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In this generation, many people obsessed in social media. Many people easy to influence by this
including their physical appearance and body image. In social media you can be free to do what anything
you want. The people who's being insecure of their physical appearance try to escape from feeling
lonely/unhappy by plagiarizing others profile picture or impersonate them. In this generation they will
love you if you're a good looking, a lot of people will judge you on how you look today. If you're not
good looking you probably not have a lot of friends or people to talk to. In this essay we tackled how the
social media effects everyone.

Social media became TOXIC it is because of the people on every social media who posts un-
respectful manner and had it invades your privacy like never before. As a student I experience by being
bullied and discriminate so I learned my lesson to protect always my privacy. Based on my researched
the average teenager spends a minimum of 2hours and 20minutes on social media everyday. The
oversharing happening on social media makes children a target for predators and hackers. It also leads
to cyberbullying which can affect people lives and mental health. I understand why people chose their
peace and privacy over being famous or what, it is because the toxicity of people there (not all), i can be
say the first to say that social media is how most teenagers run their life, but you think it is a right way?
It's literally a no for me. Instead of addicting in social media you can go, hangout with your friends do
whatever you want without using social media.

Instead of seeing people's lives, instead going through their dramas, go to your family and
friends spend more time with them and avoid the toxicity of social media. Avoiding social media can be
very difficult but it can help you/us to protect our peace. It's a very challenging to avoid it but if you
choose to avoid it, you realize that you don't have to waste your time. As is teenager, I encourage all of
you to spend less time on social media, instead spend more time with your family and friends, always
protect your PEACE so that your life will be better.

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