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78 Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, Vol. 1, No.

1, 2008

Quality function deployment: a comprehensive

literature review

J.R. Sharma*
Institute of Management Technology (IMT)
Nagpur (MS), India
*Corresponding author

A.M. Rawani
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Raipur (CG), India

Milind Barahate
Department of Business Management
C.P. & Berar College
Nagpur (MS), India

Abstract: In the past few years, various quality standards and quality systems
have been attempted for the improvement of the products and services in
our lives. One such quality tool which has the ability to generate creative and
novel solutions is Quality Function Deployment (QFD). This paper presents a
detailed literature review on the topic and application of QFD. This literature
review is based on a reference bank of more than 400 QFDs and its allied
publications, organisations, software, tools and web sources. The literature
review is extended with thorough descriptions of the adopted methodologies,
exemplified with an elaborate and categorical application analysis of its varied
functional areas, namely, primary, secondary and tertiary fields, industrial,
non-industrial and service applications and methodological progressions. The
paper concludes with some of the insights gained from a large number of
research papers, publications and other available literature.

Keywords: Quality Function Deployment; QFD; product development;

customer analysis; quality management.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Sharma, J.R., Rawani,

A.M. and Barahate, M. (2008) ‘Quality function deployment: a comprehensive
literature review’, Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, Vol. 1,
No. 1, pp.78–103.

Biographical notes: Dr. J.R. Sharma (BE, MTech, MBA, PhD) is an Assistant
Professor at the Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Nagpur (MS),
India. He has recently been conferred with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering
from the National Institute of Technology, Raipur (CG). His areas of research

Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 79

interest are quality management and product development. He has more than
17 years of experience in the academic and industrial fields. He has more than
25 research papers published in various national and international conferences,
technical magazines and journals.

Dr. A.M. Rawani (BE, MTech, PhD) is a Professor and the Head of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, the National Institute of Technology
(NIT), Raipur (CG), India, and has more than 24 years of experience in
academics. He has acquired his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) Delhi. He has pursued his research in the area of strategic management.
He has done commendable work in research and has more than 30 publications
in national and international journals to his credit. He has been a nominated
member of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – HR and Training
Programme Panel.

Dr. Milind Barhate holds a BCom degree from RSTM Nagpur University,
India. He also holds LLB and MBA degrees from RSTM Nagpur University.
He has completed his Doctoral studies at RSTM Nagpur University. He is
currently working as the Head of the Department of Business Management,
C.P. and Berar College, Nagpur (M.S.). He has teaching experience of more
than ten years. His areas of interest include business law, financial accounting
and energy management. His areas of expertise include cyber laws, financial
accounting for entrepreneurs and the economics of energy management.

1 Introduction

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) originated in Japan in the 1970s and became
increasingly popular in the Western world in the 1980s. It has been successfully applied
in many Japanese organisations to improve processes and build competitive advantages
(Hauser and Clausing, 1988). Being one of these quality tools, QFD has been defined by
its originator (Akao, 1992) as “a method for developing a design quality aimed at
satisfying the customer and then translating the customer’s demands into design targets
and major quality assurance points to be used throughout the production phase”. QFD can
be defined as an overall concept that provides a means of translating the needs of
customers through the various stages of product planning, engineering and manufacturing
into a final product. As Preece et al. (1998) stated, “rewards go to those who can best
understand customer needs and deliver the greatest value to their clients”. Hence, the
companies that serve the quality expected by their clients using quality tools and
techniques will receive the awards. A number of closely linked building blocks makes up
the complete House of Quality (HoQ) (shown in Figure 1) that implicitly convey the
voice of the customer to manufacturing (Sharma and Rawani, 2006a). QFD is a concept
and mechanism for translating the voice of the customer into product features. QFD is a
tool which integrates three distinct voices, namely, Voice of Business (VoB), Voice of
Customer (VoC) and Voice of Engineer (VoE).
1 VoB – deals with organisational requirements and resource limitations. It is
satisfied by generating profits through new and improved products. It is about
designing the right cycle times, thus, improving the time-to-market and reducing
development rework.
80 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

2 VoC – deals with customers’ needs and requirements within budget constraints. This
gets satisfied by generating the perceived value and delivering quality and
functionality as demanded by the customers.
3 VoE – deals with technical requirements and constraints. It is satisfied by designing
a product that is compatible with manufacturing facilities and endures operating
conditions. This enables the transfer of products from design to manufacturing with
minimal production waste.

