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Developmental Concerns:

Motor Skills: Early childhood is a critical period for the development of fine and gross motor
skills. Excessive screen time may lead to a lack of physical activity, potentially impacting the
development of these skills.
Social Skills: Face-to-face interaction is crucial for the development of social skills. Excessive
screen time may reduce opportunities for children to engage in real-world social

Attention and Concentration:

Attention Span: Excessive exposure to screens, particularly fast-paced and interactive

content, may contribute to shorter attention spans in young children, making it challenging
for them to focus on traditional learning methods.

Health Concerns:

Sedentary Lifestyle: Increased screen time may contribute to a sedentary lifestyle,

potentially leading to health issues such as obesity and related conditions.
Blue Light Exposure: Prolonged exposure to screens, especially before bedtime, may disrupt
sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted by electronic devices.

Quality of Content:

Inappropriate Content: The internet and digital platforms may expose young children to
inappropriate or unsuitable content if not properly monitored and filtered.
Overstimulation: Some digital content can be overly stimulating for young minds, potentially
hindering the development of patience and the ability to engage with slower-paced, real-
world activities.

Dependency Issues:

Screen Dependency: Excessive use of screens at an early age may contribute to screen
dependency or addiction, which can have long-term consequences on a child's overall well-

Teacher-Child Interaction:

Teacher-Child Bonding: Excessive use of technology may reduce the time and opportunities
for one-on-one interactions between teachers and young learners, impacting the
development of a strong teacher-child bond.

That is why , All learner -centred , research based schools believing in providing
a nurturing environment do not expose technology in early years. In our
Amiown also we priorities care developing motor skills, attention
concentration, social skills and love for learning along with developing many
more skills.

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