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Task 1 – A random question

Valeria Yelitza Serrato Mendez


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación
Course: English III
Code: 518008

For some people it is difficult to talk about death, to know what day and how we will die,
They prefer to think that this will happen in the very distant future, for others it is
something easy to assimilate since we will all say goodbye to this world at some point, for
Remembering that I am going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking
that I have something to lose by trying or trying something different because almost all
expectations, pride, fear of shame and failure are things that disappear. Facing death,
leaving behind what is truly important. If I had the opportunity to know when I would die,
without a doubt, I would like to know it, to make the most of my days, It does not matter if
we believe or not that we will have a life after death. The truth is that, for everyone, without
exception, life is only one.
We live as if our lives will never end and we let our best years go by doing anything, our
time is limited so don't let other people's opinions silence your inner voice.
It is important to have goals and dreams to achieve, it is an essential part of the meaning of
life, but you should never forget to live in the now, because tomorrow will never cease to
be uncertain.
What would I do if today was my last day? If you live each day of your life as if it were
your last, one day you will be right, I have to find what I love. The only way to feel
satisfied is to do a great job and that is only possible by loving what I do. If I haven't found
it yet, I'm still looking, Don't stop me, going to bed knowing I've done something
wonderful is what's important to me.

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