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Design of an IoT Based Remote Monitoring System for Aquaculture

Cultivation of Post-Larvae Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium


The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium Rosenbergii, is considered in many producing
countries to be a valuable source of food and as an export commodity. The modern method of
commercial farming of this species was pioneered in Malaysia. Despite this initial advantage, other
countries have overtaken Malaysia in raw production output. Local production saw massive
variations in yearly output. Many believe that the issue lies in the limited supply of local high-quality
PL, which are necessary for optimal production. Farmers had to supply PL from any available
sources, including importing from other countries, with varying qualities. Many attempts have been
made to improve local PL production, but so far none have shown significant improvements.
Observations reveal that in most hatcheries, while SOPs are maintained, none have verified the
parameters required for a high-quality cultivation tank environment using proper measurement
tools. This paper suggests an IoT based monitoring system that can totally automate the verification
process, using integrated sensors for each critical parameter for cultivation. Farmers simply need to
verify parameter levels and adjust accordingly. Through implementation of this system, continuous
monitoring could be achieved, generating data that could be used for many future researches in the
culture of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii.
1. Introduction
Macrobrachium Rosenbergii, otherwise known locally as Udang Galah in Malaysia is the
largest species of freshwater prawn in the world. The males of this species can grow up to 320mm in
length and 200g in weight [1]. Commonly found in rivers, the giant freshwater prawn is a cheap
source of protein. It is cultivated commercially as food not only for consumption, but also as an
export commodity.
Commercial cultivation of this species began in 1961, when Shao-Wen Ling at the Marine
Fisheries Research Institute in Penang, Malaysia first discovered the possibility for the prawn larvae
to survive in brackish water. This discovery was then expanded upon by Takuji Fujimura, who
introduced M. Rosenbergii brood stock from Malaysia into his research in Hawaii. Through his
research, the current method for commercial culture of freshwater water was developed [2]. These
discoveries have garnered both Ling and Fujimura the prestigious title as ‘Fathers’ of freshwater
prawn farming [3].
Global production of cultured M. Rosenbergii is dominated by Asian countries. In 2007, FAO
data listed 99% of global production came from Asia, while the rest from South and Central
American regions [4]. Within Asia, the listed top 5 producing countries were China at 56.3% of global
production at the time, Thailand at 12.5%, India at 12.3%, Bangladesh at 11% and Taiwan at 4.5%. Of
the 221,000t produced globally, Malaysia had only contributed 246t.
Most giant freshwater prawn farming operations in Malaysia are family owned, supported
by a few government-run facilities. Despite support from both the public and private sector,
commercial production volume of M. Rosenbergii in Malaysia has been relatively modest and
extremely variable. In the beginning, production was in fact booming. The 281t produced in 1998
doubled to 653t in 1999, and again to 1338t in 2000. Since then however, production varied wildly,
with yearly production difference varying by 549t on average [3].
Figure 1: Yearly production of giant freshwater prawn in Malaysia. Adapted from [3].

