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First, I wrote everything here, so if you have anything you are not satisfied with, let’s talk it out.


So, misunderstandings happen, and we had a disagreement on stuff.

I sincerely apologise to Mr Pang, and please do note that whatever I did is not very role model of me,
please do not follow in my footsteps and proceed to yell or disrespect any of your teachers.

I yelled because I was and am still unable to control my emotions well enough, and me yelling at him
was completely unintentional. I sincerely apologise for any distress I may have caused.

So we had a talk during recess, and we were able to clear up some of the misunderstandings and
disagreements we had.

So First, the box

The box was actually a recycling bin, but because no one has been treating it like one and because it
looks like it’s meant to pack up your things once you’re fired, we used it to place books and items
that were left under the table, just like how Mr Pang did in sem 1.

We did so because Mr Pang wanted everything underneath the table to be GONE WITH THE
WINDDD, but because some of you did not do so, we decided to place them in the box which
apparently was a recycle bin.


The entire incident happened a few days back. Key misunderstandings were that we followed the
example of teacher in previous semester and used the box in the corner to put all the books left
under the desks, without realizing it’s a recycling bin. We were at fault for assuming things and
followed teacher example without double checking. A few days after, teacher was reminding us of
the correct use of the box repeatedly. At some point, doubled with my anxiety over the test coming
and seeing that xxx seemed also getting emo, my emotions got the better of me and my rationality
went out of the window. Despite not being near to teacher, I spoke from my seat without thinking I
could have walked nearer to talk to him. Thus being not that near to him, thinking he cannot hear me
and ended up shouting inadvertently. My apologies to have raise my voice regardless the fact my
amygdala is not functioning. All in all, upon reflection, the misunderstandings seem unnecessary as
we could just take out the things from the box instead of delving going around in circles over the
misunderstanding causing more emo n more misunderstandings.
First, I wrote everything here, so if you have anything you are not satisfied with, we can talk it out.

So, misunderstandings happen, and we had a disagreement on stuff.

I sincerely apologise to Mr Pang, and please do note that whatever I did is not very role model of me,
please do not follow in my footsteps and proceed to yell or disrespect any of your teachers.

I yelled because I was and am still unable to control my emotions well enough, and me yelling at him
was completely unintentional.

The entire incident happened a few days back, where key misunderstandings took place. One was
that we followed Mr Pang and placed books that were left under the table into the supposed
recycling bin, but we didn’t realise it was one at that point. I admit, we, class leaders, were at fault
for assuming things without double checking. Days later, Mr Pang brought up the matter, and
thought that people left their items in the recycling box, until Phylicia admitted that it was the class
leaders (that were involved with the arrangement of tables for WA3) that put the books in there. Mr
Pang then proceeded to ask why Phylicia did that and said that it was wrong of her. So after Mr Pang
told Phylicia that it was wrong, I went tell Mr Pang that we did not know it was a recycling bin, and
that he placed our items which we left under the table in semester 1 in the exact same box, so
because he did it, we followed along. But in my point of view, he seemed to be missing the point and
kept saying that it was a recycling bin and we should not be putting the books in there. I got quite
annoyed. Then the next day, he brought up the topic, and told us that the box was a recycling bin.
But I decided to try to tell him that my point was not whether it was a recycling bin or not, but my
point was that he did it, and we, class leaders, followed. Unexpectedly, I lost control of my emotions
and raised my voice at him. I want to make it clear that it was completely unintentional though.

I got pretty upset because the way he said things made it sound like he was villainizing Phylicia, and I
am someone who is very defensive of my friends, so I got pretty upset, and raised my voice at him.
But that was unintentional. I was anxious for my exam, and I was extremely scared when I attempted
to talk to you. And I accidentally raised my voice.

I honestly did not even notice I raised my voice. After that, he demanded that we needed to talk, and
yes, we did.

During the talk we had during recess, Mr Pang proceeded to explain that HE could do so because his
intention was to teach people a lesson, while we did it to protect our classmates. Then later on,
classmates would begin to develop the mindset that the class leaders would do things for them
anyway. We cleared the misunderstandings we had.

All in all, upon reflection, the misunderstandings seem unnecessary as we could just take out the
things from the box instead of delving going around in circles over the misunderstanding causing
more misunderstandings.

My sincerest apologies for shouting at Mr Pang, I hope you will not hold it against me.

Thank you.

575 words
Because it was a recycle bin and putting the books and items inside meant that it was meant to be
recycled. We have reflected that some parts of this incident was our fault but it was partially a
misunderstanding and miscommunication as well. We have learnt to always check with teachers
when unsure and to also never disrespect your teacher.

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