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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Describe the organization and the situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other

course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and

format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Name and describe your organization.

Liberty Mutual Insurance is the organization that I would like to recognize. Liberty Mutual is

a large insurer organization that is recognized by many. From the very famous Emu to the

catchphrase “Liberty, Liberty, Liberty.” Liberty Mutual has been ranked as #86 on Fortune

raking in 2022 and the 5th largest global property and casualty insurer (Liberty Mutual, 2023).

The organization services 29 countries and economies around the world (Liberty Mutual, 2023).

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

The internal role I will be working with is the Total Loss Adjuster. This role works closely

with the total loss of a vehicle, whether that be from an accident, fire, catastrophe, or theft. As a

Total Loss Adjuster, I will work at helping customers who are insured and helping them recover

compensation for any of these losses. I will work closely with customers to make sure that

customers are comfortable and understand the settlement that is being offered and how that

decision was made. Adjusters are a great asset for the Liberty Mutual organization.

3) Describe the situation, including information you think will help the reader

understand the most important elements of the situation. (This will require

selectivity: part of the art of case writing is separating the essential facts from the

mass of information that might be included).

Currently, Liberty Mutual Insurance is seeing an elevated number of theft claims with KIA

and Hyundai models. These models have been found to have no anti-theft measures in specific

models from 2015-2021 (Furtado, 2023). Due to a current viral video online that teaches how to

hotwire these vehicles (Hernandez, 2023). Because of these increasing amounts of thefts Liberty

Mutual has decided that the risk is too high to insure these vehicles. To continue paying for theft

vehicles at an Actual Cash Value would create a bigger problem in premiums for everyone else

that is insured by Liberty Mutual as premiums are already rising. This currently targets people

and looks past the manufacturer's failure to fix (Bolman& Deal, 2021).


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership

(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (ASU Bookstore Automatic Purchase-Perusall

Version Only)

Furtado, Peyton. (2023). Insurers No Longer Covering Some Kias and Hyundais Because

They’re Easier to Break Into. WYFF.


Hernandez, Joe. (2023). Dealers Still Sell Hyundais and Kias Vulnerable to Theft, but

Insurance Is Hard to Get. NPR.


Liberty Mutual (2023). Identity & Values.

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