Many factors were considered, but the primary cause of the varied production rate
remained uncertain. Considerations included varying farmer interest due to inconsistent prices, high
cost of feed and lacking supply of quality juveniles, among others. Of the many possible factors at
play, the juvenile problem is seen to be most concerning, as described by [3].
Production of high-quality juveniles seem very limited in Malaysia. Government hatcheries
make up the majority of yearly PL production. While there are some private hatcheries, their
operation is often small and can only provide limited supply. Combined, local production of PL
freshwater prawn is still unable to meet demand. Farmers prefer the higher quality juvenile
produced by government hatcheries, but given the limited supply, most had to source them
wherever possible. This led to the import of lower quality juvenile stock from hatcheries in other
countries, especially Thailand where the production costs are much cheaper. According to [3], some
farmers report imported stocks have poor rates of survival and growth, but this may relate to
inadequate logistical procedures.
The production process of PL M. Rosenbergii in hatcheries involve the careful maintenance
of aquaculture systems to provide the perfect environment that maximises survival and growth of
the juvenile prawn. Brood stock are commonly obtained from local grow-out ponds, selecting the
largest healthiest berried females. While females from natural rivers are preferred, the limited
supply makes grow-out pond sources more sustainable. Once hatched, the prawn larvae are kept in
carefully controlled culture tanks until they reach the PL stage of growth. Then the PL prawns are
sold off as juvenile stock to grow-out ponds for further growth into adults.
From hatching to PL, the larvae M. Rosenbergii require between 2 to 6 weeks to grow,
depending on culture conditions. Production rate vary between hatcheries, depending on culture
tank sizes and stocking density, in addition to the growth rate achieved by the hatchery. Sticking
densities vary between hatcheries, based on their own past experiences and operational capacity,
but in most cases, they are between 20 to 60 larvae per litre. Despite their best efforts, hatcheries
typically achieve 50% survival rate [3].
On our own observations, Malaysian hatcheries operate roughly using the original methods
established by Ling and Fujimura, with modifications based on past experiences and economic costs.
Typical feed includes Artemia nauplii, Artemia flakes, egg custards and commercial feeds. Formalin
and chlorin are used to help with disease control, but not antibiotics. Green water and clear water
systems are used, depending on farmer preference, but both have been reported with problems of
erratic production and survival rates. There seem to be no clear relation between specific farming
practices to the production problems experienced, as most farmers of different operations report
roughly the same issues.
Farmers understand the importance of maintaining a good quality culture, given the effect it
has on production rate. Prawn larvae have a high sensitivity to their surrounding environment. Even
the smallest changes in the culture can drastically affect the survival rate of the production cycle.
Despite this, little monitoring work, i.e. monitoring for the culture pH, ammonia and dissolved
oxygen, among other parameters, are done. Malaysian farmers typically prefer a more traditional
approach, by strictly following established SOP’s to maintain their cultures. The parameters that
they do monitor are typically the simple ones using manual tools, usually temperature. Other
parameters that require more specialised tools are mostly ignored and maintained only through the
SOP and experience.
Today, new technologies have been developed that could automate the monitoring work.
Sensors for each required parameter are available. Properly installed, these can continuously
monitor the culture parameters for any variations, requiring only periodic maintenance. Combined
with IoT technologies, the system can even be monitored remotely, using the internet as a medium
of communication between the farmer and the system.
IoT based remote monitoring systems have seen massive popularity in many fields, given the
benefits they provide. Examples include medical [5] [6], livestock [7] , agriculture [8] and many more.
The use of this technology has been proven to improve the tedious task of data collection, with the
only requirements being the costs of development, installation and maintenance. Once set up,
systems can typically be left to operate autonomously, requiring only periodic maintenance.
Currently there are no IoT based monitoring solutions developed specifically for M.
Rosenbergii cultivation. Farmers would have to develop their own should they be interested in
implementing such technology. Simply put, most farmers lack the technical skills and financial capital
to develop such systems. However, they are open to the idea and show interest if the proposed
system is fully developed and ready for purchase at a reasonable price. Some even offered to invest
into the development of the system.
Development of a new IoT based monitoring system for the express purpose of M.
Rosenbergii PL cultivation could provide many new insights that could lead to significant
improvements in production yield. The consistent monitoring could show the effects of all external
factors, such as weather and climate, as well as the farmers own SOP implementation, to the culture
environment of the juvenile prawns. Any negative trends could then be accounted for, if not
eliminated entirely, by methods including modifications to established SOPs and development of
new devices. The automation also reduces the workload on the farmer, allowing them to save
operation costs by needing less workers, or even allowing them time to focus on other aspects of
their operation.

2. Life Cycle and Management of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii

Since the development of modern cultivation methods by Ling and Fujimura, the giant
freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium Rosenbergii have been farmed En masse in many regions,
including South East Asian countries, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Africa, the Caribbean and
the Americas [9]. Not only are they a good source of protein, they are also a valuable export
commodity towards non-producing regions.

