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Liberty High Case

Ms. Stacy Bain


MEL570: Innovation, Quality, and Educational Models

Professor - Larry Gay Reagan

October 22nd 2023


As the recently appointed principal of Liberty High, I firmly believe that the
strategic planning process is essential for improving the school's performance. It is the
principal's responsibility to lead and manage the planning, delivery, assessment, and
improvement of the education of all students by strategically allocating resources. This
responsibility has been a topic of interest for researchers internationally and in
Australia, as noted by Leithwood et al. (2004).). To achieve the goal of improving the
school's quality, I take several detailed steps. These steps would involve self-assessing
myself, evaluating the current state of the school, creating a SWOT analysis, and
engaging with stakeholders such as teachers, staff, students, and parents. By doing so, I
will identify areas that need improvement and set measurable goals to enhance the
school's quality.
Self-awareness is vital for effective leadership at Liberty High. I will reflect on my
identity and responsibilities at the school to advance cooperatively and
communicatively. According to Bollman and Deal's (2001) research, not being in touch
with oneself and one's values can lead to feeling lost and adrift, making it easier to be
swayed by external pressures. It is essential to have self-knowledge, for it is critical for
building trust and being true to oneself. I need to take this initial step to move forward
responsibly and take further steps in confronting organizational challenges that could
adversely affect the school's climate and culture. To enhance my leadership
development as the newly appointed principal, I would seek formal mentorship from
the former principal, Mr. Bill. This will be necessary for my professional improvement,
growth, and support. The mentor provided guidance and support in decision-making
during the mentoring process, which proved successful.
It is crucial to comprehensively evaluate a school's current state to ensure a
positive educational experience for students, teachers, and parents. We can identify
strengths and weaknesses by analyzing key factors such as academic performance,
student attendance, teacher retention rates, and parental satisfaction, enabling us to
establish measurable goals for improvement. Collecting valuable data on student
achievements is crucial to enhancing academic outcomes, including standardized test

scores, graduation rates, and college acceptance rates. By comparing these results with
previous years and benchmarking them against regional or national averages, we can
identify significant trends or areas of concern. Student attendance is a pivotal factor in
academic success. Analyzing attendance records can help establish the average daily
attendance rate and uncover any patterns of chronic absenteeism. This analysis can also
help us consider factors that influence attendance, such as transportation issues or
student engagement, and examine any available data on the correlation between
attendance and academic performance. Maintaining high teacher retention rates is
essential to promote a positive school environment and improve student achievement.
By scrutinizing data on teacher turnover rates from the past few years and determining
the reasons behind teacher departures, such as low job satisfaction, lack of professional
development opportunities, or inadequate support, we can assess the impact of teacher
turnover on student achievement and the overall school climate. Parental satisfaction is
a critical aspect of the educational experience. Conducting surveys or interviews to
gauge parental satisfaction levels regarding communication, school policies, teaching
quality, and overall school experience can help identify areas of concern or

Additionally, we must assess the overall school climate, including student

behavior, disciplinary actions, and incidents of bullying or harassment. Evaluating the
adequacy of resources, including textbooks, technology, and extracurricular activities, is
also essential. Reviewing the curriculum to ensure alignment with standards and best
practices and assessing instructional strategies and professional development
opportunities for teachers can enhance teaching quality. Establishing measurable goals
and action plans to improve these areas will help the school focus its efforts and track
progress over time. Regularly monitoring and evaluating these goals will facilitate
ongoing improvement and ensure a positive educational experience for students,
teachers, and parents.

By understanding the environment of Liberty High, I aim to create a safe and

inclusive environment where all school community members feel valued and supported.
As the successor to the Liberty High principal, creating a safe and inclusive environment
where students, staff, and parents feel valued and supported is of utmost importance in
fostering a positive school culture. To achieve this goal, scholars recommend
implementing the following strategies. According to Smith and Jones (2015),
communicating behavioral expectations and academic standards to all stakeholders is
critical in establishing a positive school culture. Helping deal with the issues of discipline
indicated by teachers of Liberty High. Thus, developing a comprehensive code of
conduct that promotes respect, empathy, and inclusivity and ensuring consistent
enforcement of expectations, with appropriate consequences for any violations, is
crucial. As stated by Brown (2018), open communication channels between students,
staff, parents, and administration are essential for promoting effective communication.
Regular meetings, such as parent-teacher conferences, should be encouraged to discuss
student progress and address concerns.
Additionally, communication channels such as newsletters, email, social media,
and a dedicated school website should be utilized to keep all stakeholders informed. It is
vital to establish recognition programs to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements
and successes of students, staff, and parents, as recommended by Johnson and Smith
(2017). These programs should highlight academic accomplishments, extracurricular
achievements, and acts of kindness or community service. They can include awards
ceremonies, honor rolls, student of the month programs, or staff appreciation events.
Cultivating a safe and inclusive environment for all school community members is
imperative, as Brown and Lee (2020) suggested. They are achieved by taking proactive
measures such as implementing anti-bullying programs, diversity and inclusion
initiatives, and cultural competence training for staff.
Additionally, student-led clubs or organizations that promote diversity, equity,
and inclusion should be encouraged. According to Williams (2016), it is crucial to

