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Digital World

Electronic Gadgets

Despite the adverse effects of electronic gadgets, are they worthy enough to be used by

Nowadays children are spending a large proportion of their time with electronic gadgets,
which are having adverse effects on the life of children. On an average, children spend
more than seven hours per day on an electronic device. Some of the issues being faced
are that it restrains children from outdoor activities leading to the birth of an antisocial
attitude. Children face difficulty in concentrating on studies, henceforth a poor academic
performance is observed. Increasing use of electronic devices has lead to the rise of
various health problems, like back pain and weak eyesight. Children, avoid spending
time with their parents or relatives and like to waste time by using electronic gadgets

Along with the negative effects, there are many good effects of using such devices for
example they help to stimulate the senses and imagination of the young and encourage
cognitive learning and the development of analytical skills. With the help of electronic
gadgets, an entire encyclopedia opens up to students in a matter of seconds and also
students have the option of learning visually, textually, through auditory means or even
with a hands-on approach.

Keeping in view the local perspective, some parents have found mobile phones an easy
way to make their children sit calmly and quietly enabling the parents to do whatever
they want with no children disturbing them but other parents and families object that
with the increasing use of mobiles and other gadgets have moved their children away
from them resulting in less family time. Some children who use gadgets for their
betterment have improved their general knowledge as an entire encyclopedia opens up
for the students in nanoseconds due to gadgets. Some school teachers have
commented that while some students use internet to give more information in their
school assignments, other students are lagging behind because they are distracted due
to mobile phones. According to a local park owner, the number of people coming to
parks has decreased and those who come to the parks are most of the time sitting on
benches and are continuously talking through cell phones. He thinks that it is because
people spend their time playing games on electronic gadgets rather than playing in

People around the globe have different perspectives relating the use of mobile phones.
Some people consider mobile phones and other gadgets as a means of communicating
with people present throughout the world. Due to the increasing demand of electronic
gadgets the software engineers are busy in modifying these gadgets internationally.
They are creating new device to ease the people. But according to a scientist in New
Zealand and many scientists worldwide have said that the new generation’s immunity is
getting weaker and they are a target of weak eyesight, obesity, organ disorder and
hearing disabilities etc. and they have discovered that these are the result of the
dangerous radiations of the mobile. Different countries are trying to promote galas and
cultural festivals so that the young generation indulges in outdoor activities and

The reasons for which I chose this topic are personal interest and experience in
community gatherings. A lot of information could be collected and many awareness
campaigns are arranged to minimize the use of electronic gadgets.

The use of electronic devices has led to many problems, out of which one is damaged
health. This is because of the adverse effects of computers and television which
increases stress, and because of less physical activity, humans are more prone to
physical and internal organ disorders. The effects of music players, like headphones,
MP3 players, iPods and mobile phones, cause hearing disabilities among many, and
due to mobile phone radiations, there may even be damage to brain cells. Using the
keyboard and mouse for a long time creates pain in neck, shoulders and in the wrist.

The consequences of this issue are that children, who play violent games, for a long
period of time, tend to be more aggressive. Such kids are more prone to confront their
teachers, peers, and relatives in a harsh manner. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is likely to
occur, if mouse is not handled in the correct position or if it is used for a long time.
Because of the use of devices, humans are more prone to physical and internal organ
disorders for example obesity, indigestion, gas trouble, diabetes and even heart attack.

Nationally, 77 % of smartphone users are just 21 to 30 years old and as the youth is
excessively using electronic gadgets so the local hospitals are also loaded with patients
whose largest proportion is the young. These young patients are admitted in the
hospitals for treatments like surgeries of weak eyes and treatments from orthopedics. At
this rate, there is no doubt that Pakistan’s economic progress will indeed decrease.

Globally, there is theme that technology is the driving force of modern day economies
but there is a need of a definition of a certain level regarding the usage of technology by
children. The health issues caused by the excessive usage of technology have caused
the international community to raise awareness regarding the usage electronic gadgets.

Evidence to prove this claim is taken from a webpage which warns the reader about the
harmful radiations emitted by the gadgets. Although it is an incomplete research but it is
a piece of primary research and has a scientific base. The second source is a Health
Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report taken from the internet. This source is
authoritative and precautions are given in it but some irrelevant content is present in it.

