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What is Mechanical Engineering and what do

Mechanical Engineers do in society?

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest fields of engineering, dating back to
the first time wheels were used to build a cart by placing them on an axle.
Throughout recorded history, people have invented and built increasingly
sophisticated devices and equipment to improve their living conditions. Mechanical
engineers invented many of the devices we use every day, including automobiles,
appliances, tools, and temperature control systems.
Mechanical engineering is all about movement. It is the application of science
and technology to solve real-world problems, through the manipulation of moving
parts or simply said, mechanical engineering is concerned with anything that moves.
Movement can be powered by human or animal muscles, combustion heat and
pressure, hydraulic or pneumatic actuators, electromagnetic, gravity, or springs of
various forms and sizes. As a result, in order to develop more complicated devices,
a mechanical engineer must be knowledgeable with all of these basic motion and
power components. In an automobile, for example, the starter motor employs
electromagnetism; the engine is propelled by expansive pressure generated by
gasoline combustion; the power steering, brakes, and automatic transmission
employ hydraulic pressure; and the suspension system employs.
A mechanical engineer's job is to take a product from
concept to market. To do so, the mechanical engineer
must be able to determine the forces and thermal
environment that a product, its parts, or its subsystems
will face; design them for functionality, aesthetics, and
durability; and determine the best manufacturing
approach that will ensure failure-free operation.
Mechanical engineers are important in many
industries, including automotive, aircraft, biotechnology,
computers, electronics, microelectromechanical
systems, energy conversion, robotics and automation,
and manufacturing.The breadth of the mechanical engineering discipline allows
students a variety of career options beyond the industries listed above. Regardless
of the particular path they envision for themselves, a mechanical engineering
education empowers students with creative thinking skills to design an exciting
product or system; analytical tools to achieve their design goals; the ability to
overcome all constraints; and the teamwork needed to design, market, and produce
a system. These valuable skills can be applied to launch careers in many other
fields, such as medicine, law, consulting, management, banking, and finance.
Problem solving is at the heart of engineering. Mechanical engineering, at its core,
necessitates practical creativity and a hands-on understanding of the labor involved
along with strong interpersonal skills such as networking, leadership, and conflict
resolution. Creating a product is only one part of the equation; learning how to
interact with people, ideas, data, and economics completes the picture.

Mechanical engineers will contribute to the discovery of answers to these and

other major questions. Not merely via technological knowledge. The best responses
will emerge from a flash of inspiration. Because mechanical engineers are the
people who make ideas a reality.

Mechanical engineers create prosthetic limbs. They design new technology to

improve food production, invent 3D printers and wireless chargers, and develop better
water supplies. They even create robotic manufacturing plants. And yes, they also make
fast cars, faster planes and even faster rockets.In a word, mechanical engineers
create.They do this all over the world, and almost every industry you can think of relies
on mechanical engineering to thrive. That’s why there’s such a huge global demand for
mechanical engineers, and why they’re paid so well.
Society depends on mechanical engineering. The need for this expertise is great
in so many fields, and as such, there is no real limit for the freshly minted mechanical
engineer. Jobs are always in demand, particularly in the automotive, aerospace,
electronics, biotechnology, and energy industries. Every design in mechanical
engineering presents a chance to exceed the boundaries of what can be achieved.

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