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I would love to work remotely, rather than working in traditional office.

I believe that working remotely

will help you with extra time by cutting down commute time. One can spent this time with family or do
some productive tasks like exercise. Furthermore, you feel less stressed working in home, so you do
your work efficiently. I agrees with the Ally’s solution regarding Sam’s concern. With the help of today’s
communication technologies we can stay in touch with our colleagues and communicate efficiently and

The reading passage suggests there possible purposes of the great houses, built around twelfth century
A.D. in Chco Canyon. The lecturer refutes the purposes mentioned in reading section and provides
alternative explanations of the writer’s claims.

According to the article the great houses look exactly alike the apartments architecture of the more
recent southwest societies. The lecturer disputes and say that presence of few fire places suggests that
these houses were not used for residential purposes. Furthermore, he say that by looking from outside
it seems that stone houses were used for living, but the interior of the houses tell different story.

Secondly, the reading passage posits that these houses were used to store the grains of maize because
maize was main crop of that population. The listening section finds flaw in this claim, and contends that
if the house were used to store grains, that during the excavation, the archeologist might have found
some remaining of grains. Therefore the absence of the evidence suggests that these stone houses were
not use for storing grains.

Lastly, the writer believes that the presence of remaining pots of clay suggests that stone houses were
used for ceremonial purpose. The lecturer, however, disagrees with this proposal and says that there
are other possible explanations for the broken clay pot remaining’s. He suspects that moldy material
might be heap of the unused building material or the clay utensils used by workers.

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