Figure 2: A fully grown M. Rosenbergii.

The lifecycle of a giant freshwater prawn is divided into four distinct phases, namely and in
cycle order; eggs, larvae, postlarvae (PL) and adults. The time duration for each phase varies
between different species of Macrobachium but are all affected by environmental conditions [10].
The mating process of M. Rosenbergii results in the deposition of a gelatinous mass of
semen on the underside of the thoracic region of the female’s body. Mating occurs throughout the
year, although peaks of activity can occur due to environmental conditions, coinciding with the onset
of the rainy season in tropical regions, and summer in temperate regions.
Hours post copulation, the female extrudes eggs that are then deposited into her brood
chamber. Throughout the process, the eggs are fertilised with the semen mass that is attached on
the female’s body. The fertilised eggs are carried and kept aerated by the female for up to three
weeks, until hatching.
During this period, the female is classified as ‘berried’. The number of eggs laid depend on
the size of the female, reportedly up to 100,000 eggs per season when fully mature. For first broods
however, i.e. eggs produced within the first year of life of the female, the numbers are much lower,
as low as 5000 eggs per season, but gradually increases as they mature. The hatching process occurs
simultaneously for the whole brood, lasting up to two nights. Throughout hatching, the female
actively disperses the larvae by rapid movements of its abdominal appendages.
M. Rosenbergii larvae are planktonic, actively swimming upside down and backwards, with
its tail first and ventral side up. They require brackish water for survival. Those hatching in fresh
water only has a few days to reach brackish water before dying. The larval stage consists of several
distinct sub-stages, lasting for a few weeks in total. In hatchery conditions they have been observed
to reach PL form in as little as 16 days, though in practice are expected to take much longer
depending on water conditions and other factors. The larvae eat continuously, their diet consisting
of the larvae of other aquatic invertebrates, zooplanktons and very small worms.
After the larval form, M. Rosenbergii larvae metamorphose into their postlarvae (PL) form.
They now resemble miniature adults and mainly crawls instead of free-swimming. Their swimming
form is now head forward and dorsal upwards. Rapid backwards evasive movement is now possible
with the contraction of their abdominal muscles, utilising their tail fan. The PL form is also more
tolerant of a much wider range of water salinities.
Within 1-2 weeks post metamorphosis, the PL freshwater prawn would begin their upstream
migration into freshwater environments. Further growth allows them to swim against rapid currents,
and to crawl in shallow edges of rivers and rapids. Vertical climbing is possible, as well as crossing
land, given enough moisture. Their diet now includes organic matter of both animal and plant origin,
in addition to the foods originally consumed in their larval form. Giant freshwater prawns are
omnivorous and, in desperate conditions, can be cannibalistic.

2.1 Maintenance of the Cultivation Environment

The maintenance of good quality water is essential for the operation of a freshwater prawn
hatchery. M. Rosenbergii, in their larval stages require brackish water, a mixture of salty ocean water
and fresh water, for survival. Naturally this is found in coastal areas including mangrove swamps and
estuaries. Instead of directly transporting the water from sources, inland hatcheries can produce
brackish water locally by mixing locally sourced fresh water with brine or transported sea water.
The quality of all water intake, whether fresh, saline or brine, is of paramount importance
for the efficient operation of the hatchery. The source should be free of any pollution, including but
not limited to heavy metals, chemicals such as pesticides, and any microbial or viral contaminants. In
any case, the minimal requirement when sourcing water should be to carry out a site evaluation and
water analysis. Preferably the site should be as far away possible from pollution sources such as
heavy industries, agricultural operations and wastewater runoffs, among others. Filters can be used
if a clean source is unavailable. In any case, the use of filters should be mandatory, given how easily
water sources can be polluted with progressing human development.
Seawater can be drawn from areas with 30 to 35 ppt salinity, with crude screening to
prevent entry of larger particles, and filters to remove smaller contaminants. If brine is preferred,
they can be obtained from salt evaporation pans. Brine have a much higher salinity level at 80-100
ppt but can be diluted with fresh water to form brackish water. Brine with higher salinity level
should be preferred as the osmotic shock that occur when mixed with fresh water could reduce the
presence of bacteria and parasites in the original supplies. This effect is increased with higher salinity

Table 1: Optimal brackish water characteristics for hatchery operation. Adapted from [10].

