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410252 (D) Soft Computing and Optimization Algorithms

Question Bank
1. Soft Computing Basics
2. Explain the Taxonomy of Neural Network Architecture.
3. What is Neural Network Architecture? Give its types and explain them.
4. Explain the characteristics of Neural Network.
5. Write short notes on (a) transfer functions (b) recurrent neural networks.
6. Distinguish between artificial neuron & biological neuron.
7. Explain various activation functions used in ANN?
8. Explain different parts of human brain.
9. Explain soft computing vs hard computing.
10. Give short note on
i. 1. Neural Network
ii. 2. Fuzzy logic
iii. 3. Genetic algorithm
iv. 4. Hybrid systems
11. Explain Applications of soft computing.
12. Differentiate between probability and fuzzy logic.
13. Write Applications of Neural Network.
14. Explain Fuzzy Rule based system.
15. Write application of Fuzzy logic.
16. Explain Neuro-Fuzzy Systems.
17. Write application of genetic algorithm.
18. Explain Neuro-Genetic hybrid Systems.
19. What is soft computing?
20. List applications of soft computing.
21. Write note on Hybrid system
22. Explain in detail fuzzy set theory.
23. Compare and contrast Human brain and Neural network.
24. Discuss in detail Genetic algorithms.
25. What are the different applications of Fuzzy logic concepts in Engineering problems.
26. Explain Fuzzy Relations.
27. Explain fuzzy associative memory.
28. Classify different types of neurons.
29. Name some of the properties of fuzzy sets.
30. Write the properties of Fuzzy set theory & Explain.
31. Define a fuzzy set and explain the concept of a fuzzy number. What is the significance of
Fuzzy Sets and Logic

1 Differentiate fuzzy set and crisp set?

2 Differentiate Non crisp set and crisp set?

3 Explain the different Fuzzy relation operation?

4 Define a Fuzzy Cartesian product.

5 Describe membership function.

6 Explain the Basic Fuzzy set operation with suitable Example.

7 Give the Properties of Fuzzy set.

8 Explain the Crisp Relation with suitable example.

9 Explain the various operations on Crisp relations.

10 Explain the Fuzzy Relation with suitable example.

11 Explain the various operations on Fuzzy relations.

12 Write any two fuzzy membership functions with diagrams.

13 What is union in Fuzzy set operation and intersection in Fuzzy operation?

14 For the fuzzy representation below, find M1  M2 and explain the significance in the real

world. Given,

1 0 0.7
0.3 0.2 0
0 0.5 1

M2 =
0.6 0.6 0
0 0.6 1
0 0.1 0
15. Give the properties of fuzzy sets and also explain the operations involved in it.

16. What is Defuzzification? Explain different defuzzification method with an example?

17. What do you mean by fuzzy logic? Explain fuzzy Propositions and Fuzzy connectives with

suitable Example.

18. Explain the fuzzy inference with suitable Example

19. Differentiate between Predicate logic and Fuzzy Logic

20. Given a conditional and qualified Fuzzy proposition ‘P’ of the form. P: If x is A, then y is

B is S. Where ‘ S’ is fuzzy truth qualifier and a fact is in the form” x is A” . We want to make

an inference in the form “y is B “Design a method based on the truth- value restrictions for

getting the inference.

21. The results of three implication processes arc as shown in fig. Find the aggregated output

and the defuzzified output using the (1) Center of gravity (2) Center of sums and (3) Weighted

average methods

22. Explain Fuzzy to crisp conversion

23. Explain fuzzy if-then rules.

24. Explain Fuzzy Implications

25. Explain Fuzzy algorithms.

26. Describe in your own words the advantages of using fuzzy sets for describing an evolving


27. Write the properties of set theory and explain.

Unit III
1. Explain the basic structure of fuzzy controller and explain the steps involved in
designing fuzzy controller.
2. Explain different types of fuzzy propositions.
3. Explain how the formation and decomposition of compound rules occurs in Fuzzy
4. Write a note on different types of fuzzy approximate reasoning
5. Explain construction and working of FIS
6. How Sugeno model of FIS differ from Mamdani model? Explain working of Mamdani
7. Define crisp and fuzzy relation. Describe fuzzy max - min composition and fuzzy min-
max composition
8. Explain 4 defuzzification methods with suitable example
Unit IV

1. Explain how Evolutionary Programming differs from Evolutionary strategies

2. How Genetic algorithms differ from evolutionary programming and evolutionary strategies

3. Differentiate between evolutionary programming and evolutionary strategies. Explain the

main components of evolutionary programming

4. Explain different parent selection methods used in EV systems

5. What are the different survivor selection methods? Explain each in detail

6. Comment on parent selection in ES and EP

7. Explain in brief function maximization and symbolic regression in evolutionary computing

8. What is Darwinian Evolution? Write advantages and disadvantages of evolutionary


9. What are components of evolutionary algorithms? what is the role of fitness function and

population in evolutionary algorithms?

1. What are the basic Genetic Algorithm Operators/state the operators of Genetic Algorithm?
2. What is Roulette wheel selection in GA? Explain in detail.
3. Classify the types of encoding employed in Genetic Algorithm.
4. Explain Holland classifier systems.
5. Describe classification of genetic algorithm.
6. Describe traditional algorithm vs genetic algorithm.
7. Describe differences in GA and Other traditional methods.
8. Describe similarities in GA and other traditional methods.
9. Describe applications of GA.
10. Mention the role of fitness function in GA and what are the requirements of GA
11. What are the parameters of GA.
12. Explain the term:
(i) Search Space (ii) Working Principle of GA
13. Explain the Tournament Selection.
14. What is Rank selection in GA? Explain in brief.
15. State what do you mean by Genetic Algorithm? and explain the Biological Background of GA.
16. Enumerate steps followed by GA.
17. Explain following
(i) Write short notes on representation of design variables in GA?
(ii) Discuss the fitness function in GA?
18. Write short note on
(i) Boltzmann Selection (ii)Steady State Selection
19. What are the basic Genetic Algorithm Operators/state the operators of Genetic Algorithm?
20. What do you understand by Tournament Selection? How does it overcomes the demerit of Roulette
Wheel Selection method
21. List and explain in brief various Selection methods of Reproduction in GA.
22. Describe the basic steps of Genetic Algorithm used for solving optimization techniques and
Compare the features of Genetic Algorithm with other optimization techniques.
23. Outline the similarities and differences between Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Strategies.
24. Define the terms chromosome, fitness function, crossover and mutation as used in genetic
algorithms. Explain how genetic algorithms work, in English or in pseudocode.
25. A genetic algorithm is to be used to evolve a binary string of length n containing only 1s.The initial
population is a randomly generated set of binary strings of length n.
i. Give a suitable fitness function for this problem. (2 marks)
ii. Will the offspring of parents with a high fitness value generally also have a high
fitness value, given your fitness function? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
26. If the population size in a genetic algorithm is restricted to 1, what search algorithm does it
correspond to? Explain your answer.
27. Name and describe the main features of Genetic Algorithms (GA).
28. What two requirements should a problem satisfy in order to be suitable for solving it by a GA?
Swarm Intelligence

1. Explain swarm intelligence in detail.

2. Describe Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm- Formulations.
3. Ant colony optimization (ACO)- Formulations.
4. Give Applications of PSO and ACO.
5. Describe real valued and binary PSO.
6. What is the difference between GA and PSO optimization.
7. List main advantages of PSO over GA.
8. Give short note on premature convergence.

Mr. Vishal Kisan Borate

Subject In-charge

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