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A. Definition of Asking and Showing Attention

Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta
perhatian dari seseorang. Giving attention/Memberi Perhatian adalah ungkapan yang
digunakan untuk memberikan perhatian/respon.

B. Asking Attention
Asking Attention
Excuse me!
Listen to me!
Look at me!
Look here.
Attention, please!
Can I get the attention? Thanks.
Stop talking please…!
Everybody, may I have your attention,
Can I have your attention, please?
May I have your attention, please?
Sorry to bother you.
Look what I’ve got here.

C. Giving Attention
Giving Attention
Yes, I see.
Tell me more about it.
What happens next?
And then what?
What’s next?
Is that all?
That’s alright
I see. Tell me more about it.
Oh, yes. Really?
Mmm… Oh, my God! What happens next?
I know what you mean. Is that all?
Oh, oh! Indeed?

D. Example of Dialogue

Wildan: Will you hear my story?

Nadine: Yes, I will. What’s about?
Wildan: It is about our friend Dina. Listen to me!
Nadine: Okay!
Wildan: Dina asked me to join her to Batam next Sunday.
Nadine: And then?
Wildan: I’m confused because next week I will have my first test in my course.
Nadine: I see, and then?
Wildan: How to say to Dina if I can’t join her?
Nadine: Just say the truth.
Wildan: Okay I will try.

A. The Purpose of the expression

Checking for understanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk
mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan
kepadanya. Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham)

B. Checking for Understanding

Checking for Understanding

Do you understand?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you get the point?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Are you follow me?
Are you with me?
Any questions?
Is it clear?

C. Showing Understanding
Showing Understanding
I understand what you are saying.
I know what you mean.
I know what you are talking.
I understand.
I see.
I get it.
I know

D. Expressing Lack of Understanding

Expressing Lack of Understanding

I don't get it.
I don't follow you.
I'm not sure I get your point.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What do you mean?
I'm not following you.

E. Example of Dialogue

Rina : Hi Sindy
Sindy : Hi Rina
Rina : Have you finished the assignment from Ms. Jenny?
Sindy : Yes, I’ve just finished it. How about you?
Rina : Not yet, I’m still confused in answering some questions especially changing
the verbs of active sentence into passive
Sindy : Oh, that one. Before you change the sentence into passive or active, please make
sure what kind of sentence it is, an active or a passive. If it’s an active sentence, you need
to change the verb 1 into verb 3. Do you get my point?
Rina : I’m not sure I get your point. It’s confusing
Sindy : That’s okay Rina, I will teach you and give some examples
Rina : Sure Sindy, if you don’t mind
Sindy : Okay, let’s study together
Rina : Okay Sindy

A. The purpose of the expression

Asking and Giving Opinion is expression that is used for talking about argument or opinion
of two or more people.

B. Expressions of Asking Opinion

Formal Informal
Do you have any opinion on…..? What do you think of…?
Do you think that….? What do you think about…?
Have you got any comments on it? What is your idea/opinion?
What is your opinion about it? How do you think about…?
What are your feeling about it? How do you feel about…?
Would you give me your opinion about…?
Do you have any idea?

C. Expressions of Giving Opinion

Formal Informal
I personally believe that…. I think it’s good/nice/great
I personally consider of… I think that…
I personally think/feel that…. I think I like it
I hold the opinion … In my opinion ….
Well, personally… In my case …
I assume/guess that … I believe ….
What I have in my mind is that … If you ask to me, I feel ….
From my point of view …
I would say that …

D. Agreeing and Disagreeing with an opinion

Agreeing Disagreeing
Of course. I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
This is absolutely right. I am not sure I agree with you.
I agree with this opinion. I don't agree with you.
I couldn't agree more. I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
I agree with what you are saying. I do not believe that.
I agree, I never thought of that. By this I mean.....
Neither do I. I disagree with you.
That's a good point. I think you are wrong.
I think so too. That's not the same thing at all.
It is not justified to say so.
I am not convinced that.....
I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.

E. Example of Dialogue
Mr. Amir : Look, everybody. I have a new English book. What do you think about it?
Ridho : In my opinion, it is such an expensive book.
Mr. Amir : Very good. How about you Gani?
Gani : Well, I think it’s OK. I like it. It’s not thick and not too expensive.
Mr. Amir : Good. Anybody has another opinion?
Hadi : Yes, I have. My opinion is that the book is easy to read.
Mr. Amir : Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?
Students : Yes, sir
Mr. Amir : Great. You’re really smart.
Students : Thank you, sir

A. Definition
Showing appreciation adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberi penghargaan atau
pujian atau komentar terhadap seseorang mengenai penampilan, prestasi, dan sebagainya.

B. Showing Appreciation
Expressions Responses
What a nice dress! Thank you
You look great. That’s very kind of you
You look very nice/beautiful/handsome. Yeah, thanks
I really must express my admiration for your It’s nothing
dance. I’m glad you like it
Excellent! Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so
Nice work! Do you really think so?
Good job! Many thanks
Great job!
Well done!
That’s great!
How beautiful you are!
Nice work!
You’re great!
I appreciate your effort
How clever you are!

C. Example of Dialogue

Fayyah : Hi Fatimah, How are you

Fatimah : Hello, Fayyah, I’m fine. And you?
Fayyah : I’m okay, thank you. Where are you going Fatimah?
Fatimah : I’m going to pick up my mother.
Fayyah : Is that your new bicycle, Fatimah? What a nice bicycle!
Fatimah : Yes, it is. Thanks Fayyah.
Fayyah : You’re welcome.

Laura : I like your shirt. That color looks great on you

Jane : Seriously? I just bought this outfit yesterday
Laura : I do, it looks really nice on you
Jane : Thanks, I think you look nice too today
Laura : Thank you

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