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Rizal Technological University

Boni Ave Mand. City

Computer Programming 1

I. Multiple Choice
Write the correct answer from among the choices

1. The two major division of a computer system is

a. Input and output b. hardware and software
c. data and programs d. memory and disk drives

2. Which of the following is synonymous with computer instructions?

a. Hardware b. software
c programs d. data

3. Which of the following is true about programming languages?

a. Every programming language is a general purpose language
b. Every programming language has the same syntax set
c. Every programming language has a unique grammar rules
d. Every programming language can be used for all types of applications

4. The term that refer to the proper sequencing of computer instructions

a. Syntax b. logic
c. Arrangement d. Symmetry

5. Which of the following is the job of language translators?

a. Create syntax of a source code
b. Translate an English statement into a C++ statement
c. Execute the instructions in a source code.
d. Convert a source code into an object code.

6. Which category of programming language resembles binary notations?

a. Low –level b. middle level
c. high level d. all of these

7. Which of the following is true about newer programming languages?

a. Newer languages does not require logic
b. Newer languages has no definite syntax
c. Newer programming language approach in development is usually modular

d. all of these

8. Actually writing a C++ or Java program is known as

a. Translating b. interpreting
c. coding d. compiling
9. Which of the following is the first step in programming?
a. Coding b. Compiling
c. analysis d. Documentation

10. Which of these is a syntax error?

a. A misspelled reserved word like prrrint.
B. the use of x instead of the operator *
c. A newBalance calculated by adding a customerPayment to an oldBalance
instead of subtracting it.
d. an arithmetic statement written as regularSales + discounttedSales =

11. Two tools used in planning a programs logic is:

a. Flowcharts and pseudocode b. C++ and Java
d. word processor and spreadsheet.

12. In flowchart the entrance and exit of data is represented by the symbol
a. Rectangle b. diamond
c. parallelogram d. small circle

13. In a flowchart, processing is represented by the symbol

a. Rectangle b. diamond
c. parallelogram d. small circle

14. Which of the following is an advantage of using IDE in developing programs?

a. you can create a more logically correct program
b. syntax is slightly different
c. there is no need for program plan
d. every tool in program development is already available

15. Of the following tasks, which should be completed first?

a. Testing a program b. developing the logic
b. Coding the program d. translating a program

16. In C++, what is the term for a named set of statements that perform tasks
a. main() b. void ( )
c. proc() d. function ()

17. Which of the following is true about the use of identifiers in C++
a. C++ allows the use of digits at the beginning of an identifier
b. C++ identifiers may contain spaces between them
c. C++ identifiers may contain reserved words.
d. The case used in C++ identifiers must be consistent throughout the program.

18. When a program responds to a user’s query, the program is said to be

a. Batch b. on-line
c. interactive d. user friendly

19. Programs that uses GUI (Graphical User Interface) is said to be

a. Batch b. on-line
c. interactive d. user friendly

20. Which of the following is optional about variables in C++

a. It must always be declared b. It should be represented by a name
b. Its data type must be declared d. It must have an initial value

21. Which of the following is true about a C++ program

a. It always have a housekeeping routine
b. It always have main routine
c. It always have an end of job routine
d. All of these

22. Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name?

A. * (asterisk) B. | (pipeline)
C. - (hyphen) D. _ (underscore)

23. How would you round off a value from 1.66 to 2.0?
A. ceil(1.66) B. floor(1.66)
C. roundup(1.66) D. roundto(1.66)

24. By default a real number is treated as a

A. float B. double
C. long double D. far double

25. Translator which is used to convert codes of assembly language into machine
language is termed as
a. assembler b. attempter
c. compiler d. debugger

26. Language in which single statements can be written to accomplish substantial tasks
is termed as
a. machine language b. assembly language
c. high level language d. medium language

27. Third generation procedural language contains systematic order of

a. statements b. objects
c. classes d. operations

28. Data type is shifted from short type to long type when
a. value range decreases b. value range increases
c. value range becomes zero d. value range become infinite
29. Dividing a program into functions and modules is one of main feature of
a. machine language b. interpreted language
c. structural language d. all of these

30. A computer is a device that can perform computations and make

a. sequential statements b. Arithmetic statements
c. logical statements d. algebraic statements

1: Write a C++ program which accepts three numbers x, y and z and compute the
following algebraic expression:

Sample Output:

Enter value for x: 5

Enter value for y: 6
Enter value for z: 4

Result is : 32

2: Write a C++ program which accepts total number of days and converts it into
years, months, weeks and days. Use 365 days = I year

Sample Output:

Enter no of days: 544

544 is equal to 1 year, 5 months, 0 week and 1 day

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