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Conflict Resolution

Ariel C. Dacillo

1. Why is it important to resolve conflict?

- Ongoing conflict situations may stand in the way of completing goals, particularly in business
relationships. When arguments arise in the workplace, productivity typically declines. It can be difficult
to focus or work together on a project when underlying conflict is present. Resolving these issues at the
root can lead to greater efficiency and goal achievement. In order to pass personal and professional
milestones, it’s important to utilize conflict resolution skills—particularly the ability to compromise,
negotiate and move forward after a disagreement. Conflict resolution can help bring people together
once an issue is put to rest. One of the most important elements in conflict resolution is choosing to
tackle problems as a team, rather than attacking each other. This technique is a wise way to enhance
each party’s commitment to the process, and avoid greater feelings of defensiveness.

2. How do you manage difficult employees?

- One of the most perplexing questions that managers in leadership positions face is how to deal with
difficult employees. An employee’s problematic behavior and poor attitude can spread quickly,
negatively affecting their productivity and that of other members of your team. This can lead to serious
repercussions for your entire business, creating a toxic environment that keeps you from satisfying
customers and reaching your goals. Dealing with difficult employees is an enormous challenge, but you
must do so immediately to minimize the damage. When you’re dealing with a difficult employee, instead
of being judgmental, focus on the employee’s specific actions and behavior. Try to be supportive as you
help them to correct behaviors that make them a challenge to work with. Bring the undesirable behavior
to their attention without being confrontational, which can make them hostile and won’t solve the
problem. Give them specific examples of their negative attitude and behavior so they can understand
the problem. Workers may not realize that they’re being difficult. Until you understand the causes of
their behavioral problems, it is impossible to find effective solutions when dealing with difficult
employees. The underlying problem may be directly related to their work, colleagues and workplace
environment—or it might be a personal issue that’s completely unrelated. As a leader managing a
diverse team, it is your responsibility to discover what their problem is and then try to resolve it.

3. What are Do's and Don'ts of workplace conflict?

- There are certain attitudes and approaches that should be avoided and ones that have a proven track
record of working effectively when resolving conflicts. For example, DO acknowledge that conflicts are
inevitable and DO actively listen to all perspectives. DON’T avoid the conflict hoping it will go away on its
own, and DON’T meet separately with the individuals involved to discuss what happened. Do not judge
the situation instead critically evaluation the causes and the status of the conflict. Communication is an
asset that is beneficial in resolving conflicts. Individuals involve in the conflict must participate in a
dialectic communication. Sharing both opinions is vital to gauge the root of a glitch, thus, right approach
can be establish.

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