Variable Concentration
Total Hardness (CaCO3) 2325-2715
Calcium (Ca) 175-195
Sodium (Na) 3500-4000
Potassium (K) 175-220
Magnesium (Mg) 460-540
Silicon (SiO2) 5-30
Iron (Fe) <0.03
Copper (Cu) <0.06
Manganese (Mn) <0.3
Zinc (Zn) <3
Chromium (Cr) <0.01
Lead (Pb) <0.03
Chloride (Cl) 6600-7900
Chlorine (Cl2) nil
Sulphate (SO4) -
Phosphate (PO4) -
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) nil
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) -
Turbidity (JTU) nil
Dissolved Oxygen (DO2) >5
Free Carbon Dioxide (CO2) nil
Ammonia (NH3-N) <0.1
Nitrite (NO2-N) <0.1
Nitrate (NO3-N) <20
pH 7.0-8.5 units
Temperature 28-31 (℃)

Dissolved oxygen concentration can be maintained using an air supply system. Given that
there is no upper limit to the optimal concentration, supply can be left running continuously without
issue. The constant supply is also beneficial in that the vortices produced by rising air bubbles keeps
food within proximity to the larvae.
Air supply outlets in the rearing tanks should be distributed such that oxygen saturation is
achieved throughout the tank. Placement should also consider the generation of water circulation
within the tank using the generated air bubbles. Commonly tank circulation is from the centre to the
sides, and top to bottom, rising at the centre with the air supply. Care should be taken to avoid dead
spots in the circulation, where the water current permanently traps larvae and feed in a section of
the tank. This could lead to excessive bacterial build-up, leading to problems with disease and water
Concentration should always be maintained above 5ppm, especially in tanks with higher
stocking densities due to the higher rate of oxygen consumption. Lower concentrations quickly cause
asphyxiation of the larvae. To avoid losses, backup air supply systems that can be activated
immediately, preferably automated, are essential in case of failure in the main supply.
Approximately 0.3 CFM (0.55m3/hr) is needed per cubic meter of tank volume [10].
Water salinity should be maintained around 12ppt. Slight variations are not detrimental, but
if changes to the salinity is expected, such as adding water to the tank, should be allowed to occur
gradually. Sudden changes to salinity levels could shock the larvae, which could lead to mortality.
Optimal temperature range for M. Rosenbergii larvae is around 28-31℃. If the water is too
cold, larval growth rate is reduced, increasing cycle time. Hotter temperatures however increase
mortality, reducing production yield. M. Rosenbergii larvae are highly sensitive to temperature
variations. Variations within the optimal range is acceptable, so long the changes occur gradually,
such as variations from the day-night cycle. Sudden changes, noted to be as little as 1℃ is enough
cause shock in the larvae, leading to mortality.
The amount of organic materials within the tank, especially suspended solids such as excess
food and metabolic waste, should be maintained at a minimal level. Left unchecked this can cause
proliferation of harmful heterogeneous bacteria, excessive stress on the larvae and increase
biological oxygen consumption. Of utmost concern are increases in the non-ionized form of
ammonia (NH¬3), which is especially evident at high levels of pH and water temperature [10]. Tanks
should be cleaned regularly by siphoning off excess food and waste. If the water quality is too low, it
can be changed with new clean brackish water, with consideration to the salinity and temperature
change between the old and new water.

