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3rd lesson

To drill: to make a hole by dinging

Chunks/ clusters: a big piece of anything / a group of elements put together as one

To be frigid: extremely cold

To loop around: orbit in loops

To be pristine condition: mint/perfect/immaculate/flawless

To slingshot: utilize the force of something to move forward

Before that we can find => objects/humans/animals

Before which we find => objects/animals/ a preposition

Before who => a person

Before whom we find person or a preposition

Whose is the possessive version of who. Ne pas confondre avec who’s qui est le diminutif de
who is.

Outcomes -> something that results

Bold -> fearless and daring

Guidelines -> a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior

Endeavor -> attempt by employing effort

Manifesto -> a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)

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