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from project import *

while True:





print('''\n\tBefore starting here is a brief on what zodiac signs exactly are:-

\t A person’s particular sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in

\twhen they were born. It is a belief in astrology that a person’s personality can

\tbe predicted using their sign of their zodiac.''')


print('1.Get to know your zodiac sign.')

print('2.Get to know associated traits with your zodiac.')

print('3.Exit the program.')

a=int(input('Enter the function you want to perform from above choices:'))

if a==2:


elif a==1:

print('''\t\tDon't know about your zodiac sign?No Worries!

\t\tzodologic will help to get to know about it based on your date and month of birth!''')

print('''\t\t[1.]December-22 to January-19

\t\t[2.]January-20 to February-18

\t\t[3.]February-19 to March-20

\t\t[4.]March-21 to April-19

\t\t[5.]April-20 to May-20

\t\t[6.]May-21 to June-20

\t\t[7.]June-21 to July-22

\t\t[8.]July-23 to August-22

\t\t[9.]August-23 to September-22

\t\t[10.]September-23 to October-22
\t\t[11.]October-23 to November-21

\t\t[12.]November-22 to December-21''')

sel=int(input('''Enter the number corresponding to your birthdate And month:'''))

if sel==1:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO CAPRICORN!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3.Tarot Card

\t4.Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''They combine their traditional methods with powerful determination

to climb the ladder of success each and every day. Caring, conservative

Capricorn is a great leader and a dedicated provider. They like to

play hard, and work harder.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.the ruling planet for

CAPRICCORN is called SATURN-This planet brings out the traditional

side of Capricorn, enhancing its practical nature to ensure the

Goat takes calculated steps toward success. As the planet of

karma, Saturn says that if you put in the work, you will be rewarded,

and that’s what Capricorn is all about.''')

elif d==3:
print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for CAPRICORN is THE DEVIL.Capricorn’s cycle of neverending work

and its need to succeed is represented in its Tarot card''')

elif d==4:

print('capricorns are generally compatible with:VIRGO AND TAURUS')

elif d==5:

print('''Try to be more flexible and appreciate what you have. Don't forget

to value your friends, family, and personal relationships as much as

you do your career success''')


print('\t\t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==2:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go :)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO AQUARIUS!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''While Aquarius prefers ideas over emotions, their stimulating

personality earns them fast friends.When this rebellious sign isn’t

satisfied with the way things are, they’re experts at garnering

the support they need to instigate change. Ruled more by the head

than the heart, Aquarius’ brilliant ideas and visionary plans inspire

us all to raise the bar in our everyday lives.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.the ruling planet for

AQUARIUS is URANUS-Aquarius acquires its sense of progress,

creation, and wisdom from this inventive and powerful planet,

whose ultimate goal is to wake us up to the truths of the world.''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for AQUARIUS is THE STAR-The Star card brings inspiring, healing, and

idealistic energies that help us envision the perfect world we want to create. Aquarius

focus on the future and drive to help others reach their heart’s desires are strongly

supported by the uplifting Star card.''')

elif d==4:

print('''aquarius have appreciatable compatibility with:LEO,


elif d==5:

print('''Aquarius' eternal quest for knowledge turns up notions that range

from brilliant to insane. Learn to separate the two and you'll meet

less opposition when presenting your ideas''')


print('\t\t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==3:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go :)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO PISCES!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''With a soul as deep and vast as the oceans, Pisces thrives in a world of

fantasy, where its imagination can flow freely. Driven by its strong connection

to the spiritual world,they know exactly how to balance cold,

hard reality with the warmth of love and understanding.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.the ruling planet for

PISCES is Neptune allow Pisces to swim through a neverending

world of imagination and spirituality where anything is possible.''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for PISCES is THE MOON-The Moon card represents our ability to rely

on our instincts and intuitions, while Pisces is known as the most intuitive

sign of the zodiac. Just as we live by the cycles of the Moon, The Moon Tarot card

encourages Pisces to go with the flow of nature, instead of swimming against its currents.''')

elif d==4:

print('''pisces are generally seen sharing a bond with people that have a zodiac

corresponding to: CANCER AND SCORPIO''')

elif d==5:

print('''It's wonderful to dream, but don't let your imagination lead you into

trouble. Keep one foot grounded in the real world and pay attention to

everyday matters, too''')


print('\t\t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==4:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go :)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO ARIES!')

print('Select what do you want to know:')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Aries is bold and fearless,always ready to take charge and

lead the way towards success.they are always ready to take charge and conquer whatever

challenge they meet.courageous and competetive.they live in the moment and moves fast

nd furiously.these born leaders are impossible to ignore.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.