3. Design of the Remote Monitoring System

The monitoring system described in this work utilises multiple external sensors, each
monitoring a different parameter critical for the prawn cultivation environment. Data collected from
these sensors are transmitted to a central collection hub where they are processed and analysed
before being presented on a web-based dashboard. Overall, the system consists of four layers,
differentiated by the state of the data. These are: (1) Acquisition, (2) Transport, (3) Analysis and (4)


3.1 Data Acquisition

The acquisition layer serves as the root of the entire system, where all data are initially
collected. Multiple sensors are used to monitor the required parameters, all of which connected to a
central sensor hub where output from each sensor are collected and converted into a common
RS485 Modbus signal before being sent to the transmitter. The hub also functions as a power supply
for the sensors, converting an external supply of 240VAC into the 12VDC required by the sensors.
In reference to [10], the sensors are for measuring concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen
(D.O), pH, Alkalinity, Salinity, Ammonia, Nitrogen (NH3-N), Nitrites (NO2), Nitrates (NO3), water
turbidity and temperature. Placement of the sensors are based on suitability to the parameter being


3.2 Data Transportation

The transport layer consists of a transmitter and receiver module pair, connected wirelessly
via 915MHz LoRa radio connection. The design of this layer is such that wireless connection is
possible in the most remote locations without requirement for an established networking
infrastructure. LoRa was selected specifically for its specifications as an open source, low cost and
long-range data transportation solution. Both the transmitter and receiver were designed to support
this connection.


The transmitter module is built around a TTGO LORA32 v2.0 control board which features a
built in 915MHz LoRa transceiver module. To interface with the RS485 Modbus signal output from
the sensor hub, the control board is paired with a RS485 Transceiver Breakout module which sports
an SP3485 RS485 transceiver IC. This module converts the modbus signal into a UART serial stream
compatible with the TTGO control board.
Also included within the transmitter module is a Mean Well AC-DC 15W enclosed power
supply unit, which converts externally sourced 240V AC power into 5V DC for the various boards.
This method of powering the transmitter was selected simply due to available access to 240V AC
power at the testing location. For more remote areas of operation, other methods are also possible
by simply swapping out the power supply unit. This includes solar using a Solar Control Module and
battery with a simple DC-DC buck converter, among many others, so long as the output is a stable 5V
DC power.
Given proximity of the transmitter to the cultivation operation, risk of exposure to water and
other contaminants are a major concern. Thus, the transmitter is enclosed within an IP67 rated
aluminium enclosure, ensuring that the transmitter is protected from fine particulate matter such as
dust and debris from feed stock, as well as full submersion into water 1m deep for up to 30 minutes.
The same consideration was also made for all other external hardware. Nylon screws were used to
avoid rust. All external connectors for the radio antenna and wired connections are selected with
similar IP67 rating and all cables used were selected for maximum durability and are armoured.
Two 40mm 5V DC cooling fans circulate the air inside the enclosure, blowing directly onto
the electronics. This is to prevent any heat concentration on the boards by distributing the thermal
energy around the inside of the metal enclosure. Given the IP rating of the enclosure, it cannot host
any holes for venting purposes. Instead, heat is dissipated from the hot internal air to the cold
outside air by conduction through the enclosure.


The receiver module takes a more aesthetical design compared to the transmitter. Given
that it is placed in an office environment, away from any environmental hazards, the receiver is not
built inside a waterproof IP rated casing. Instead, a simple metal casing is used, with greater focus on
air flow for thermal management and aesthetic design.
A Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB (RPi) coupled with a Dragino 915MHz LoRa shield functions as
the core of the module. The shield facilitates the LoRa connection to the transmitter and any data
received is processed by the RPi. The processed data is then sent to a server PC for further analysis
via wired ethernet connection. The receiver can handle data from multiple transmitters up to 15km
away given good line of sight.
Powering the module is a 5V 15W plug mounted power supply unit, connected directly to
the RPi with a USB Type-C connection. This was selected given proximity of the receiver to a
standard 240VAC wall plug, though other methods of power are possible so long as it offers a 5V 3A
USB Type-C connection. For locations without access to more convenient options, power alternatives
include solar, fuel oil generators and rechargeable batteries with suitable adapting hardware.
Thermal management is achieved with a pair of 5V 40mm fans powered using the 5V output pins on
the RPi. The fans blow directly across the RPi board and vented through the casing.


