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Subject + To be + Going to + Infinitive + Complement.

Fíjate en los ejemplos:

● I am going to swim next Saturday – Yo voy a nadar el próximo


● She is going to make a cake today – Ella va a hacer un pastel hoy.

● They are going to wash the car – Ellos van a lavar el coche.

● We are going to watch that film – (Nosotros) Vamos a ver esa


● I am going to buy a bicycle – (Yo) Voy a comprar una bicicleta.

Subject + to be in present + not + going to + Infinitive + Complement.

Observa estos ejemplos:

● I am not going to have time to do this – No voy a tener tiempo de

hacer esto.

● She is not going to do her homework – Ella no va a hacer sus


● We are not going to buy the house – Nosotros no vamos a comprar

la casa.

● They are not going to eat all that food – Ellos no van a comerse
toda esa comida.

Write the sentences with Going to

 We’re ____________________ tennis next Saturday. (going to) (play)

 Madison is __________________that car.(negative going to)(buy)

 Are Alice and Ella ___________________ in London for more than a week?(going to)(stay)

 Noah is ____________________ the dishes after the party.(negative going to)(wash)

 My parents are not going to travel in the summer. (negative going to)(travel)

 Are you _________________ your novel this year?(going to)(publish)

 Look at the sky; it’s ___________________ soon. (going to)(rain)

Mira el cielo; va a llover pronto.

 He is ________________ at the weekly meeting.(going to)(speak)

Él va a hablar en la reunión semanal.

 Are you _______________________ the pyramids while in Egypt?(going to)(visit)

¿Vas a visitar las pirámides mientras estés en Egipto?

 Mel is _______________________ a play at the theater tonight.(going to)(see)

Mel va a ver una obra en el teatro esta noche.
Correctly select the answer corresponding to the sentence

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