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21CS54 SIMP Questions -21SCHEME

Important Note : These questions are picked by referring to recommended

textbooks, these questions might seem complicated but answers will remain the
same for the simpler versions of these questions as well. TIE Review team has
gone thru the chapters of the recommended textbooks as per the syllabus and has
framed these questions, We’ve chosen this approach because of new subjects’
questions being framed from the recommended textbooks in recent exams

To pass and score decent just study Module 1,2 3

MODULE -1 : Study any 8 Questions

1. What is the Turing test, and how does it determine if a machine is intelligent? Why is it
important in AI? Explain
2. Can you list the various environments in which agents operate,Explain simple PS Agent
3. What is a problem-solving agent, and what are its components, Apply the PS Technique for
these given problems (i)8 Queens (ii)Traveling Salesman Problem

4. How do breadth-first search and depth-first search differ in solving problems? Explain by
using appropriate algorithms. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
5. Explain GTS(General tree search) and GSA (Graph Search) algorithms
6. How are search algorithms applied to real-world problems? Can you give examples from
different fields?
7. What is machine learning, and why is it important in AI, Explain the history and Interpret
different foundations of AI
8. Can you explain supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning techniques? Give
examples of tasks for each.
9. What challenges and ethical concerns come with deploying machine learning systems in
different areas? - VBQ Textbook 1 and 2
MODULE -2 : Study all the 6 Questions

1. Explain the concept of informed search strategies? How do they differ from uninformed
search strategies? Explain Greedy Best first search and A* Search Algorithm in detail - 12M


Describe the greedy best-first search algorithm. How does it select nodes for expansion, and
what are its advantages and limitations?


Discuss the A* search algorithm and its significance in problem-solving. How does it
combine the benefits of both uniform cost search and greedy best-first search?

2. What role do heuristic functions play in informed search algorithms? How are they used to
estimate the cost of reaching the goal state?
3. Define machine learning and its importance in AI. How does machine learning contribute to
problem-solving tasks?.
4. Discuss the process of understanding data in machine learning. What are the Elements and
different types of data in ML, Explain
5. How can machine learning algorithms be used to analyze and interpret complex datasets?


Explain big data analytics, its importance and types of Analysis with real world examples

6. Write short notes on (i)Hypothesis and Hypothesis testing

(ii)Univariate data visualization and its techniques
(iii)Mean, Mode and Median
(iv)Probability distribution and its importance
MODULE -3 : Study any 7 Questions

1. Discuss the Find-S algorithm in machine learning. How does it work, and what are its main
steps? Provide an example demonstrating the application of the Find-S algorithm.
2. Explain the Candidate Elimination algorithm and its role in concept learning. How does it
handle inconsistencies and generalize from specific examples? Illustrate with examples.
3. Describe the weighted KNN (WKNN) algorithm. How does it differ from the standard KNN
algorithm, and what are the advantages in classification tasks?
4. Explain the Nearest Centroid Classifier (NCC) algorithm. How does it determine the class of
a new instance, and Explain its advantages with suitable examples
5. Define regression analysis and its role in predictive modeling. How does regression analysis
differ from classification, and what types of problems is it used to solve in ML, Explain with
a problem as an example
6. Discuss the basic principles of linear regression. How is the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables represented, Explain with examples
7. Explain linear regression in matrix form. How can the matrix representation be used to
efficiently compute the parameters of the regression model?
8. Describe methods for validating regression models. What techniques are commonly used to
assess the performance and generalization ability of regression models? How do these
methods help ensure the reliability of regression analysis results?

MODULE -4 : Study any 8 Questions

1. Discuss the Decision Tree Learning algorithm, ID3. How does it construct decision trees from
labeled training data, and what criteria does it use to select attributes for node splitting? Provide a
step-by-step explanation with a hypothetical dataset.

2. Explain the concept of Classification and Regression Trees (CART). How does CART differ from
ID3 in both classification and regression? Provide examples of classification and regression trees.

3. Describe the C4.5 algorithm for decision tree learning. Explain advantages over, and how does it
handle missing attribute values and continuous attributes? Discuss the significance of pruning in

4. Discuss the contribution of regression trees in decision tree learning. How are regression trees
different from classification trees, Provide examples of regression tree applications.

5. Define Bayesian Learning and its fundamental principles. How does Bayesian Learning differ
from other learning approaches, and Explain wrt handling uncertainty and prior knowledge?

6. Explain the Naive Bayes algorithm for classification. What assumptions does Naive Bayes make
about the independence of features, and how does it compute class probabilities using Bayes'
theorem? Provide a practical example of Naive Bayes classification.

7. Discuss the concept of zero probability error in Naive Bayes classification. What causes zero
probability error, and how can it be addressed using different techniques

8. Define Bayes Optimal Classification and its significance in machine learning

9. Describe the Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm. How does it model the likelihood of features using
Gaussian distributions, and what types of datasets are suitable for Gaussian Naive Bayes

10. Compare and contrast Decision Tree Learning and Bayesian Learning approaches.

MODULE -5 : Study any 8 Questions

1. Describe a simple model of an artificial neuron. What are its basic components, and how does it
process input signals to produce an output?

2. Explain the concept of activation functions in artificial neural networks. Discuss the role of
activation functions in non-linearity and enabling the neural network to learn complex relationships
in data.
3. Define the perceptron learning algorithm and its role in learning theory. How does the perceptron
algorithm adjust the weights of connections between neurons to minimize classification errors?

4. Discuss the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. How does it differ from other types of
artificial neural networks,explain wrt function approximation and pattern recognition?

5. Explain the concept of Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOM) in neural networks. How does SOM
organize input data into a low-dimensional map while preserving the topological properties of the
input space?

6. Explain clustering and hierarchical clustering algorithms.

7. Describe the single linkage and complete linkage methods in hierarchical clustering. How do
these methods determine the distance between clusters, and what are their respective strengths and

8. Discuss the mean-shift clustering algorithm. How does mean-shift iteratively shift data points
towards the mode of their density function to identify cluster centers, and what are its advantages
over other clustering methods?

9. Explain the K-means clustering algorithm. How does K-means partition data into a predefined
number of clusters based on centroids, and what are the key steps involved in the algorithm?

10. Compare and contrast mean-shift clustering and K-means clustering. What are the differences in
their approaches to clustering

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