept them for that.
Everyone should be treated equally and with dignity, regardless of their
circumstances, which means that no one should be tortured or treated
inhumanely or degradingly. This song truly embodies the cries of the marginalized, disenfranchised,
bullied, and outcast.

2. Based on what I have seen in the picture and what I have watched, the members of society that are
represented in the videos and the cast of the “Greatest Showman” are people with disabilities and
unusual physical appearance, as well as those people who are different from others.

3. Other people posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram about body shaming or other awful words,
but some of them posted about fostering and promoting social inclusion in a pluralistic society such as
embodying the appreciation and admiration towards each other, cheering up everyone, and make them
part of the society by treating them equally no matter who they are or how unique they are.


The song “This Is Me” is one of a song from the movie the "Greatest Showman" that was
released in the year of 2017. It was a musical/drama movie and this encourages everyone to be
what they are, stand up for themselves, be proud of who they are, and accept themselves
with all their deformities and insecurities.

This song is connected to us, people. As an individual and member of society, I know
to myself that I am flawed, unique, and cannot do what other people can do. People around me
usually noticed my height. I know that my height doesn’t suit my
age and can’t be as tall as the people who are around my age. Many people took advantage to attack me
by my height as I don’t have the courage to fight
back or face them. This made my confidence within myself decrease, as well as made me overthink what
are the expectations of other people around me when they see me.

However, through the use of media and information, I’ve found my way out of that
situation. I started building my self-confidence, surrounding myself with positive people, knowing my
worth, as well as loving myself. Before, people would usually attack me with my height and get
offended, but now, I have learned to love myself and I know that I am more
than enough. I am braver than before and I can conquer my fear by facing them without
hurting or degrading someone. Also, media and information change how I see other people. Before, I
see other people with their differences and focus on their outside appearances, but
now, I see them as equal in my eyes, I see them as people who have their strengths and weaknesses,
and I see other people who are unique and a child of God that deserve to be
respected. People should create an environment where people feel like they belong. It’s not only about
trying to change the mindset of others who might be confused or stuck in a time that is no
longer our current climate, it is also about amplifying the voices of those who have been hesitant

to use it.

Furthermore, the world may deride you, but you should never deride yourself or see
yourself as anything other than blessed to be who you are, doing what you do. Be a person that
you know you can be and don’t settle for less. We may be living in a judgmental society, but
always remember that you are good enough. You do deserve to feel love. You deserve to cry
tears of joy, not tears of sadness, and stop listening to the voices that tell you differently.

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