Aries are ruled by the planet MARS.this planet shares its name with the roman
gos of war,making it all about aggression.mars helps aries take action and

act assertively''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for Aries is THE EMPEROR which signifies authority,power,foundation

and leadership.As the name suggests if emperor like discipline is once acquired,

it can lead to major success.''')

elif d==4:

print('''It is majorly seen that aries are generaly compatible with

people that have zodiac sign corresponding to LIBRA,SAGGITARIUS AND LEO''')

elif d==5:

print('''impulsive actions and fiery words can get aries into trouble

So learn to slow down and think twie before you act or react''')


print('\t\t**Wrong choice entered**')

elif sel==5:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO TAURUS!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Taurus knows how to slow down and appreciate the finer thingsin life.

The stable Bull is both patient and determined, leading a life that’s balanced

with hard work and great reward.Refusing to give up, Taurus will push through to the end,

no matter what tries to block its path. Careful and low-risk,the Bull knows that slow

and steady wins the race''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet which influences

how someone moves through their lives.the ruling planet for taurus is THE VENUS.

We all know that Venus is theplanet of love. It is named the Goddess of love,

beauty, and governs your relationship to money, aesthetics, and

what you find lavish''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for taurus is called THE HIEROPHANT.The Hierophant card represents an

established set of spiritual values and beliefs and is often correlated with religion

and other formal doctrines.''')

elif d==4:

print('It is often seen that taurus is compatible with SCORPIONS,VIRGO AND CAPRICORN''')

elif d==5:

print('''What we advice taurus is You love the finer things in life,

but don't forget to seek beauty beyond material possessions, too.''')


print('\t\t**Wrong choice entered**')

elif sel==6:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO GEMINI!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Gemini is a sign that thinks fast, communicates well,

and is full of ideas.Gemini is like a sponge, soaking up as much

information as they possibly can. Whether it’s through reading,

talking, or writing, Gemini’s thirst for knowledge is constant.

As the most talkative sign of the zodiac ''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet which influences

how someone moves through their lives.the ruling planet for gemini

is MERCURY-Mercury rules over a person's intelligence, mentality,

analytical skills, reaction, learning, grasping power, central

nervous system, body language, impression, gives strong

desire to explore!''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for.The tarot card for gemini is called THE LOVERS.

The Lovers represent relationships and choices. It represents how love is

the major element contributing to a person's life.Gemini are the kind of people

that think about love about majority of the time''')

elif d==4:

print('''Geminis are mostly compatible with-Leo,aries,aquarius and libra''')

elif d==5:

print('''Learn to slow down, calm your mind, and center yourself

through deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga''')


print('\t\t**Wrong choice entered**')

elif sel==7:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO CANCER!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2.Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print(''' loyal and loving, Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, and will

fiercely protect themselves and anything they hold dear. They are lovers not

fighters, but will always fight for who they love''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet which influences

how someone moves through their lives.The ruling planet for cancers

is THE MOON-In Astrology, the Moon has a powerful hold over the human

emotions, while Cancer is a tender sign driven by feelings and desires

of affection.''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can
help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for.The tarot card for gemini is called THE CHARIOT-The Chariot

reminds us to combine our hearts and our heads to persevere and to overcome life's

challenges. Like The Chariot, Cancer can summon the right reaction at the right time

to best suit its needs.''')

elif d==4:

print('it is widely seen that cancers are compatible with PISCES AND SCORPIONS')

elif d==5:

print('''Cancer’s deep emotions can cause their feelings to be hurt easily.

Try to control your mood swings by thinking twice before reacting.''')


print('\t\t**Wrong choice entered**')

elif sel==8:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO LEO!')

choice=('''\t\t1. General personality traits

\t\t2. Ruling planet

\t\t3. Tarot Card

\t\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''With its shining heart of gold, Leo is a loyal lover and a

proud and courageous leader. This sign of the Lion embodies an air of

royalty, just like the kings and queens of the jungle. Sometimes

expressive to a fault, Leo has never been known to keep its feelings
hidden! Steer clear of Leo’s drama, and you’ll find some of the most

generous souls you’ll ever meet.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet which influences

how someone moves through their lives.Leo is ruled by the bright and blazing

SUN! Leo the Lion shines in any crowd with its sparkling personality and

warm charm. As the closest star to Earth, the Sun is the most powerful body in our

sky and demands attention, just like Leo''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for.The tarot card for leo is called THE STRENGTH.a Lion is featured

prominently on this card, representing an obvious relationship with Leo the Lion.