Figure 1 The basic building blocks of the HoQ

Source: Sharma and Rawani (2006a)

Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 81

Figure 2 Customer-driven product development through QFD

2 Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review

In the 1970s, the drive for perpetual product improvement led Japanese companies to
seek optimisation and rationalisation in the design of their products and processes. It is
in this context that the QFD method was created and developed. Thus, it can be safely
said that QFD was originally proposed, through the collection and analysis of the VoC,
to develop products with higher quality to meet or surpass customers’ needs and
expectations. By studying the published and available literature, the categorical
functional fields of QFD have been divided into three broad categories.

2.1 The categorical functional fields of quality function deployment

2.1.1 Primary functional field
QFD is a customer-oriented quality management and product development technique
that is usually applied to products. However, later applications are also found in the
service sector.
82 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

Product development
QFD can be referred to as designed-in quality rather than traditional inspected-in quality,
in the sense that it helps a company shift from inspecting the product’s quality to
designing quality into the product through customer needs analysis. Therefore, product
design and development is one of the prime functional fields of QFD, as illustrated in the
works listed below.
There is a wealth of studies in this field that focus on the design and development of
different products and even services, as well as on the different issues in product
development and design. Bodell and Russell (1989) adopted QFD’s systems approach to
brake design. Lewis and Samuel (1991) studied and analysed designing for quality
for design, development and manufacturing engineers in a large automotive company.
Griffin (1992) evaluated QFD’s use in US firms as a process for developing
products. Gustafsson (1993) in his thesis studied and analysed the relationship between
QFD and conjoint analysis. Halbleib et al. (1993) applied QFD to the design of a lithium
battery. Cadogan et al. (1994) through judicious use of advanced technologies suggested
design and manufacturing enhancements in aircrew helmet. Nichols and Flanagan (1994)
carried out customer-driven designs through QFD. Anthony and Dirik (1995) simplified
QFD for high-technology product development. Geiger and Steger (1995) described a
systematic method similar to QFD that employs a neutral test environment to verify the
Generative Production Process (GPP) suitability of the generated product data.
Gustafsson (1995) designed a structured approach for design of quality through
comprehensive QFD. Lockamy and Khurana (1995a) applied QFD and Total Quality
Management (TQM) for new product design. Rahman (1995) discussed the product
development stages and the associated quality management approaches. Sivaloganathan
et al. (1995) proposed a design system for the future through Design Function
Deployment (DFD). Bergquist and Abeysekera (1996) used QFD as a means of
developing usable products. Govers (1996) argued that QFD is more a process than just a
tool for product, as well as production process, development. Griffin and Hauser (1996)
reviewed and analysed the literature on integrating Research and Development (R&D)
and marketing. Song et al. (1997) suggested that techniques such as concurrent
engineering and QFD can pave the way for more effective New Product Development
(NPD). Vonderembse and Raghunathan (1997) studied and analysed QFD’s impact on
product development. Schmidt (1997) developed the process model of ‘Integrated
Concept Development’ (ICoDe). It is proposed to fill the gap between marketing science
and engineering by consequently relating market-orientated concept development
and testing to the HoQ concept of QFD. Moskowitz and Kim (1997) developed a
novice-friendly decision support system prototype for QFD that is based upon an
integrated mathematical programming formulation and solution approach called QFD
Optimiser. Dawson and Askin (1999) optimised new product design using a QFD with
empirical value functions. Natarajan et al. (1999) applied QFD to internal service system
design. Cristiano et al. (2000) studied customer-driven product development through
QFD and its use in the USA and Japan. Govindaraju and Mittal (2000) enhanced the
usability of consumer products through manufacturing. Haapalainen et al. (2000) applied
QFD to the ergonomic design of nonpowered hand tools. Shin and Kim (2000) reduced
the complexity of a design problem in QFD using decomposition technique. Kumar and
Midha (2001) used a QFD-based methodology for evaluating a company’s Physical
Distribution Management (PDM) requirements for collaborative product development.
Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 83

Fujita and Nishikawa (2001) proposed an assessment method for value addition onto
products across their life stages in order to facilitate the establishment of the definition
for a product in a certain life stage. Lee and Kusiak (2001) designed priority rule through
HoQ. Lowe et al. (2000) used QFD for technical valuation of new products. Houkes et al.
(2002) presented an action-theoretical account of use and design and also employed it to
analyse the shortcomings of QFD. Sharma and Rawani (2006a) developed a Customer
Driven Product Development (CDPD) model through QFD. Sharma et al. (2006b)
discussed quality-driven product development.

