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1/ I’m worried _______ my final exam in statistics.

a. about falling
b. to fall
c. with falling
d. to fallure

2/ ________ the scholarship really surprised me .

a. Mike got
b. Mike getting
c. Mike’s getting
d. Mike gets

3/ Many northerners look forward _______ a garden in the spring .

a. to plant
b. to planting
c. with planting
d. to planting of

4/ “May I have a word with you ,Mrs. Adam ? ” – “ Is this in regard ______ late
yesterday ?”
a. of you coming
b. to you coming
c. to your coming
d. of your coming

5/ Who is responsible _______ the garbage – the husband of the wife ?

a. to take out
b. for take out
c. for taking out
d. with taking out

6/ I think ________ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate .

a. your being
b. you are
c. you being
d. you to be

7/ “ How do I turn on the T.V ? ” – “ _____ the button at the right .”

a. From pushing
b. By pushing
c. You pushing
d. To push

8/ “It’s difficult to make money as an artist .”

– “ Have you considered _______ a course in business for artists ?”
a. To take
b. about taking
c. your taking
d. taking

9/ “ Why have you decided to go back to school ”

– “ I’m tired _______ as a secretary .”
a. for work
b. to work
c. of working
d. about working

10/ “ We were opponents of the political regime in our country.”

“ And that led to ____ to the United States thirty – five years ago .”
a. us coming
b. our coming
c. come
d. us to come

11/ “Did you understand the solution to the calculus problem ?” – “ Not very well .
Dr Baker’s ______ was complicated .”
a. explain
b. explaining
c. explanation
d. explained

12/ “ How do you like American food ?”

– “ Well, it’s not bad . Now I _______ hamburgers .”
a. used to eat
b. am used to eat
c. used to eating
d. am used to eating

13/ We insisted ___________ by the manager .

a. to be seen
b. to see
c. on being seen
d. on seeing

14/ _______ for director must have surprised you .

a. Your being nominated
b. You nominated
c. Your nominating
d. You’re being nominated
15/ “ What are you reading ?”
– “ It’s a magazine article ______ your own furniture .”
a. to make it
b. about make
c. about making
d. for make

16/ ______ a foreign language well is a long process.

a. Learn
b. Learning
c. To learning
d. Having learned

17/ What do you enjoy _______ in your free time ?

a. doing
b. do
c. to do
d. done

18/ You can’t go to England without _________ to Bucking ham Palace .

a. go
b. being gone
c. to go
d. going

19/ Would you mind not ___________ ?

a. to be smoking
b. to smoke
c. smoking
d. smoke

20/ She was worried about ________ by thieves.

a. being robbed
b. robbing
c. being rob
d. be robbing


1/ I can’t afford _______ you any more money .

a. borrowing
b. to borrow
c. to lend
d. my lending

2/ The teacher encouraged _______ good compositions .

a. us write
b. us to write
c. us writing
d. us to writing

3/ “ Stacey seems like a bright student .”

- “ She’s always the first ________ her work.”
a. to finish
b. finishing
c. to being finished with
d. to be finish with

4/ Please ask the restaurant clientele ________ in the no smoking area .

a. don’t smoke
b. not to smoke
c. not smoking
d. don’t to smoke

5/ “Why have you given up your job ? ”

– “ ______ on my present salary is impossible .”
a. For me to live
b. To live for me
c. Me living
d. I live

6/ “What’s wrong with Henry ? ” – “ He needs __________”

a. cheer up
b. to be cheer up
c. cheering up
d. to cheered up

7/ “Why are you mad ?” – “ I dislike ________ by my first name .”

a. you call
b. you to call me
c. your calling me
d. you call me

8/ “ Which baseball team do you support ?”

– “ We’d like ________”
a. the Tigers win
b. That the Tigers win
c. the Tigers will win
d. the Tigers to win

9/ “ May I help you ?”

– “ Yes , I need someone _______ the tire on my car .”
a. change
b. to change
c. changing
d. to be changed

10/ “I heard Fred is going to work for the ambassader . ”

– “ Yes , he was lucky _______ such a good job.”
a. to give
b. about getting
c. to be given
d. to be giving

11/ Can you get the teacher ______ us less homework ?

a. give
b. giving
c. to give
d. her giving

12/ “ Mary hasn’t been feeling well lately .”

– “ Yes, we want _________ by a doctor .”
a. him to examine
b. that he be examined
c. him to be examined
d. he is examined

13/ “ How did you travel so cheaply in Europe ? ”

– “ We reduced our expenses by taking the train and _____ in inexpensive
restaurants . ”
a. eat
b. to eat
c. eating
d. ate

14/ “ Your homemade ice cream is so good . What’s your secret ?”

– “ _____ good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream .”
a. For make
b. to make
c. Making
d. Make

15/ “ I’d like to go bowling tonight .”

“ Don’t forget we’ve already made plans _______ to dinner at the Caihouns’ ”
a. to go
b. going
c. for go
16/ “ Why are you mad , Katherine ?” – “ That traffic jam _____ be late .”
a. made us
b. caused us
c. had us to
d. forced us

17/ “ My mother says I can’t marry Jim” – “ She should let ______ your own mind.”
a. you make up
b. that you make up
c. you to make up
d. you making up

18/ I can’t open the top of this apple juice .“ – “ ________ it.”
a. Mark have to do
b. Make Mark to do
c. Have Mark do
d. Have Mark done

19/ I can hear a cat ______ at the widow .

a. scratching
b. scratches
c. to scrath
d. was scratching

20/ “ Why do the police want to talk to you ?”

– “ Because we saw the money _____ last night.”
a. stealing
b. been stolen
c. stole
d. stolen

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