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2.Strategy To Improve the Limited Access To Resource And Support

For Micro-entrepreneurs

Following are some steps to improve the financial constraint that micro entreprises face:
● Micro-Entrepreneur Credit Initiative (MECI):
Establish a dedicated micro-entrepreneur credit initiative in collaboration with financial
institutions, NGOs, and government agencies.

● Credit History Building:

Implement a credit history-building program for micro-entrepreneurs, even those without
past credit lines.Majorly even collaborating with the account aggregators through which
the online transactions are recorded and transferred to the financial institution for the
purpose of providing customer centric loans or financial instruments would advocate for
inclusive credit scoring methods.

● Digital Financial Literacy:

Develop and conduct digital financial literacy programs to educate micro-entrepreneurs
on the responsible use of credit.Collaborate with financial institutions to offer workshops
and resources on financial management.

● Micro-Enterprise Banking Services:


Encourage banks and NBFCs to create specialized micro-enterprise banking services

with lower interest rates and tailored credit products.Promote the use of mobile banking
and digital wallets for financial transactions.

● Networking and Peer Support:

Facilitate networking events and peer support groups for micro-entrepreneurs to share
experiences and insights on accessing credit.

● Government Policy Advocacy:

Collaborate with government agencies to advocate for policies that support
micro-entrepreneurs' access to credit, including interest rate subsidies and guarantees
for microloans.

3.Roles of a Consulting Firm like MSC (MicroSave Consulting):

MicroSave Consulting (MSC) can play a vital role in implementing the detailed strategy outlined

● Research and Analysis: MSC can conduct in-depth research and analysis to assess
the current state of micro-entrepreneurship and access to credit in India. This includes
identifying key barriers and opportunities.

● Program Design: MSC can work closely with stakeholders to design and develop
the Micro-Entrepreneur Credit Initiative (MECI), including credit history-building
programs and digital financial literacy modules.

● Capacity Building: MSC can provide training and capacity-building support to financial
institutions, NGOs, and government agencies involved in the initiative. This includes
training staff on credit evaluation techniques and digital financial literacy curriculum.

● Monitoring and Evaluation: MSC can develop a comprehensive monitoring and

evaluation framework to assess the impact of the initiative. This involves tracking the
number of micro-entrepreneurs accessing credit, their repayment rates, and the overall
growth of their businesses.

● Policy Advocacy: MSC can engage in advocacy efforts to promote favorable policies
for micro-entrepreneurs and access to credit, collaborating with government bodies
and financial institutions.

● Knowledge Dissemination: MSC can disseminate research findings (through open

source platforms), best practices, and success stories through publications, workshops,
and conferences to raise awareness and encourage replication of successful models.

In summary, MicroSave Consulting (MSC) can serve as a key partner in the development and
implementation of a comprehensive strategy to address the critical problem of limited access to
capital for micro-entrepreneurs, ultimately helping them sustain and expand their businesses.



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