Customer requirement analysis

QFD determines product design specifications (hows) based on customers’ needs (whats)
and competitive analysis (whys), which represent a customer-driven and market-oriented
process for the total and complete satisfaction of the user or customer. Thus, it is quite
natural to use QFD in the field of user requirement analysis. King (1987) also proposed
and supported the methods of listening to the VoC using the QFD system. Reid and
Hermann (1989) discussed the QFD and VoC. Denton (1990) enhanced competitiveness
and customer satisfaction through the QFD approach. Klein (1990) suggested new
technologies and methods for listening to the VoC. Mazur (1991) touched upon VoC
analysis and other recent QFD technologies. Koksal et al. (1992) presented a modern
approach for meeting customer requirements in the textile industry. Shillito (1992)
discussed the customer-oriented product concept beyond the HoQ. Graessel and Zeidler
(1993) utilised QFD in the improvement of customer service. Hales (1993) captured and
integrated the VoC into product and process development. Mallon and Mulligan (1993)
elaborated on QFD as a very effective system for meeting customers’ needs. Brown
and Harrington (1994) defined network capabilities using the VoC. Farrell (1994) helped
businesses identify and integrate the VoC. Hunter and Landingham (1994) used QFD for
listening to the VoC. Schauerman et al. (1994) talked about the QFD, its implementation
and the VoC. Tottie and Lager (1995) attempted to link the customer to the product
development process as a part of the TQM concept. Maier (1996) described an approach
to system engineering and design called ‘integrated modelling’. Integrated modelling
describes the process of system development as the iteration of models and combines and
links the existing methods, including QFD. Rajala and Savolainen (1996) proposed a
customer-oriented business process model that is based on a new, statistically extended
version of QFD and on the statistical analysis of the business process variables, starting
from an Integrated Definition – Version 0 (IDEF0) description of the business processes.
Taylor (1997) expounded the virtues of QFD by making a thorough study and analysis of
Rover’s drive towards extraordinary customer satisfaction. Goodstein and Butz (1998)
emphasised the customer value and put it as the centre of any organisational change.
Matzler and Hinterhuber (1998) discussed and suggested how to make product
development projects more successful by integrating Kano’s model of customer
satisfaction into QFD. Xie et al. (1998) studied the sensitivity of the VoC in QFD
analysis. Chaplin et al. (1999) used QFD to capture the VoC and translated it into the
voice of the provider. Herrmann et al. (2000) attempted market-driven product and
service design by bridging the gap between customer needs, quality management and
customer satisfaction.
84 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

Quality management system

For successful product design and development in compatibility with customers’
requirements, quality improvement and management become essential and integral
parts of the whole system and many publications support this argument. Wasserman
et al. (1989) achieved integrated system quality through QFD. Frew (1992) explained
how TQM and QFD go hand in hand for quality improvement. Gopalakrishnan
et al. (1992) implemented internal quality improvement with the application of the HoQ.
Lyman (1992) talked about the functional relationship between QFD and Value
Engineering (VE). Lorenzen et al. (1993) total quality and tools of QFD, Design of
Experiments (DoE) and Statistical Process Control (SPC). Balthazar and Gargeya (1995)
discussed computer-supported systems for quality in design through QFD. Smith and
Angeli (1995) suggested the adoption of a total quality strategy through the use of QFD.
Zairi and Youssef (1995) propounded QFD as one of the stepping stones for TQM and
product development. Owlia and Aspinwall (1998) applied QFD to the improvement
of quality in an engineering department. Shen et al. (2000) highlighted benchmarking
in QFD for quality improvement. Govers (2001) presented how QFD goes beyond just
quality management and achieves holistic improvement.

