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Whats your name?

My name is Daniel
And your surname? My surname is Esquivel
How do you spell it? It spell E-S-Q-U-I-V-E-L
Whats your address? I live in Two hundred fifty eight pino rojo Street, parajes de
los pinos neighborhood
And your telephone number? the Área cod is eight, forty four, thirty nine, zero,
fourteen, seven, two
What your email? D-A-N-I-E-L-E-S-Q-U-I-V-E-L-0-0-2-3-AT-GMAIL-DOT-COM
How old are? I am 20 years old
Whats your favorite color? My favor is navy blue
Whats is your rutine?
• my routine from Monday to Friday is
• i wake up at 5:30 (five and a half) am in the morning
• i get up at 5:35 (twenty five to six) am in the morning
• i have breakfast at 5:40 (twenty to six) am in the morning
• i brush my teeth at 5:45 (fifteen to six) am in the morning
• i take a shower at 5:50 (ten to six) am in the morning
• i get dressed at 6:20 (twenty past six) am in the morning
• i comb my hair at 6:30 (six and a half) am in the morning
• i catch the bus at 6:40 (twenty to seven) am in the morning
• i go to the university at 6:55 (five to seven) am in the morning
• i start classes at 8:00 (eight o´clock) am in the morning
• i have lunch at 12:00 (twelve o´clock) pm in the noon
• i finish classes at 3:10 (ten past three) pm in the afternoon
• i arrive hom at 4:10 (ten past four) pm in the afternoon

whats you doing right now? i study tsu mecatonics in robotics

what is your family doing to night? They have dinner at nine o´clock pm at night
whats family doing this Winter vacation? Me and my family are going on
vacation to the beach

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