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​ ​Quantum Mechanics Review Sheet

1) Explain the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of light.

2) What is the energy of light with a frequency of 4.51 x 10​6​ Hz? (h = 6.626 x 10​-34​ J sec, c
= 3.00 x 10​8​ m/sec)

3) What is the energy of light with a frequency of 2600 megahertz? (h = 6.626 x 10​-34​ J sec,
c = 3.00 x 10​8​ m/sec)

4) Explain the process by which light is given off by an atom.

5) Explain how Bohr’s model of the atom was the result of his understanding about

6) What is the frequency of the X-rays if it has a wavelength of 2.2 x 10​-10​ m?

7) What feature of an atomic spectrum indicates that the energy emitted by heating an element
is not continuous?

8) Describe the shape of the following orbitals:

a) 2p: b) 1s: c) 5s:

9) Indicate the number of each of in the following:

a) Orbitals in the 3d sublevels:
b) Sublevels ( or subshells) in the n = 1 principle energy level
c) Orbitals in the 6s
d) Orbitals in the n = 3
e) Orbitals in the 5f sublevels

10) Indicate the maximum number of electrons in the following:

a) 2p orbital
b) 3p subshell
c) main energy level n=4
d) 5d sublevel
e) 4f sublevels

11) Indicate the type and the number of orbitals in each of the following energy levels or
a) 3p subshell
b) n=2
c) n=3
d) 4d sublevel

12) Write the complete ground state electron configurations for the following:

1) lithium ________________________________________

2) oxygen ________________________________________

3) calcium ________________________________________

4) titanium ________________________________________
5) rubidium ________________________________________

6) lead ________________________________________

7) erbium ________________________________________

8) helium ________________________________________

9) nitrogen ________________________________________

10) chlorine ________________________________________

11) iron ________________________________________

12) zinc ________________________________________

13) barium ________________________________________

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