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10 evidence-based tips to improve your mental-health

instantaneously when you need to take care of yourself.

1. Practice your breathing 2. Go for a walk in a

the RIGHT way park or a forest

When? When you’re feeling When? When your mind is swarmed

overwhelmed, stressed, or with negative thoughts.

How? Make it a habit to walk for an

How? Breathe in for 4 seconds. hour at least twice a week.
Hold your breath for 4 Long-term stress-relieving
seconds. and mood-boosting benefits
Exhale for 4 seconds. come from consistent walks.
Hold your breath for another 4
Why it Being in nature, or even
works: seeing images of nature
Why it Breathing rhythmically gives reduces our fears and
works: you control over your anxieties. It also increases our
heartrate. pleasant feelings.

Duration: 2 minutes per day. Duration: 120 minutes per week.

3. Solve a puzzle 4. Write down 5 things

that you’re grateful for

When? When you need some When? When you need to boost your
distraction. mood.

How? Try to finish a sudoku, How? Simply write about things that
crossword, or any other make you happy. These can
puzzle. be the smallest of things (the
bus wasn’t late today!) or
Why it Fixing puzzles releases something on a much bigger
works: dopamine in your brain, but scale. Take time to reflect at
more importantly, it helps you the end of each day and think
relax and be in the present. of a situation or experience
you are grateful for.

Duration: 15 minutes per day.

Why it We can train ourselves to
works: notice the positives by
practicing gratitude.

5. Create a to-do list

Duration: 5 minutes per day.

When? When you need to create

structure in your life (and in 6. Perform an act of
your mind). kindness

How? Try to set objectives that When? When you want to increase the
follow the SMART goal happiness of those who you
guidelines. Setting SMART care about.
goals helps you to develop the
focus and motivation needed
How? Make someone smile (give a
to achieve the goals on your
compliment, tell a joke…), or
to-do list.
make someone’s day easier
(help them with their
Why it Studies have shown that groceries, pick up something
works: making specific plans for they dropped…)
unfulfilled goals eliminates
the negative effects of
Why it Performing an act of kindness
interruptions on productivity.
works: increases your own
happiness.This phenomenon
Duration: 10 minutes per day. is referred to as the “helper’s
high”, and it’s one of the
strongest reasons why an act
of kindness can increase your
7. Drink enough water! mental health.

Duration: 1 - 30 minutes per day.

When? When you are feeling moody
and unenergetic for no
apparent reason.
8. Practice positive
How? Aim to drink at least 2 liters of affirmations the right way
water per day to stay well
hydrated and keep your mood When? At the start of every day to
high. find a positive state of mind

Why it Our brains are very sensitive

works: to a lack of water, which How? Find a quick five-minute
results in a significant drop in affirmation video on YouTube.
mood. Listen to it on your morning
commute or while you brush
Duration: 5 minutes per day. your teeth in the morning.

Why it It gets your mindset right

works: before the workday and helps
you focus on cultivating the
9. Journal at the end of
emotions that you want to
every day experience that day. A study
in 2010 found that individuals
When? At the end of every day, right who utilized self-affirmations
before going to bed. experienced reduced
symptoms of anxiety and
How? Write about what happened,
what's on your mind, what Duration: 3-5 minutes per day.
made you happy, or what's
been bugging you all day.

Important tip: Resist the urge 10. Smile

to edit. This is for your eyes
only, so don’t be too
conscious about what you’re
When? When you don't know if you've
writing and how you’re writing
laughed today or not.

Why it It’s a form of therapy that you

How? Think of the funniest thing
works: can do on your own. It
that has ever happened in
improves your memory and
your life.
self-awareness. It can even
increase your productivity. No
wonder why many successful Why it When we’re happy, we smile –
people are known journal works: but it can also work
writers. backwards. Smiling releases
dopamine, endorphins, and
serotonin in your brain, which
Duration: 5 - 30 minutes per day.
are directly linked to

Duration: 2 minutes per day.

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