3.3 Data Analysis
The analysis layer is the core of the monitoring system. With the many datapoints thanks to
the constant monitoring using the automated system, we can extrapolate the data to provide early
warning of upcoming issues within the aquaculture system. We can also train an AI model based on
the collected data to provide even more accurate warnings and suggestions to further improve
system performance.
To achieve this, a large initial dataset is required. Thus, for this initial application, the
monitoring system is set to focus on collecting as much data possible for future development of the
analysis layer. Only simple analysis is conducted such as noise filtering and calculating daily, weekly
and monthly data trends.
Analysis of the collected data were done using the server PC. For optimal performance, the
server is equipped with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600X CPU, boasting 6 processing cores and 12 threads,
clocked at 3.6GHz each. DDR4 memory supports the CPU with a total of 32GB RAM. While indeed it
is possible to analyse using the RPi receiver, given its limited processing power and that it is already
connected directly to a PC with greater hardware potential, we decided to utilise the more
convenient, better hardware. Though if needed, the analysis can be transferred to the RPi for limited
budget installations, foregoing the need for a server pc, at the cost of lower processing and analysis

3.4 Data Dashboarding

Dashboarding the data is a process to present the analysed data from the previous layer to
users in a form that is easily understandable, even to those with minimal background in aquaculture.
A web page is used, hosted at the server PC, to display multiple gauges visualising the current state
of the aquaculture system and past trends. The web page approach was selected due to
convenience of access from any device. Any device, including PC, phones, tablets and smart watches,
among others, can simply browse to the web address of the hosted web page to display the data,
from anywhere with an access to the internet, without the need to install any applications or
plugins. Viewing the data is as simple as browsing a web page on the internet. For security, a login
system can be implemented to protect access from any unauthorized person, requiring the user
provide a set ID and password for access.
An Application Programming Interface (API) is also available for access to the data using
external applications, providing greater flexibility. An example application would be sending
notifications to users, warning of problems within the aquaculture system that require immediate
Another function of the dashboarding layer is the automation of connected systems.
External devices connected to the monitoring system can be controlled either manually using a
control panel on the web page or through the API, or automatically using a set schedule or
algorithm. Many devices can utilise such feature including pumps, heaters and lights- devices that
are only required periodically.


We developed an IoT based remote monitoring system designed specifically for M.
Rosenbergii cultivation. The implementation of IoT technology has allowed for a highly flexible
system that can be installed in any operation without requiring established infrastructure.
The multiple sensors were selected based on the monitoring requirements for a quality
cultivation environment. Data collected from them are transmitted to a remote receiver module
using LoRa radio system, which allows for significant distances between the transmitter and receiver.
Once collected, the data can then be analysed either using the receiver module itself or a connected
server computer. Analysed data can then be displayed through a web page, or mobile application
using the developed API. This allows access to the data from anywhere with an internet connection.
Through the development of this monitoring system, farmers should now be able to more
easily understand the state and condition of their hatchery operation. The automation it provides is
highly convenient, as farmers no longer need to manually sample their culture tanks. They now have
a reduced workload that can be utilised for other tasks.
While the hardware design is complete, further studies is still required to determine the
effect the system has on hatchery output, given the new data it provides. The generated data can
also be used for future research on M. Rosenbergii cultivation.


[1] S. Ling, "The General Biology and Development of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii," 1969. [Online].
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[2] S. Ling, "The Culture of Freshwater Prawns: A Review," in FAO Technical Conference on
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[9] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "Cultured Aquatic Species
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