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Over time, technology has spread like wildfire.

Everyone, from young toddlers to

elderly individuals, has undoubtedly used the internet at least once in their lifetime. Young

kids who are fortunate enough to get their own device from their parents can educate

themselves by watching instructional videos like those that teach them how to write the

alphabet. This is due to the fact that some parents are juggling several responsibilities

and lack the free time to spend teaching their kids for hours on end. As a consequence,

they have had to rely on the internet to educate their kids while working hard for the

welfare of their family. However, the negative effects of exposing their child to the internet

at such a young age have been disguised under the many great aspects that the internet

has to offer, and some parents have grown overly dependent on it without giving it much


Little children who explore the internet are frequently exposed to hazardous

information that can disrupt their development and mental health and that is simple to

access with just one click. As it is the role of the parents to gradually expose their child's

eyes to the actual world at the appropriate time, not all material should be studied by

toddlers on their own. Additionally, the internet and technology in general can have a

detrimental impact on a child's social abilities, interpersonal interactions, general

wellbeing, and concentration. Children are more likely to choose using their devices than

associating with others, which they view as unpleasant, since they have been exposed to

the internet and are prone to get addicted at such a young age. Since children are known

to imitate the behavior of individuals to whom they are most exposed, it is clear that quite
a few of them behave older than they are rather than enjoying their youth in the modern


In conclusion, early internet exposure has negative long-term effects on children's

growth and development. For innocent kids who are unaware of the risks associated with

technology use, the internet poses a great deal of risk. Additionally, it has a significant

impact on children's lifestyles and mental health due to the bad stuff that is shared online.

Children may also become addicted to using technology, which might cause them to sleep

less. Additionally, it's likely that the kids would run into those who solicited them online

with malicious purpose. Therefore, exposing children to the internet without sufficient

supervision is not a smart idea.

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