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Experiment 1: C# Programming Fundamentals

1. Write a C# program to perform the following tasks:

a. Calculate the factorial of a number.

b. Generate a Fibonacci series.

c. Convert temperatures between different scales (e.g., Celsius to Fahrenheit).

d. Find the roots of a quadratic equation.

Experiment 2: Object-Oriented Programming in C#

2. Write a C# program to demonstrate the application of classes and objects in the context of:

a. Inheritance

b. Abstraction

c. Polymorphism

d. Operator overloading

Experiment 3: Delegates in C#

3. Write a C# program to explore delegates, including:

a. Implementing a delegate.

b. Passing a delegate as a parameter to a method.

c. Demonstrating multicasting of delegates.

d. Multicasting delegates with a return value.

Experiment 4: Generics in C#

4. Write a C# program to illustrate the use of generics.

Experiment 5: Exception Handling in C#

5. Write a C# program to handle exceptions, covering:

a. Handling system exceptions (inbuilt exceptions).

b. Creating and handling user-defined exceptions.

Experiment 6: C# Programming with ASP .NET

6. Design a simple factorial calculator and a general-purpose calculator using ASP .NET.

Experiment 7: ADO.NET Application in C#

7. Create a C# ADO.NET application to verify the establishment of a connection with OLEDB and
Microsoft Access (MW-Access) databases.

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