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As per the interpretation of supporting document 5, the audiogram indicates that the worker Y is

suffering from noise induced hearing loss, both the ears are affected but left ear is affected more and
the hearing reduction level reaches to 55 decibel at the 4K frequency.

As the audiogram and date interpretation from L 108 table 12 and 13, it indicates that the worker Y is
suffering from significant hearing loss level in left ear and mild loss in the right ear. Therefore both the
ears are affected with noise induced hearing loss.

Below mentioned are some common effects on hearing might be experienced by worker Y,

 Declined hearing sensitivity: As indicates in the supporting document 5 there is no much impact
on the hearing level of worker Y at low frequencies but at 3K, 4K, 6K, etc. means at higher
frequencies hearing level dipping and at 4k it reaches to 55 dB and the chart shape becomes like
v-notch which indicate presence of a noise induced hearing loss.

 Tinnitus: As worker Y faces prolonged exposure to noise in tableting department it may cause
gradual hearing loss, it can also combine with normal hearing loss because of ageing as the age
of worker Y is 49. But hearing damage can also be acute due to sudden exposure to extremely
loud noise, these kind of exposure can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus causes sensation of noise in the
ears. Hence, worker Y may be experiencing persistent or prolonged ringing or buzzing in the ear
which is created by auditory system. Tinnitus can be temporary or permanent, temporary can be
curable but permanent can be difficult to cure.

 Inability to hear high-pitched voice: As worker Y audiogram suggest that hearing level dips
down at higher frequencies like 3k, 4k, and 6k which may cause problem in hearing high pitched
voice for worker Y.

 Muffed/distorted speech: Worker Y exposed to prolonged loud noise in tableting department

for almost a year and a half which might damage the delicate hair cells of the inner ear which
are transmitting the sound signals to the brain. Due to damage of these cells the auditory
system receives incomplete or disturbed signal which can result in muffed or distorted speech
for worker Y.

 Problem in localizing the sound: Worker Y may be facing problem in localizing the sound or the
source of sound properly. It can impact on high frequency hearing which causes difficulties in
determining the actual direction of sound.

 Communication problem: Noise induced hearing loss can cause problem in communication and
understanding the verbal instructions, as worker Y is working in tableting depart and there are
complain from the workers that they are facing problem in hearing the communications and
safety instructions which can lead to misunderstanding and risk.
 Threshold shift: As per the audiogram interpretation of supporting document 5, it indicates that
there is a 10-30 dB shift in threshold for worker Y as he is not able to hear the sound at lower
hearing levels like, 5, 10, 20, 25 dB. This indicates that there might be a permanent or temporary
threshold shift and worker Y may be facing difficulties in understanding or listening lower level
 A feeling of fullness/pressure: Due to noise induced hearing loss worker Y may feel continuous
or temporary pressure or fullness in the ear. This kind of situation may pose safety risk to
worker Y as he cannot concentrate on his work and cannot hear on important sounds like
emergency sirens.

 Problem in discriminating and differentiating different types of sound : Worker Y may face
problem in identifying and discriminating sounds of different pitches or different types of sound.

Hence, above mentioned factors may be worker Y experiencing because of significant level of hearing
loss as per the supporting document 5.


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