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Christian 1 Junior High School Ska


Asking and Giving Opinion

ms. reetha's class

Expression of Asking and Giving

suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk

meminta pendapat tentang suatu hal
dan menjawab/ meresponnya.
Expression of Asking opinion

a. What do you think of…?

(Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
b. What is your opinion?
(Apa pendapat mu?)
c. What do you think about…?
(Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
d. What is your view on?
(Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
e. What is your idea?
(Apa pendapatmu?)
2. Expression of Giving Opinion

a. I think…..
b. What I mean is…..
c. Personally I think…..
d. In my experience…..
e. According to me…..
f. I strongly believe that…..
g. From my point of view…..
3. Agreeing with an opinion

a. Of course.

b. You're absolutely right.

c. Yes, I agree.

d. I think so too.

e. That's a good point.

f. Exactly.

g. So do I.

h. That's true.
4. Disagreeing with an opinion

a. That's different.
b. I don't agree with you.
c. I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…
d. Yes, but don't you think…
e. I'm not so sure about that.
What is your opinion about
Wow! Amazing! I think it is
my picture?
very beautiful and colorful.

Thank you. By the way

have you finished your Not yet. I have a problem
homework? about it. Can you help me?

Ok. No Problem. What do I think English lesson is

you think of English lesson? difficult. What about you?

I think English lesson is

easy because it’s one of my
favorite lessons.

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