develop support systems for students, staff, and parents to address their social,
emotional, and academic needs. This can include counseling services, mentoring
programs, and educational support resources. Furthermore, staff should be encouraged
to participate in professional development opportunities that enhance their ability to
support students effectively. Engaging parents and the community in school activities
and decision-making processes is essential, as recommended by Johnson (2019).
Establishing a parent-teacher association (PTA) or similar organization fosters
collaboration and involvement. Seeking partnerships with local businesses,
organizations, and higher education institutions can provide additional resources and
opportunities for students. Lastly, as Smith (2018) suggested, modeling the values and
behaviors desired in the school community is essential. They are achieved by
demonstrating fairness, respect, and empathy in all interactions, encouraging a positive
and supportive atmosphere by actively listening to concerns, providing constructive
feedback, and recognizing the strengths and contributions of individuals. Fostering a
positive school culture is an ongoing process requiring all stakeholders' commitment
and collaboration. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of these strategies, seeking
feedback, and making adjustments as needed can create a thriving and inclusive school

As the newly-appointed principal of Liberty High, one of my top priorities is to

enhance instructional practices to improve student learning outcomes. To achieve this
goal, I will implement evidence-based teaching strategies, provide professional
development opportunities for teachers, and utilize data to inform instructional
decision-making. According to Hattie (2009), effective teaching strategies that
significantly impact student learning outcomes include feedback, direct instruction, and
cognitive-strategy instruction. Thus, I will work with teachers to implement these
strategies in the classroom, providing ongoing support and feedback to ensure
successful implementation at Liberty High. To address the diverse learning needs of
students, I will focus on differentiated instruction, which recognizes that students have

varying abilities, interests, and learning styles. As Tomlinson (2014) recommended,

teachers will be encouraged to implement differentiated instruction techniques that
tailor instruction to individual students' needs, promote greater student engagement,
and facilitate academic growth. To support teachers in implementing effective
instructional strategies, I will collaborate with instructional coaches and district
resources to offer targeted professional development opportunities. These workshops
and training sessions will focus on effective instructional strategies, assessment
techniques, and technology integration in the classroom, as Darling-Hammond (2017)
recommended. To establish a culture of data analysis and use within the school, I will
encourage teachers to collect and analyze student data to inform their instructional
practices. As Chappuis and Stiggins (2002) recommended, regular assessments and
progress monitoring will provide valuable insights into student performance, allowing
for timely interventions and targeted support. Enhancing instructional practices is
crucial in improving student learning outcomes. By implementing evidence-based
teaching strategies, providing professional development opportunities, and utilizing
data to inform instructional decision-making, we can create a culture of continuous
improvement and promote tremendous academic success for all students.

Lastly, as the newly-appointed principal of Liberty High, building strong

community partnerships to support the school's educational mission is a top priority. I
will establish a comprehensive parent involvement program to achieve this goal, seek
partnerships with local businesses and community organizations, and actively engage
community stakeholders in school events and initiatives. Epstein (2018) states that
parent involvement is critical in promoting student success. Thus, I will establish a
comprehensive parent involvement program that includes regular communication,
parent workshops, and opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in school
activities. We can promote greater student engagement and academic achievement by
involving parents in their child's education and creating a positive school-home
partnership. In addition to parent involvement, I will seek partnerships with local

businesses, community organizations, and higher education institutions to provide

resources, mentorship programs, and student internship opportunities. By partnering
with local organizations, we can enrich students' educational experiences and help
prepare them for future success, as Lopez and Pinto (2017) recommended. To further
engage community stakeholders, I will actively seek opportunities to involve them in
school events and initiatives. Hosting community forums to discuss important issues
affecting students and families, inviting guest speakers to share their expertise and
insights, and organizing service-learning projects that benefit both the school and the
broader community, as Johnson (2019) recommends. Building strong community
partnerships can create a supportive network that promotes student success and
contributes to the community's well-being. Henderson and Mapp (2002) stated,
"Schools cannot do it alone; families, community organizations, and local businesses
must be involved to improve student learning."

In conclusion, I aim to create an environment where students thrive

academically, socially, and emotionally, preparing them for lifelong success. By taking
detailed steps such as evaluating the school's current state, creating a SWOT analysis,
and engaging with different stakeholders, I will be able to identify areas that need
improvement and set measurable goals to enhance the school's quality. By fostering a
positive school culture, enhancing instructional practices, and building strong
community partnerships, Liberty High will become a model educational institution that
prepares students for lifelong success.

Reference :

Serrato, V. (2013). Empowering Latino parents and students through school-home


Newransky, Chrisann, Kristina Monti, & Margaret Lombe. (2019). "Addressing the Treatment
Gap for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness: Can a Short-term Crisis and Transitional
Intervention Impact Psychiatric and Medical Service Utilization?” Best Practices in
Mental Health 15 (1): 1.

(N.d.-a). Retrieved from

(N.d.-a). Retrieved from

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