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The site uses remote sensing because it has many pictures of the Earth from an
aerial perspective. Remote sensing is when somebody/something takes pictures
of the Earth using satellites, planes, drones, etc. In the third picture of the text, it
shows the divide between a Mexican city and an American city. It is taken from
an aerial perspective, proving how it is remote sensing.
2. The Us Mexico boundary is a subsequent boundary. A subsequent border is a
border that is drawn after people have settled. In the article it says, “Long before
wall-touting political campaigns, the first permanent barrier along the border was
actually built by Mexico—a measure designed to keep Americans out.” This
shows that they created the border after people settled.
3. The impact of the US Mexico boundary on the cultural landscape is the walls and
the cameras used to keep people from crossing the border illegally. The article
says, “In fact, by the time the Trump administration began its border wall project
shortly after former President Trump assumed office in 2017, 654 miles of wall or
barrier had already been built along the border. During his presidency, Trump
built just 15 miles of new primary barrier (he also replaced 350 miles of wall and
barrier during that time).” This shows that there is a vast expanse of wall on the
US Mexico border, affecting the cultural landscape by making new walls and
reconstructing the old ones.
4. An operational boundary dispute is a disagreement over how to run a boundary.
There are paperwork requirements, limits on types of goods, vehicles, and taxes.
The text says, “as well as mandating that foreign asylum seekers wait on the
Mexican side of the border for their respective asylum hearings, a policy known
as ‘Remain in Mexico.’” This is an operational boundary dispute because they
are arguing which side asylum seekers should be on.
5. The social impact of the US Mexican border is the opinions the people from each
side have on each other. The US is trying to keep the Mexicans on their side of
the border as much as possible, but the Mexicans want to come to the US.
The economic impact of the US Mexican border is the amount of money they are
spending to build the wall on the border and the amount of money they are
spending on the housing for the immigrants who are crossing illegally.
The political impact of the US Mexican border is that it increased tensions
between the Us and Mexico.
6. The US Mexico border is a physical boundary because it has the Rio Grande
River as part of the border and there are also expanses of desert that make it
harder to cross safely. It is also a geometric boundary because the areas that the
Rio Grande River do not make up are not regarded to any physical features.
The US Mexico border is also a fortified boundary due to the 650+ mile wall that
has been constructed.

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