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Case history questions

1. Age
2. Born and brought up in?
3. Any siblings their age and gender
4. Do you have any pets
5. Why did you choose to study psychology?
6. How is your relationship with your parents?
7. How was your childhood
8. Do you make friends easily?
9. Do you like socializing?
10. Would you say you're an extrovert or introvert?
11. More inclined to?
12. If you were a friend's character who would you be?
13. Generally in your friend circle, what role do you play?

14. Do you believe we can control our emotions?

15. Can you control your own emotions?
16. Are you able to label what you feel?
17. Do you feel you can understand or read a person’s emotions?
18. Once you label your emotions, are you able to regulate them?
19. Suppose you're working in a group for an assignment, and one of your
classmates has not worked up to the mark or goofed up. And this might lead to
your loss of marks what are you most likely to feel? And if so how do you deal
with it?
20. If you are angry because of someone what do you generally do?
21. Would you say you're a self-aware person?
22. If a friend behaves very rudely or seems upset without any context, what would
that make you feel? And how would you react to it?
23. If you are sad, what do you prefer to do?
24. If you are happy, what do you prefer to do?
25. How do you manage your anger?
26. If you were at your relative’s place and your relative says something that makes
you mad, but he/she is an elder and it is not the right place to express your
anger, then what would you do?
27. Can you easily talk about your feelings with a close friend or family member?
28. If a friend is upset, can you console him/her?
29. If a friend is upset because of you what would you do?
30. If you are mad at someone/something how easily do you come back to normal

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