2.1.2 Secondary functional field

Apart from the three popular functions above, QFD is also related to and can thus be
applied to other fields. These are termed and categorised as the secondary functional
areas of QFD and include concurrent engineering, management sciences, planning,
operation research, education, software and expert systems (including Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and fuzzy logic).

Concurrent engineering
Another popular field of QFD application is concurrent or simultaneous engineering,
of which the QFD process has become an essential and integral part. Many publications
can be found in this field. Krishnaswamy and Elshennawy (1992) enhanced the ‘customer
product’ approach through the utilisation of QFD, reverse engineering and virtual
reality. Merle (1996) clearly illustrated how concurrent engineering in meeting
demands embraces supporting subsystems that include Computer Aided Design and
Drafting (CADD), QFD and Design for Manufacture and Assembly. Dowlatshahi
and Ashok (1997) attempted optimisation in concurrent engineering. Sivaloganathan
et al. (1995) talked about the Design Function Deployment (DFD) technique, its
present status and future directions. Tsuda (1997) carried out concurrent engineering case
studies that apply QFD models. Harding et al. (1999) discussed the applications of QFD
within a concurrent engineering environment. Hsiao (2000) addressed a concurrent
customer-oriented QFD-based design method for developing a new product. Liu et al.
(2001) successfully attempted requirement acquisition, analysis and synthesis in QFD.
Sharma et al. (2005) adapted an integrated design approach through Concurrent
Engineering (CE) and QFD.
Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 85

Management sciences
The use of QFD as a modern management tool has gained extensive global support.
Many organisations have successfully utilised QFD and addressed strategic and
operational decisions. The related work includes the following. Sullivan (1988) carried
policy management through QFD. Lu et al. (1994) integrated QFD, Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) and benchmarking in strategic marketing. Voss (1994) examined our
growing recognition of the interdependence of a variety of business processes for ‘total
innovation management’. Ball (1995) proposed that market research techniques needed
to be integrated into QFD. Eureka and Ryan (1995) attempted quality and costs
management through Taguchi methods and QFD. Witter et al. (1995) first proposed the
integration of reusability – the key to corporate agility – with enhanced QFD. Jagdev et
al. (1997) developed a QFD-based performance measurement tool. Ellis (1998) used
QFD as a tool to sharpen measurement. Fuller (1998) detailed the use of the HoQ in
Supply Chain Management (SCM). Lee et al. (1998) evaluated Sun Tzu’s The Art of War
as a business and management strategy for world-class business excellence under the
QFD methodology. Kauffmann et al. (1999) used QFD for research portfolio analysis.
Morris and Morris (1999) introduced QFD in the marketing classroom. Lee and Ko
(2000) implemented Sun Tzu’s – the art of business management strategies and built a
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) with Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT)
analysis on the QFD methodology. Nagendra and Osborne (2000) adopted an HoQ
approach to professional services marketing. Lee Hansen (2002) enhanced the
effectiveness of human resources and industrial relations professionals where QFD is
used to assess the leveraging power of content knowledge and acquired skills. Bottani
and Rizzi (2006) adopted a fuzzy QFD approach for the strategic management of
logistics services.

All of the reviewed functions of QFD are some how related either with engineering or
management. However, it should be noted that QFD has been directly used as a planning
tool. The concepts of QFD are also applicable to general planning. Some of the works
include Schubert’s (1989) comprehensive tool for planning and development. Maddux et
al. (1991) suggested that organisations can apply QFD as strategic planning tool.
Bardenstein and Gibson (1992) adopted a QFD approach to integrated test planning.
Wasserman (1993) prioritised design requirements during the QFD planning process.
Chen and Bullington (1993) studied the use of QFD by the Department of Industrial
Engineering at Mississippi State University as a means of formalising the process of
strategic research planning. Ferrell and Ferrell (1994) used QFD in business planning.
Lyman et al. (1994) used QFD in strategic planning. Prasad (1994) used QFD for product
planning optimisation. Lu and Kuei (1995) adapted the QFD approach to strategic
marketing planning. Crowe and Cheng (1996) used QFD in strategic planning in
manufacturing. Liu and Zhou (1996) recommended a systematic planning approach to
implementing TQM through the QFD technique.
86 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

