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Group Presentation, Total Mark-25

Group Topics
Group-1 Equilibrium of force and its application in architecture.
Group-2 Moment and its application in architecture.
Group-3 Loads on Structure as per BNBC and its Application in architecture.
Group-4 Tension Compression and friction and its application in architecture.
Group-5 Structural Irregularity in BNBC.
Group-6 Structural element and centroid and its application in architecture.
Group-7 Shear force and Bending Moment and its application in architecture.

Presentation Guideline: -

1. PowerPoint based presentation.

2. Team leader will Present the slides.
3. Team leader have to coordinate with other team members and will give task to them.
4. For each team 10m is allotted time for presentation. One member can assist the TL (Team
Leader) for presentation.
5. Presentation will be upon 25 marks. Faculty will give group marks. Team Leader will
recommend marking of Group members within 25 marks according to their group performance.
6. One set color handout and soft copy of presentation have to submit within 3 academic day of
finishing presentation.
7. A member can help another group also.

Structure of Presentation Slide-

1. Cover page.
2. Introduction to Group members
3. Literature review.
4. Example and calculation.
5. Why this topic is important for structural Engineering and architecture.
6. Role of Structural Engineer and Architect in the topic.
7. Conclusion and Recommendation.
8. Reference
9. Thanks giving.

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