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Synthesis on Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist as the summit of Christian life is truly rich and enveloped with great meaning.
There is a vast range of information riddled with beautiful history and significance within the celebration
of the Holy Eucharist. All of which are important and significant for the understanding and appreciation
of the sacrament.

Here are some questions now: how could all these beauty, meaning and significance could be
made known to the faithful? How could the wonderful complexities of the mysteries contained in this
sacrament be able to become relevant and significant to the lives and experiences of the people who
participate in them? Should the church try and teach all of these to the people? How should it be made
known to them? What could be the different ways to develop and inculcate a deeper understanding and
valuing of this sacrament?

There are too many things to be considered with regards to the goal of making the sacrament of
the Holy Eucharist closer to the hearts of people. As a youth minister, I believe that all of these beautiful
contents of the Holy Eucharist will not be grasped easily and totally by the youth. I believe it is better, in
their context, that bits and pieces of these wonders of the sacrament are made known to them starting
to those things that could be most relatable and relevant to them. A series of progressive learning could
also be drawn up in relation to parochial catechesis programs and to catholic education.

The beauty of this sacrament and its richness must not be held back from the faithful, especially
to the youth. I hope to be part of the members of the church who will be able to aid in the development
of the next generation’s appreciation and love for this Eucharist, through words and deeds.

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