Operation research/optimisation
The area of operations research, especially optimisation, is one of the prime functional
fields of QFD, as can be deciphered from the works mentioned below. There is a wealth
of studies in this field that focus on these aspects and the related issues. Franceschini
and Rossetto (1995) studied the problem of comparing technical engineering design
requirements in QFD. Colton and Staples (1997) carried out resource allocation
using QFD and softness concepts during preliminary design. Moskowitz and Kim (1997)
used QFD for optimising product design. Rajala et al. (1997) considered three key
methodologies within the domain of exploration methods:
2 simulation modelling
3 value analysis.
Wang et al. (1998) made a comparative study of the prioritisation matrix method and
the AHP technique in QFD. Locascio and Thurston (1998) transformed the HoQ of QFD
into a multi-objective optimisation formulation. Park and Kim (1998) computed an
optimal set of design requirements using the HoQ. Franceschini and Rupil (1999)
proposed methods for rating scales and prioritisation in QFD. Shen et al. (1999) studied
the sensitivity of the relationship matrix in QFD. Vairaktarakis (1999) discussed the
optimisation tools for the design and marketing of new/improved products using the
HoQ. Pullman et al. (2002) compared two product design approaches (QFD and conjoint
analysis) and viewed them as complementary approaches. Karsak et al. (2003) suggested
product planning in QFD using a combined analytic network process and goal
programming approach.

Over the years, many academicians and scholars have taken advantage of the versatility
of QFD and applied it even in the fields of education and research, with great results.
From curriculum design to quality improvement in teaching, QFD has served many an
application. Murgatroyd (1993) used HoQ–QFD for instructional design in distance
education. Jaraiedi and Ritz (1994) presented the application of QFD and TQM to
engineering education. Ermer (1995) made QFD and its application an educational
experience for students and faculty. Motwani et al. (1996) presented an example of how
QFD was implemented for improving quality in education. Pitman et al. (1996) carried
out a pilot field study on QFD application in an educational setting. Cornesky (1997)
developed and analysed curriculums with QFD. Franceschini et al. (1998) applied QFD
to industrial training courses. Kim et al. (1998) presented a knowledge-based approach
for constructing, classifying and managing HoQ charts in QFD. Koksal and Egitman
(1998) presented a QFD approach to improve the quality of Industrial Engineering (IE)
education at the Middle East Technical University (METU). Lam and Zhao (1998)
improved the quality of teaching with the application of QFD. Doyotte et al. (1999)
evaluated the benefits of using quality-oriented techniques like QFD and Taguchi
methods for the Zeus Mission Study. Chen and Chen (2002) carried out a QFD-based
technical textbook evaluation. Hwarng and Teo (2001) translated the VoCs into
operations requirements through QFD application in higher education. Moura and
Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 87

Saraiva (2001) explored the development of an ideal kindergarten through concept

engineering and QFD. Lee and Lo (2003) proposed a Strategy Formulation (SF)
framework, including SWOT, BSC and QFD in the planning of new curriculum. Chou
(2004) applied QFD techniques to evaluate the quality of service of undergraduate
nursing education in Taiwan from the perspective of nursing students.

Software engineering is also a popular area of QFD applications, which can be found
in many publications, especially in the work from USA and Japan. Betts (1990)
integrated QFD with software engineering. Sriraman et al. (1990) created and designed
object-oriented databases with QFD and Taguchi methods. Zultner (1990) adapted QFD
to software development. Sharkey (1991) formulated a generalised approach in adapting
QFD for software. Erikkson and McFadden (1993) examined the possibility of QFD as a
tool to improve software quality. Yoshizawa et al. (1993) talked about the recent aspects
of QFD in the Japanese software industry. Barnett and Raja (1995) applied QFD to the
software development process. Kekre et al. (1995) presented QFD as a driver of customer
satisfaction for software products and also studied its implications for design and
service support. Lamia (1995) integrated QFD with object-oriented software design
methodologies. Sarkis and Liles (1995) used IDEF and QFD to develop an organisational
decision support methodology for the strategic justification of computer-integrated
technologies. Haag et al. (1996) propounded the use of QFD in software design and
development. Elboushi and Sherif (1997) put forward the QFD technique as an effective
tool for requirements acquisition and the design analysis of a ground software-intensive
project. Herzwurm et al. (2003) suggested the customer-oriented evaluation of QFD
software tools. Karlsson (1997) managed software requirements using QFD. Hallberg
et al. (1999) described the implementation of a QFD-based prototype computer network
service to support occupational therapists in their daily work. Yilmaz and Chatterjee
(1997) discussed the philosophy of Deming and the quality of software development
in the light of the QFD method. Hallberg et al. (1999) developed and used a unique
medical software quality deployment method. Huang and Mak (2002) proposed the
employment of the World Wide Web to provide QFD services on the internet, as well as
intranets. Tseng and Abdalla (2004) presented a Human Computer System for
Collaborative Design (HCSCD) that provides users with a flexible virtual collaborative
environment for product design and development. Büyüközkan and Feyzioğlu (2005)
extended the QFD methodology by introducing a new group decision-making approach
that responds better to customer needs in software development. Sharma et al. (2006c)
integrated QFD with software development engineering for higher customer satisfaction.

