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Lab Investigation
Lab Name Here

Criterion C: Processing & Evaluating

Ci Data Tables

Raw Data Table

Units belong in headings not mixed with raw data.

Title: How _____affects ______.

Data Processing: Write the formulas you use, and show at least 1 example.

Processed Data Table: A new table with only your processed data.
Ci Graph
Insert a scanned picture of your handwritten graph OR insert an electronic graph here. Make sure it
is large enough to see.
Sentence Starters for the title of your tables:
● Table showing…...
● Table showing the average…..
An example of my calculations:
I made these observations while carrying out my experiment….
I think my data were/were not reliable because….

Cii Interpreting Data

Explain your data using science vocabulary and descriptive words like increase or decrease.
Sentence Starters:
My data show….
My data suggest….
This might be because…
Another source that supports this reason is ________ which says….
I conclude that this experiment has /has not helped me solve my orginal problem. This is

Ciii Discuss the Hypothesis

Discuss your graph and data to evaluate if your hypothesis was supported or not using correct
scientific reasoning. Colour code your paragraphs.
● Make a CLAIM about your original problem.
○ State whether your hypothesis was supported or refuted based on your data analysis.
○ Sentence starter:
I predicted that…

● Provide EVIDENCE (your data) for the claim.

○ State and explain observations, trends or patterns that you observed from your data. SEE ABOVE.
○ Sentence Starter:
My data support/does not support/partially support my prediction…

● Provide REASONING that links the evidence (data) and your claim.
○ Use scientific reasoning to explain the claim and evidence you stated.
○ Sentence Starter:
I think this because…

Civ Discuss the Method

Discuss the overall reliability and validity of your method and results.

Overall should people trust the results of your experiment? why?

Overall, is your method easy to follow?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of your method? How these might have affected the validity
and reliability of the results?
Did you encounter any difficulties when carrying out the investigation? How did you solve them? Did
it affect the results?
You could use a table to include your Strengths and Weaknesses.

Sentence Starters:
-The method I followed did allow/did not allow/partially allowed me to answer the research
question. I think this because…
Some strengths in this method were…
Some weaknesses in this method were….
Something I found difficult in carrying out this method were….
If I wanted to test the same problem again, I would / I would not use the same method. This is

Cv Suggest Improvements
Identify problems in the method and suggest specific improvements. If you think you have the
perfect method, then describe how you would extend the experiment next time.

Sentence Starters to help you complete the table below:

I could improve this method by…
I would make these improvements because…

Method Significance Improvement

The step of the method that you What impact did it have on the Rewrite the step of your method
want to change. (caused data collected? (How were the so the problem doesn’t occur
incorrect results) results affected?) again.


This investigation has made me think of a new question, which is…
I could test this by..
I would like to find out more about _________ because..

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