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Husna Naqshandi

Extra Credit

Doctor Cole


Talk on China

To begin with, I would like to say it was a very interesting session about energy sources. During

the session, I learned about how China and Iceland use different kinds of energy. Energy, like

food, water, and electricity, should be something everyone has in the 21st century. But right now,

there's a shortage of energy. The world's population is getting bigger every day, and if we keep

using coal as a fuel, it hurts the environment. Luckily, some countries are working on using

renewable energy in the future. Iceland is one of those countries. It doesn't share borders with

other nations and has fewer people, so it can rely on clean and domestic renewable energy

sources like geothermal energy, which comes from the heat inside the Earth. Iceland also uses

solar and wind power because it's surrounded by the ocean and has a lot of wind. China, on the

other hand, is connected to many other countries and has a lot of people. It needs a lot of energy,

so it uses coal, oil, and gas. But using these fossil fuels causes problems like air pollution and

damage to nature and animals. China even went to Afghanistan to buy coal, which we should try

to stop. Instead, we should learn from Iceland and use more renewable energy. Renewable

energy is better for the environment and doesn't cost as much. In conclusion, my main takeaway

from the session is that renewable energy is not only cost-effective but also minimally harmful to


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