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Edgar Gomez Event

My classmate and I had the opportunity to meet the author of “High-risk Homosexuals” Edgar
Gomez. It was honestly a unique experience because we got to know more about him. The day
we met, he started off with a poem that he wrote during the pandemic. I personally like the poem
he wrote, it was funny, and the poem was something that represented him. He is a very
charismatic guy, funny, he has an awesome personality and quite the jokes.

It was exciting to meet Edgar Gomez because, although we had read his book and learned
about his experiences that he went through, it was better to know about some experiences,
when he says it in person. He told us about experiences that he never mentioned in his book
before, that was good to know. Edgar would read certain sections of the book and he would
further explain it to us,and give us more background information. And he allowed us to ask
questions, and that gave us further knowledge about him and the book. The question that I was
always wondering myself was whether his family knew about the book he wrote, and thankfully
someone asked that question. And he responded by saying that yes, his family knew about the
book, they hadn’t bothered to read, he did tells us that his Mom read the book and it was funny
when he told us that when his mom read the book, the only thing she was mad about was when,
he wrote in the book that she would “steal some coffee” from Starbucks the job she worked at.
But overall it was a good experience to have Edgar Gomez come to CSUN and talk to us.

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