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1. State and illustrate the requirements for designing mutual exclusion algorithm.
2. How the performance of mutual exclusion algorithms evaluated?(Performance metrics)
3. Whether Raymond’s tree based algorithm falls under token based or non-token based
category? Demonstrate the steps involved in the same. Analyze its performance.
4. If you are asked to use non token based algorithm to achieve mutual exclusion and you are
having options as 1. Lamports algorithm 2. Ricarts Agrawal Algorithm which algorithm
would you select? Support your answer with proper justification.
5. Write Lamports algorithm for mutual exclusion
6. List and explain performance factors of mutual exclusion algorithm


1. How deadlock can be prevented in distributed system? Elaborate.

2. Compare resource and communication deadlock.
3. How centralized deadlock detection can be used to detect deadlock in distributed system? Ho‐
Ramamoorthy algorithm
4. Classify the distributed deadlock detection algorithms. Demonstrate edge chasing
5. How to detect deadlock using path pushing algorithm


1. Design static voting algorithm for fault tolerance

2. Mention the approaches to handle the Failure recovery and describe them.
3. Demonstrate one phase commit protocol.
4. Demonstrate two phase commit protocol.
5. Classify types of failure.
6. Elaborate forward error recovery and backward error recovery

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