2.1.3 Tertiary functional field

QFD’s functions have also been expanded and utilised to more fields that are termed
as tertiary functional areas, such as construction, cost, food, the environment and
88 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

Construction and housing

One of the late entries as a popular sector of QFD applications is the field of construction,
housing and infrastructure development. There are only a few QFD implementation
examples in the construction management literature. Armacost et al. (1994) used a
statistical framework that is based on AHP for rating customer requirements in QFD for
housing applications. Huovila and Seren (1998) carried out construction projects through
customer-oriented QFD methods. Abdul Rahman et al. (1999) applied QFD in designing
low-cost housing. Kamara et al. (1999) innovated a new approach in processing
client requirements in construction. Kamara and Anumba (2000) processed customers’
requirements for concurrent life cycle design and construction. Dikmen et al. (2005)
elaborated on the use of QFD in the construction industry for determining the best
marketing strategy.

QFD’s areas of application have also been expanded and utilised in the fields of
finance and cost, especially in conjunction with target costing. Raynor (1994)
formalised the quest for cost-effective customer delight, incorporating and implementing
the basics of QFD. Hales and Staley (1995) integrated target costing and QFD for
successful new product development. Bode and Fung’s (1998) proposed approach
enables designers to optimise product development resources towards customer
satisfaction and conduct analytical investigations to facilitate decision-making in Product
Design and Development (PDD). Partovi (1999) applied the QFD approach to strategic
capital budgeting. Tang et al. (2002) dealt with fuzzy formulation combined with a
genetics-based interactive approach to QFD planning, taking into consideration the
financial factors and uncertainties in the product design process. Sharma et al. (2006a)
carried out Product Development (PD) through QFD and target costing.

The available papers and publications suggest the introduction of QFD in the field
of environmentally-friendly designs. Halog et al. (2001) used a modified version of QFD
for technique selection for optimum environmental performance improvement. Madu
et al. (2002) presented a hierarchical framework with AHP and QFD for environmentally
conscious design. Zhou and Schoenung (2004) presented a new approach for
environmental impact assessment in a multi-attribute framework by using a modified
QFD for Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) and Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs).

The above mentioned applications of QFD demonstrate its multifunctional usefulness and
a number of studies also suggest that QFD has been highly effective in structured
decision-making, too. Chang (1989) discussed an integrated total quality information
system that involves the QFD process. Berglund (1993) suggested that QFD can work
as a critical tool for environmental decision-making. Wolfe (1994) worked on the
development of the city of quality for the strategic planning of large-scale system
development projects through a hypertext-based group decision support system with
QFD. Leung (1997) improved technical information services with the QFD approach.
Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 89

Moskowitz and Kim (1997) proposed the QFD Optimiser, a decision support system for
optimising product designs. Han et al. (1998) presented QFD as a tool for the
determination of information system development priority. Tan et al. (1998) suggested
QFD and its use in designing Information Technology (IT) systems. Lai et al. (1999)
attempted integrating group decision-making approach with QFD. Delano et al. (2000)
carried out an R&D case study and decision analysis through QFD. Kim et al. (2000)
suggested a method that is based on QFD that identifies the degree of required flexibility
(α-value) and accounts for and incorporates the α-value in making IT investments. Chin
et al. (2001) carried out a case study on how the QFD approach can be used for
improving technical library and information services. Chuang (2001) combined AHP and
QFD for a location decision from a requirement perspective.

