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§tarter unit

O Hello! Goodbye!
I S| ti"t"n and repeat.

Practise in pairs.

3 §? ti"t"n and repeat.

ln English there is a 1 B.00 a,m. Good morning.
greeting used in the 2 12.30 p.m. Good afternoon,
afternoon. 3 6.00 p,m. Good evening.
4 9,00 p.m. Good-night.
5 Goodbye,

4 Complete the speech bubbles.

Í? tirt"n and check.

§ong 5 §? ti"t"n and sing.

Greetings Hello! Good morníng! Hello! Good eveningl
Hi! How areyou? Hi! How are you?
Hello! Good morning! Hello! Good eveningl
l'mfine, thankyou. |'m fine, thank Vou.

Hello! Good afternoon! Coodbye! Good-rug::

Hi! How areyou? Goodbye! Good-niei::
Hello! Good afternoon!
l'm fine. thank you,

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