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The Art of Gathering: A Transformative Guide for Organizational Leadership

Unit 2 Book Project

Arizona State University - OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II Fall B

Amber Carroll

October 29, 2023



Great leaders are not only managers but architects of purposeful experiences. Priya

Parker's "The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters" reveals the power of

intentional gatherings and redefines the role of leaders as hosts. As a student of Organizational

Leadership, I've explored numerous theories and practices, but Parker's work stands out as a

beacon of transformation. In this comprehensive review, we will embark on a journey through

the profound lessons of this book, exploring its core themes, practical applications, and the

seismic shift it has triggered in my perception of organizational leadership. We will learn how

the art of gathering can be a catalyst for redefining the essence of leadership in a rapidly

evolving world.

Review & Description

"The Art of Gathering" is a masterpiece that explores the often overlooked but immensely

important domain of convening. Priya Parker skillfully navigates through the intricacies of

gathering and highlights the critical role that a host plays in shaping the dynamics and outcomes

of any gathering. The book is a treasure trove of insights and practical advice on how to craft

meaningful and impactful experiences for diverse groups of people. It challenges conventional

gathering norms and encourages readers to think critically about the purpose and design of

gatherings. Overall, I really appreciated and enjoyed the book.

To describe this book to others is to invite them into a world where meetings, events, and

gatherings are not mundane routines but transformative experiences. Parker takes readers on a

journey that highlights the significance of intentionality and thoughtfulness when bringing

people together. It is a guide for hosts, leaders, and anyone interested in making gatherings more

purposeful and meaningful.


Recommendation to Colleagues and Students

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to colleagues and students especially focused on

learning organizational leadership studies. Priya Parker's work is a breath of fresh air in the field,

offering a unique perspective on the art of gathering. It challenges traditional norms and

encourages readers to embrace their roles as hosts in various settings. The book is a valuable

resource for anyone seeking to enhance their leadership skills and generate new insights.

Resonating Lessons

Lesson 1: The Role of the Host

Priya Parker emphasizes the pivotal role of the host in shaping the success of a gathering.

This lesson resonated deeply with me as it highlights the profound influence a leader has in

creating a purposeful and impactful environment. Leaders are hosts in their teams, responsible

for setting the tone, purpose, and culture of the group. By internalizing the notion of leaders as

hosts, organizational leadership can undergo a transformation. Leaders are not passive figures

but active orchestrators, curators of experiences, and creators of spaces where individuals can

thrive. This lesson from the book challenges me to move beyond conventional managerial roles

and adopt a mindset of a host who designs gatherings that inspire, connect, and drive progress.

Lesson 2: Redefining the Purpose of Gatherings

One of the most significant takeaways from the book is the redefinition of the purpose of

gatherings. It urges readers to critically reassess the default objectives of assembling people and

compels them to articulate a distinct and captivating rationale for bringing individuals together.

This lesson carries direct relevance to the domain of organizational leadership, where effective

leaders are tasked with delineating a shared vision and purpose for their teams. The book

highlights that leadership transcends the routine conduct of meetings; rather, it involves the

skillful design of meaningful and purpose-driven experiences (Parker, 2020, p.75). This principle

taught me that leaders should be encouraged to move beyond the traditional notion of gatherings

as mere formalities and instead view them as potent vehicles for advancing shared goals and

fostering connections.

Lesson 3: The Art of Inclusivity

Parker's exploration of inclusivity also struck a chord with me. She advocates for

embracing discomfort and dissent, emphasizing that true inclusivity involves welcoming diverse

perspectives and dissenting voices (2020). In organizational leadership, this lesson highlights the

importance of fostering an inclusive environment where all team members' voices are heard,

leading to innovative problem-solving and dynamic collaboration. Overall, I have learned the

importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing discomfort as a catalyst for

growth. Inclusivity involves acknowledging that progress often arises from discomfort, and as an

organizational leader I feel I am committed to facilitating a space where team members feel safe

to express their unique perspectives, even if they challenge the status quo.

Connection to OGL Courses

"The Art of Gathering" seamlessly connects with various aspects of Organizational

Leadership courses: From OGL 300, Theory and Practice of Leadership: The book aligns with

established leadership theories discussed in this course especially. It highlights the role of a

leader in shaping group dynamics and emphasizes the importance of intentionality in leadership.

