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Boel: God is in him

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Tau Malachi
Site Admin
Boel: God is in him
#1 Post Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:21 am

Boel: “God is in him”

Boel is an archangel from among the aralim and is one of the seven exalted thrones
among them, a great and holy angelic presence. As the name Boel, “God is in him”
implies, this angel of God is associated with knowledge of the Indweller (Shekinah)
and the Messiah within us, and he-she labors to bring about this holy remembrance
in souls. Likewise it is said the Boel is a fierce guardian of those who walk with
this holy remembrance, and who live according to their knowledge and faith. In that
the Light Transmission is all about the realization of the indwelling Messiah and
Shekinah of the Messiah, so Boel is intimately involved in the Continuum of Light
Transmission, and stands as a guardian of the Continuum.

This is also the archangel who holds the “keys of the four corners of the earth,”
the gates to the Garden of Eden, and through this, when Boel opens these holy
gates, so angelic hosts and the souls of tzaddikim are able to enter and gaze upon
the Garden of Eden, if and when the double-kerub stands down and allows angels and
souls to pass by. As you might imagine, Boel holds great knowledge of the supernal
Garden of Eden, and the original creation before the Fall, and so also holds much
knowledge of the Fallen, and power over the Fallen to prevent them from drawing
near to Eden. As we know, the World-To-Come is deeply connected to the supernal
Garden of Eden, and therefore Boel has much knowledge of the delights of soul in
the World-To-Come, and is an angel that may give glimpses of the World-That-Is-
Coming through mind-to-mind transmissions.

The four winds are associated with the four “corners” of the earth, and therefore
this archangel has knowledge of the four winds and how to invoke and direct their
great powers.

Boel may appear as a living throne of glory with the image and likeness of a great
and holy elder (zaken) seated upon it, but this archangel may generate any number
of appearances, all of which are very holy, radiant and not easily gazed upon, save
by those souls who are like the spiritual elders in the fifth heaven, Ma’on.
Invoking this angelic presence the Name of Elohim is called upon, and among the
sacred chants that might be intoned is: Yo-Ba, Ah-La, Bo-El.

At times the letter Het is added to the name Boel, forming the name Bohel, and this
corresponds with a specific emanation of Boel as and angel that helps generate
sacred space, or Makom. If and when this aspect of Boel is invoked, so Makom is
taken as a Name of God and is joined with Elohim. In this something of a secret
mystery is revealed, for Makom is a manifestation of the power of Elohim, both as
the sixth heaven and as the Holy Place manifest in This World.

Peace be with you!

Tau Malachi
Sophia Fellowship
Ecclesia Pistis Sophia

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