Service sector application

Bersbach and Wahl (1990) applied QFD to a defense contract and reported excellent
results. Kaneko (1991) implemented QFD in the service industry. Hofmeister (1992;
1995) explained the use of QFD in the service and administrative environments. Behara
and Chase (1993) worked out quality service in design through service QFD. Ghobadian
and Terry (1995) propounded how Alitalia – an Italian airline – improved its service
quality through QFD. Belhe and Kusiak (1996) studied the design process and the HoQ.
Einspruch et al. (1996) applied QFD to rehabilitation services. Radharamanan and Godoy
(1996) used QFD in a healthcare system to deploy the VoCs. Trappey et al. (1996)
computerised the QFD approach for retail services. Adiano (1998) debated regarding the
competitive edge that lawyers achieve with the use of QFD. Han et al. (1998) suggested a
method that is based on QFD to determine the development priority of an information
system. Jeong and Oh (1998) extended the QFD framework for service quality and
customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry. Park and Kim (1998) utilised a new
integrative decision model for the determination of an optimal set of design requirements
using HoQ. Johnson et al. (1999) adapted the QFD approach to extended service
transactions. Partovi and Epperly (1999) innovated the QFD approach for task
organisation in peace-keeping force design. Chaplin and Terninko (2000) worked out
process improvements and cost reductions in customer-driven healthcare. Pun et al.
(2000) tried out service quality deployment through QFD and the Hoshin methodology.
Sharma and Mittra (2005) applied the TQM approach to the optimisation of a fetal care
medical device. Sharma and Rawani (2006b) applied QFD for credit card services.

2.2 Pure QFD

The previous studies suggest that initially, QFD was difficult for practitioners to adopt
and apply and was treated more as an art than science. This owed to its loosely defined
and badly structured form. However, over the years, many methodological progressions
in its framework have made QFD more acceptable and operational. Numerous
quantitative and qualitative methods have been suggested for use with QFD in order to
enhance its objectiveness and preciseness. The work of several authors and practitioners
are as follows. Sullivan (1986) used QFD with the seven stages of company-wide quality
control. Aswad (1989) adopted a systems approach through QFD. McElroy (1989) used
QFD for building the HoQ. Nakui (1991) analysed the comprehensive QFD system.
Stocker (1991) used QFD to identify customer needs. Pandey (1992) studied the
90 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

implementations and enhancements that are possible with QFD. Bahill and Chapman
(1993) wrote a tutorial on QFD. Hrones et al. (1993) defined global requirements with a
distributed QFD. Adiano and Roth (1994) created and introduced dynamic QFD. Reed
et al. (1994) talked about QFD and its implementation considerations for the engineering
manager. Scheurell (1994) took us beyond the QFD HoQ by using downstream matrices.
Mazur (1994) reviewed QFD and its use outside North America, i.e., in Europe, the
Pacific Rim, South America and beyond. Glushkovsky et al. (1995) used QFD with
questionnaires. Lockamy and Khurana (1995b) made a case study. Lyman and Richter
(1995) correlated QFD and personality types, the key to team energy and effectiveness.
Franceschini and Rossetto (1998) discussed how QFD and its use can be improved. Ginn
et al. (1998) propogated the QFD/Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) interface.
Prasad (1998) reviewed QFD and the related deployment techniques. Bouchereau and
Rowlands (2000a) discussed the compatible methods and techniques to help QFD.
Bouchereau and Rowlands (2000b) explained QFD and explored its hidden potential.
Reich (2000) improved the rationale capture capability of QFD. Martins and Elaine
(2001) made an empirical study in the UK. Chan and Wu (2002a–b) carried out an
exhaustive and comprehensive review of the QFD concepts and methods. Sharma et al.
(2003) explained the basics of QFD as a modern tool to quantify customers’ needs. Fung
et al. (2006) estimated the functional relationships for QFD under uncertainties. Jiao and
Chen (2006) reviewed the research issues in customer requirement management in
product development.