From OGL 481, Pro-Seminar I: Parker's framework for designing gatherings can be viewed as a

practical application of Bolman and Deal's four frames of leadership; Structural, Human

Resource, Political and Symbolic (2021). The book offers a structured approach to leadership

within the context of gatherings and can be incorporated into all four frames.

Differences from OGL Curriculum

"The Art of Gathering" presents a distinctive departure from the traditional

Organizational Leadership curriculum by introducing the concept of gathering as a focal point of

leadership practice. The typical OGL curriculum focuses on subjects such as leadership theories,

organizational behavior, strategic management, and team dynamics. These topics are

undoubtedly critical components of leadership education, but they often center on leadership

from a managerial or organizational perspective. The emphasis is primarily on how leadership

influences structures, processes, and people within the organizational framework. "The Art of

Gathering," however, extends beyond these familiar boundaries. It explores the dynamic

relationship between leadership and the act of convening people, emphasizing that leadership can

manifest in various forms and settings. This unique perspective broadens the horizons of

organizational leadership studies, acknowledging that leadership is not confined to boardrooms,

team meetings, or management hierarchies.

Personal Identification

I deeply identify with the concept of redefining the purpose of gatherings to create more

meaningful and impactful experiences. This resonates with my belief in the power of clear and

purpose-driven leadership, where leaders can inspire their teams through a shared vision and

sense of purpose. In the organizations I engage with, I see myself as a host orchestrating the

stage for meaningful interactions and purposeful gatherings. As a leader, my responsibility

extends beyond the routine tasks of management to the cultivation of an environment that fosters

growth and encourages collaboration. I believe that true leadership is about creating spaces

where individuals can flourish, connect, and collectively strive for a common goal. This book

has reinforced my conviction that leadership is an art, and the canvas is the gathering of people

with some sort of shared purpose.

Impact on Understanding Leadership

"The Art of Gathering" has significantly expanded my understanding of leadership by

emphasizing the critical role of the host in shaping group dynamics and outcomes. It has

reinforced the idea that leadership is not limited to traditional hierarchical structures but can be

practiced in various settings and through different roles. The book challenges traditional

leadership models that rely on authority and decision-making, encouraging a shift toward

leadership characterized by facilitation, inclusion, and engagement. The host's responsibility is to

craft gatherings that foster collaboration, creativity, and human connection. This aligns with

contemporary leadership paradigms, such as servant leadership, which prioritize the needs of

team members and emphasize the leader's role in facilitating their growth and success.

Impact on Future Career

As an aspiring organizational leader, the profound insights gleaned from "The Art of

Gathering" will play a pivotal role in shaping my approach to leadership and management. One

significant aspect that I plan to integrate into my leadership philosophy is the idea of being a

host. Just as Parker highlights the host's pivotal role in shaping the success of a gathering, I see

myself as a host in the organizations I will lead. This means that I will take on the responsibility

of creating purposeful and impactful environments for my teams. By redefining the purpose and

structure of gatherings within the workplace, I aim to craft experiences that fosters a deep

engagement among team members and stakeholders.


One Question for the Author

If I could ask the author one question, it would be: "How can we encourage and train

more leaders to embrace their roles as hosts and create purposeful gatherings within their

organizations?" This question aims to dive deeper into the practical implementation of the book's

principles in organizational leadership. The response to this question from the author would

provide valuable guidance on how to create a culture of purposeful gatherings within

organizations. It would shed light on the specific strategies and tools that can be employed to

ensure that leaders not only understand the concept but also actively apply it in their day-to-day

leadership roles. By understanding how to encourage and train leaders to embrace their roles as

hosts, we can enhance leadership effectiveness, strengthen team dynamics, and create

organizational cultures where meaningful gatherings drive success. This question, when

addressed, has the potential to make a significant impact on leadership practices and the overall

organizational landscape.


In conclusion, "The Art of Gathering" by Priya Parker is a transformative guide that

challenges conventional gathering norms and empowers leaders to create purposeful and

meaningful experiences. The book resonates deeply with the principles of organizational

leadership and offers a fresh perspective on leadership practices. It has expanded my

understanding of leadership and has inspired me to make a difference in my future career by

redefining the purpose of gatherings and embracing my role as a host. I think this book is a

valuable addition to the field of organizational leadership and is highly recommended for those

seeking to enhance their leadership skills and create gatherings that truly matter.


Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and

Leadership. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021.

Parker, Priya. The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters. Riverhead Books, 2020.

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