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Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris - He is happy with her job

- I have a pet. Its name is Pussy

- This cat belong to me. This cat is mine
- That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle.
That lamp is theirs
- We can buy fruits in the fruitstall
- Gio has chubby cheeks
- Turn left : belok kiri
- Turn right : belok kanak
- Turn around : berputar / putar balik
- We can buy fruits, vegetables, meals, stuff,
beverages and many more in Supermarket
- Cat has soft fur, green eyes, four legs,
most common pets.
- Indonesia has so many folk tales, one of
- The sun rises in the east them is Legend of Toba Lake (Indonesia
- The opposite of north is south mempunyai banyak cerita rakyat. Salah
satunya adalah Legenda Danau Toba)

- The bank is in the east the mosque

- The mosque is in the west the bank
-The bank is beetwen the hotel and the
- School is a place for study and teach
- Zoo is place for many animal lives.
- The meaning of “Taman Kota” in English is
city park
- Nadias’s hobby is cooking. She spending
holiday to bake some cookies.
- Joni and Roni like playing football. They
are playing football in yard
- Farmer works in rice field.
- Doctor works in a hospital.
- Teacher works in school.
- Driver works drive a car
- Stamp is the small piece of paper we put
on letters before we send them.
- Smart and diligent = pintar dan rajin

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