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Rosalynn Carter, a visionary first lady whose tireless dedication to mental health reform and graceful

elevation of the role of the president's spouse, passed away on Sunday at the age of 96, leaving behind a
legacy of compassion and enduring impact, as announced by The Carter Center.
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Iconic Mental Health

Advocate and Former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter, Passes Away at 96,[/caption]

"Iconic Mental Health Advocate and Former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter, Passes Away
at 96, Leaving a Lasting Legacy of Compassion and Change".

Peaceful Passing: Rosalynn Carter peacefully passed away at her home in Plains, Georgia,
with her family by her side, as announced by The Carter Center.

Equal Partnership: Former President Jimmy Carter emphasized the profound partnership
he shared with Rosalynn, acknowledging her as his equal collaborator in every

Guiding Wisdom: Rosalynn's role went beyond equal partnership; she provided wise
guidance and encouragement to Jimmy Carter whenever needed.

Emotional Support: President Carter expressed the enduring impact of Rosalynn's

presence, stating that as long as she was in the world, he always felt loved and supported.

Legacy of Love: The statement reflects on Rosalynn Carter's legacy as a source of love,
support, and encouragement, emphasizing her lasting impact on President Carter's life and

On Friday, The Carter Center disclosed that the former first lady had entered hospice care, revealing her
dementia diagnosis in May. Beginning home hospice care in February, her husband, Jimmy Carter, faced
defeat in a landslide by Ronald Reagan four years after his election. Despite the challenges of his single
term marked by inflation and the Iran hostage crisis, the Carters, united, redefined the post-presidency
era. Rosalynn, a constant presence by Jimmy's side, played a crucial role, offering support and counsel.
Their joint efforts extended beyond national borders, focusing on world peace and human rights through
The Carter Center, a non-governmental organization based in Atlanta, committed to "waging peace,
fighting disease, and building hope.
"At a holiday event for service members and their families at Naval Station Norfolk on Sunday, First Lady
Jill Biden honored the life of Rosalynn Carter, expressing, "We recently lost former First Lady Rosalynn
Carter, a prominent figure renowned for her impactful contributions to mental health, caregiving, and
women's rights."

First Lady Jill Biden urged attendees at a Naval Station Norfolk holiday event to include the Carter family
in their prayers during the holidays. President Joe Biden, speaking to reporters afterward, commended
the Carter family, describing them as an "incredible family" that brought grace to the office. Former
President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush also lauded Rosalynn Carter as "a woman
of dignity and strength," highlighting her advocacy for President Carter and the legacy she leaves in
destigmatizing mental health. In a joint statement, the Bushes expressed condolences to President
Carter and the family while recognizing the example of loyalty and fidelity set by the Carters.

First Lady hailing from Plains:

Presidential Aspirations:Carter pursued the presidency as a political outsider, distancing

himself from the shadow of former President Nixon, employing a dedicated team known as
the "Peanut Brigade" to champion his cause.

Campaign Trail Innovations: Rosalynn Carter's campaign efforts included a strategic focus
on small-town interviews, where she approached local media to ensure the effective
communication of their message, utilizing a list of questions for impactful coverage.

Election Triumph: Despite challenges, Carter clinched victory in the presidential race,
securing 51% of the popular vote and 297 electoral votes, setting the stage for a
transformative presidency.

Inaugural Symbolism: Breaking from convention, the Carters chose to walk hand-in-hand
down Pennsylvania Avenue after the inauguration, a symbolic departure from Nixon's
perceived imperial presidency.

Fashion and Continuity: Rosalynn's choice to wear a previously donned gold-embroidered

coat symbolized continuity, connecting their present to the roots of their journey in Georgia.
First Lady's Evolution: Inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosalynn redefined the role of the
first lady, introducing structural changes such as hiring a chief of staff, equal in salary and
rank to the president's chief of staff.

Equal Rights Advocacy: As the first lady, Rosalynn ardently supported the Equal Rights
Amendment, advocating for its constitutional inclusion to eradicate sex-based civil rights

Assertive Public Presence: Demonstrating assertiveness, Rosalynn did not shy away from
public disagreements with her husband, asserting her perspectives during speeches and
correcting statements.

Weekly Oval Office Ritual: The Carters instituted a weekly lunch ritual in the Oval Office,
providing a dedicated space for discussions on personal, family, and societal matters,
showcasing their commitment to transparency.

Enduring Mental Health Legacy: Rosalynn's enduring commitment to mental health

spanned decades, leaving an indelible mark through her contributions to the President's
Commission on Mental Health and subsequent legislative reforms.

Tribute from Michelle Obama: Michelle Obama paid tribute to Rosalynn Carter's
understanding that the role of the first lady is shaped by individual passions, acknowledging
her remarkable legacy as a philanthropist and advocate for uplifting others.

Championing the cause of mental health:

Mental Health Advocate: Rosalynn Carter's foremost dedication centered on mental health,
a commitment forged during her husband's gubernatorial campaign when confronted with
inquiries about mental illness.

Campaign Interaction: Amidst a campaign rally, she engaged Jimmy Carter, probing him
about his mental health plans, showcasing her steadfast commitment to addressing
challenges faced by those with mental illnesses.

Personal Experience Impact: Deeply influenced by a distant cousin grappling with mental
illness, Rosalynn's enduring memory of him singing loudly down the streets of their small
town fueled her dedication to mental health causes.

Advocacy Initiatives: Serving as Georgia's first lady, Rosalynn played a pivotal role in
redirecting mental health treatment to community centers. In the White House, she
collaborated with her husband to institute a Presidential Commission on Mental Health.

Symbolic Events: The Carters' participation in events like the Peanut Festival Parade in
2023 showcased their enduring connection to Plains, Georgia, even amid Rosalynn's
dementia diagnosis in May.

Historical Perspective: In 1979, Rosalynn made history as the second first lady to testify
before Congress, addressing the imperative for mental health reform, following in the
impactful footsteps of Eleanor Roosevelt.
Legacy of Advocacy: Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
acknowledged Rosalynn's unwavering commitment to the overlooked and underrepresented,
praising her mental health advocacy for creating improved care and reducing stigma.

Balancing Family Life: Despite her public responsibilities, Rosalynn prioritized family time,
consistently greeting her daughter Amy in the family's private quarters after school and
sharing dinner most nights.

Honorary Chairperson Role: Confronted with Department of Justice restrictions, Rosalynn

adapted by assuming the role of honorary chairperson for the Presidential Commission on
Mental Health, highlighting her flexibility and unwavering commitment.

Influential Testimony: Rosalynn's testimony before Congress underscored her

determination to draw attention to mental health issues and contribute to legislative reforms.

Pioneering Family Choices: Amy Carter's attendance at a public school marked a historic
choice, making her the first presidential child to do so since Theodore Roosevelt's son,
showcasing the Carters' commitment to breaking with tradition.

Also Read Unveiling the Extraordinary: 10 Amazing Facts About Rosalynn Carter's
Trailblazing Life and Legacy

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