3 Direction for future research

Intelligent quantitative methods, such as artificial neural networks, AHP and fuzzy logic,
can be combined with the model to improve the reliability of decisions. This model can
then be further extended by assimilating such tools as value analysis, decision analysis
and fuzzy logic inference.
The information from the matrix can be used to glean which design attribute needs to
be functionally improved and which are the ones that need cost reduction through value
analysis or other such tools. Software tools should be developed to support and take
full advantage of the implementation of the QFD model. In order to implement the
model effectively and efficiently, software tools are needed to enter and manipulate data
and handle the requirements mapping and correlation matrices, as well as capture the
technical descriptions and matrix element explanations. Graphic User Interface (GUI)
systems could be developed for its effective implementation.

4 Conclusions

The paper attempts to portray an elaborate review of QFD’s chronological evolution

and a categorical and functional analysis of QFD’s fields. Its application to industry
and services and methodological development helps in facilitating the reference
needs of QFD practitioners, scholars and academic investigators. The outcome of the
exercise conducted through this paper is a reference bank of more than 350–400
cited publications.
Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review 91

Although in theory, QFD enables the product development team to drive the VoC to
the manufacturing process, in fact, the most common use was to clarify customer
requirements and make sure that they are considered in the product engineering
requirements. Of course, this customer input must be considered in the light of a carefully
developed product strategy. As users mature and develop more sophisticated product
development processes, it has become more central and broadly used throughout the
development cycle. The results of this study suggest that the broader organisational
context of use significantly affects the adoption of product development tools.
In this paper, we have presented the study of QFD usage all over the world. On the
basis of the published and available literature, case studies and research publications, it
can be safely concluded that there exists a noteworthy discrepancy in the application of
QFD in different countries and, hence, in the reported benefits of QFD, not only amongst
the countries, but also among the establishments within the same country. The post-2000
literature and publications that were mentioned help us in approving how the application
of this significant tool is adapting to the maturity of user organisations and ever-evolving
market conditions. To a large extent, this body of work in the form of a literature review
achieves the target objective in the comprehensiveness of its reporting and the suitability
of classification that the authors sincerely hope serves the interest of QFD scholars,
engineers, product designers and developers.

4.1 The need for a systematic and comprehensive quality function

deployment model
From the analysis of the literature published so far on QFD, both at industrial and
scientific research levels, three main conclusions can be drawn:
1 within the limited amount of literature available, most of the relevant information has
been published only in the form of scientific working papers, theses and reports
2 researchers in the product design and development arena are probably still not much
aware of the main ideas of QFD, its methodology and its potential for product
development and R&D has still not been exploited
3 to date, there are very few, if any, structured accounts of the applications of QFD in
India for product or process development, either at an academic or industrial level.
In the literature, different authors build different QFD models that contain different
elements and employ different scales to measure the relevant concepts, which may puzzle
the practitioners as to which QFD model should be used. Although many studies on QFD
have been done and a lot of QFD applications have been reported, there are, as per our
knowledge, very few completely full-blown and comprehensive QFD cases reported or
examples published.
QFD is a complex and time-consuming process that involves many concepts to
understand, much information to collect and many computations to perform. There exists
a pressing need for a systematic and operational approach to QFD to help resolve this
problem. A comprehensive description of all the pertinent components and elements of
QFD is called for. The incumbent model should be able to unify the various components
and elements of the process and, hence, avoid the arbitrariness and incomprehensibility
that are associated with the present methodologies. The available and published QFD
models, although quite elaborate and united in nature, admittedly make two major
92 J.R. Sharma, A.M. Rawani and M. Barahate

exclusions: one is the interrelationships amongst the customer requirements and the
engineering characteristics and the other is the factoring-in of these interrelationship
values for the computation of various importance weights and scores. Since these two
parts involve certain degrees of difficulties, they are usually omitted to make the
models easier to apply. There is a need for a thorough discussion regarding the problems
that are associated with the two omitted parts and some suggestions regarding the
possible approaches for directly incorporating them into the relevant calculations within a
potentially enlarged QFD model.
The commonly used correlation concepts – whether of requirements or characteristics
– are subjective, so the ‘enhanced version’ should be able to address the twin issues of
various ‘interrelationships’ within the QFD process and their mathematical consideration
into the several weights and scores quantification process. All of the information
required, the computations involved and the feasible methods are to be clearly explained
to provide an applicable framework for practitioners to perform comprehensive analyses
without confusions and difficulties. A complete and operational description of the QFD
process will facilitate its wide application.

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