Another very important issue is decrease in socialization and interaction. The causes for
this issue are that the children get bored and find that interaction with friends on
Facebook is an interesting activity rather than going out in the sun and playing games.
In addition to this parents do not pay attention on what track their children are walking
on and at the end they are the ones complaining their children about their rude
behavior. Furthermore, mobiles and other devices allow an easy access to the internet
which offers loads of information in a jiffy as compared to print media which provide
limited knowledge. Numerous mobile companies offer free of cost or cheap internet
packages like 3G and 4G anywhere and everywhere which allows the youth to use it

For these reasons consequences have to be suffered for example children, do not have
the time to sit with their parents and to spend some good quality time with them. They
prefer to connect with their friends and relatives, in the virtual world, through text
messaging, chatting, rather than meeting them. If a child can interact with 100 friends
online they will not prefer to make real friends outside thus his vocal and speaking skills
weaken. As the child does not interact outside he lacks personal experience and then in
the future cannot face the world. Also, they will lack of capability to express feelings
such as love for family. A child spending most of his time playing video games or on the
internet would increase his feelings of isolation and loneliness and the world will leave
him behind causing mental disorder.

Locally, when children have stronger bonds with their family they become less prone to
the bad habits of the society as a result of which children become well groomed. Also
children remain away from drug abuse and smoking having an overall positive effect on
the social atmosphere of the country.

Many people globally think that although electronic gadgets promote the relationship of
children from different countries but this reduces their bonding with their friends and
family. And because of weak bonding the child indulges in wrong activities with no well-
wisher to guide him and then this corrupts each country.

To support this rising issue evidence is taken from a webpage named researchgate
which says that smartphones have influenced almost all walks of life such as social,
business and educational life. In this article, factual information along with readable and
interesting tone of language is provided but the conclusion is abrupt. The second source
of evidence is an article on social change due to gadgets written on 28 0ctober 2005 by
QUT, Carseldine and Brisbane which concludes that media is a source of ostracism and
cyber bullying. This is an authoritative and neutral report in which both pros and cons
are considered but it is an incomplete research and dated in 2005 so it does not contain
first-hand knowledge.

There are some strengths and some weaknesses in the content relating the health
issues caused by electronic gadgets. The content contains facts and the causes are
valid and experienced but it ignore other significant causes and the perspectives are
inappropriate. The strengths and weaknesses of poor socialization due to gadgets are
that good and well describing vocabulary is used. also, latest technology has been kept
in view. True and unexaturated consequences are included in the content, but the
perspectives are short and unelaborated. the sources included are old dated.

Finding great ways to spend family time together without tech devices, such as by
playing board games or reading good books is a way to minimize the use of electronic
devices. We could introduce new and interesting outdoor activities and promote children
to participate in it so that their dependence on mobile to spend time is minimized.
People could unite and start awareness campaigns expressing the bad impacts of
excessively using mobile phones. The government should introduce laws regarding the
use of mobile phones such as restriction of mobile phones before the age of 18. A
certain proportion of time should be fixed for the use of mobile phones so that there is
time for other activities and family bonds are strengthened as parents and children will
have time for each other. Ensure the total amount of screen time per day doesn’t
exceed the age-group recommendations.

Other solutions to these problems is that interesting, latest, adventurous, tragic,

mysterious and comedic books should be published and available at the book stores
and parents must ensure that their children buy and read appropriate books that are
informative in their leisure time so that they don’t get bored and learn knowledge.
Parents must refrain from putting TV and electronic gadgets in their child’s bedroom,
and they should put away such devices after use. Moreover, to check what children do
on their mobile devices parents could use the device together with the children. This
way the parents can monitor their children for their good and this is also a source of
interaction, communication and a way to strengthen family bonds and values.

In my viewpoint, my report is relevant to the global issue that I have selected and the
research question that I have structured.

I think that I have properly answered the research question mentoned in the title
because the damaging effects to health due to the use of electronic gadgets are the
biggest threat according to the information and evidence compiled in my report. A
person’s life is dependent on the condition of his health and as electronic devices
severely endanger a person’s health so it is the most important issue. According to the
matter I have included in my report, my degree of confidence is high and I think that no
other effect of electronic gadgets is more threatening than a human’s health.

Through this report I have learnt that the bad impacts of using electronic devices have
more weight as compared to the positive points of it.Parents must concentrate on the
grooming up of their child so that he spends some of his time on his family and physical
activities other than playing video games.

Through this report I understood that excessive use of mobile phones will always end
up in severe problems. It developed a spirit in me to spread awareness and also
developed a will power in me to limit my use of mobile phones by the suggested
solutions in the report. This report changed me by telling that not only our parents have
responsibilities regarding us, we too have some liabilities to them.

The strengths of the research, analysis and conclusions are that various relative and
authoritative sources were found. The perspectives were describing and factual and
many causes and consequences of the issue were found. In contrast, the weaknesses
of the research, analysis and conclusion are that according to the requirement of the
research question, advantages were not described. The report had a bit confusing
conclusion and in the beginning of the report other issues were not explained.

The websites I chose are:


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