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Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying represents the action of harassing someone with the use of
digital technologies (for example: a mobile phone or a computer).
It can come in many forms, from anyone and anytime. The most common
examples are sending threats, hacking into someone’s account, spreading false
information online, posting inappropriate pictures of someone else.
As the using of technology increases among little kids and teenagers, so
does cyber bullying, becoming a serious issue with many harmful effects for the
ones affected by it.
The target of this essay is to analyze both the harmful and the good effects
of bullying, trying to view it from the bullied and the bully’s perspective as well
so we could form an opinion that includes everyone’s viewpoint, understanding
the reasons, the causes and the repercussions of cyber bullying and how we
could learn to prevent it.
First, I would like to accentuate the emotional effects cyber bullying could
have over someone. Please be kind and try to think before you say anything that
could be considered harmful, even on the internet.
One of its biggest impacts is the level it can affect someone’s mental
health; cyber bullying could lead to serious mental health issues such as anxiety,
depression ( eventually coming along with a self-harm addiction), eating
disorders, low self-esteem, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts, all of them
having the chance of ruining a person both academically and their private life as
well. So please do your best of behaving nice with everyone and reflect over the
influence of your words.
Although being bullied could also help you grow as a person, making your
character stronger and having certain personality changes, the chances are low,
and probably having damaging mental effects does not make it worth it.
However, the bully may have their reasons besides what they show: it could
be past trauma or the lack of parental figures in their life or they just bully out
of boredom.
Whatever the reasons, we must look forward to understanding them.
Whether we can detect the motive and purpose of their actions, or we cannot,
we have to treat the whole situation with maturity, being forgiving and careless
towards them, without letting their unpleasant acts to control us.
If you are experiencing cyber bullying do not be afraid to seek help. I am
convinced you will realize there are many people around you ( family members,
friends, teachers) disposed to give you a helping hand.
Let’s not exclude the possibility of the one being bullied doing something
to deserve it. Instead of throwing harsh words you should guide them into
growing into a better human being, showing responsibility.
Here are my recommendations to avoid cyber bullying, being safe on the
1. Make a private account: you will be able to manage who can follow you
if they send you a follow request;
2. Keep your life private: you don’t have to post everything on social media;
3. Do not accept suspect friend requests ( especially on Snapchat), you
might get groomed;
4. As much as you can, try following only people you know in real life;
5. Do not give personal informations such as your address,phone number
and age to strangers;
6. Be careful about internet friends: some might be actual teenagers or 40
year old Indian men;
7. Seek posting about essential issues, bringing awareness, rather than about
your personal life.
8. Don’t look for motives to argue with anyone, it is just useless;
9. Do not share your location with anyone, especially with unknown people;
10.Do not post improper pictures of yourself.
Internet has its dark parts, therefore we have to be cautious with the
details we are showing about our individual life. Social media should be used
prudently, particularly by minors.
It would be wonderful if we could use it to learn, in order to evolve,
than just spending a third of our day scrolling randomly, eventually bullying
and arguing.
Instead of spreading hate, let’s be more kind, understanding, forgiving
and respectful with each other, even towards the ones that have wronged
us. We must stop being mean for no reason, and if there is one, I think
educating the person in a polite way will do much more than harassing
them, leading to much major consequences. Talking politely could solve
more than you are made to believe.

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