This card embodies nature in its most primal form, allowing the Lion to be and to express

its true self. The Strength card is not only about physical strength, but also about strength

of heart, mind, and soul.''')

elif d==4:

print('''we have seen the compatibility between leo and fellow zodiac signs such


elif d==5:

print('''As you blaze through life in all your glory, remember

to pay attention to the feelings of those around you''')


print('\t\t**you have entered the wrong choice.**')

elif sel==9:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO VIRGO!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Virgo is quick to notice flaws and fix them, helping others reach their

highest potential. One of Virgo’s strongest abilities is to take in a wealth

of information, and pick out only what’s important and useful. This makes Virgo

one of the most productive and efficient signs of all.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.virgo are ruled by the planet MERCURY

Mercury is the planet that influences information, and Virgo is highly skilled

with handling information -- meticulously narrowing down what’s useful and

cutting out what’s not. As an incredibly observant and analytical sign, this

skill makes Virgo a sensible source of information and ideas''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for virgo is THE HERMIT .This card challenges us to find comfort in

solitude, and to use quiet time alone to absorb the answers we need.The meditative

Hermit also reminds Virgo to balance the meticulous details of daily life with a

healthy dose of spirituality.''')

elif d==4:

print('VIRGO are seen pretty compatible with the sign:SCORPIO,TAURUS,CANCER N


elif d==5:
print('Loosen up every once in a while -- no one is perfect, not even you!')


print('/t/t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==10:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO LIBRA!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Libra is a loving sign that focuses strongly on partnership and

prioritizes the needs of others. This sign of the Scales is blessed

with a natural sense of right and wrong, making them very focused on

justice, honesty, and fairness. As the sign of balance, Libra

represents both the head and the heart -- they focus on logic and fact

to ensure everything is on the up-and-up, but really thrive in the

mutual feelings and closeness of one-on-one relationships. Beautiful

both inside and out, Libra stands for harmony, elegance, and equality.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.LIBRA are ruled by the planet

Venus, the planet of love, casts her sensual powers of persuasion

and charm on Libra. Venus was the Roman goddess of love, and her
relationship with Libra is what brings out this sign’s grace, charm,

and beauty. As a sign that prizes one-on-one relationships, Venus’

sparkling love qualities shine strongly in Libra’s life.''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for LIBRA is called JUSTICE-The powerful Justice card is the Tarot card

of Libra. In the Tarot, Justice embodies truth, morals, fairness, and the rights we

have as human beings. It is the fair and firm reminder to pay careful attention to our

actions and consequences -- for the law of karma is represented here.''')

elif d==4:

print('''libra can co-exist better with people that have zodiac signs corresponding


elif d==5:

print('''We know how much you love to please others, but don't forget

to fulfill your own needs once in awhile, too!''')


print('/t/t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==11:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')

print('\t\tHELLO SCORPIO!')

choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')

d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Scorpion is all about transformation, and their ultimate goal is to bring

all that’s hidden into the light. Scorpio thrives in a world of passion, depth,

questions, and answers. The Scorpion isn’t interested in what’s sitting right

on the surface -- they want to dig down to get to the real treasures that lie beneath''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.SCORPIONS have the ruling

planet PLUTO Pluto’s overall theme of death and rebirth plays a

significant role in Scorpio’s life, creating a cycle of

transformation and encouraging Scorpio’s personal metamorphosis.''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for SCORPION is called DEATH This Tarot card uses death in a figurative

sense, representing endings of all forms -- relationships, projects, phases, ideas, and more.

The Death card tells us that some things must rest in peace to allow new opportunities

to enter our life.''')

elif d==4:

print('Scorpions are compatible with:CANCER AND PISCES')

elif d==5:

print('''Be careful of lashing out at others with your intense feelings,

but also of hurting yourself by keeping too much inside''')


print('\t\t**wrong choice entered.**')

elif sel==12:

print('''Your zodiac sign is:


print('''Want to know more about Yourself?

Here you go:)!!''')


choice=('''\t1. General personality traits

\t2. Ruling planet

\t3. Tarot Card

\t4. Compatible Zodiac

\t5. Advice''')


d=int(input('Enter your desired choice:'))

if d==1:

print('''Sagittarius is driven by a constant need to explore and expand its mind,

heart, and awareness to the fullest extent. Fiery and free, Sagittarius knows

that the only limits are the ones we create ourselves.''')

elif d==2:

print('''So each zodiac sign has a ruling planet whivh influences

how someone moves through their lives.SAGITTARIUS have the

ruling planet Jupiter is known as the “benefic” planet, meaning

it is the luckiest, most opportunistic planet of all. This positive

energy influences Sagittarius’ optimistic, enlightening, and outgoing

nature that shines and spreads through anyone they come into contact with''')

elif d==3:

print('''Through the years,tarot has become and inituitive art that can

help you prepare for the best and the worst.they hold endless meaning of symbolism.

the tarot card for SAGITTARIUS is TEMPERANCE.The gentle process of tempering is

about finding a perfect middle state, combining the best of all things to forge

something that is stronger than the sum of its parts. By bringing the power of

the philosophical world into their physical world, Sagittarius makes itself a

source of ultimate truth and awareness.''')

elif d==4:

print('''People with zodiac sagittarius are compatibl with other signs

such as:ARIES AND LEO''')

elif d==5:

print('''Sagittarius speeds through life with an aggressive eagerness for

new things, but you would be wise to slow down and stick with

something for a few minutes''')


print('\t\t**wrong choice entered.**')


print('**Wrong choice entered**')

elif a==3:




print('\t\t**Wrong choice entered.**')

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